390: Borrow

Although Earl Dooku has an unparalleled personal charm, his experience as a Jedi master also allows everyone to recognize his character.

Coupled with his profound knowledge, elegant temperament, lofty status, and infectious eloquence, he was easily recognized by the rulers of the outer ring planets.

But Tang Xiao was not included.

Tang Xiao doesn't think he's a good politician, and he doesn't understand many twists and turns, but he knows one thing - if he doesn't understand, he should find someone who understands to do it.

Therefore, even when he was still in poverty, he would promise the high position of the future prime minister of the empire and persuade Francis Underwood to come out to help.

The Star Wars world is a political place, and at least during the Galactic Republic, everything was ruled. Moreover, the Republic will at least superficially give some voices to those poor and weak planets for the sake of those democracies that are trying to hide. And if you don't know the rules and don't talk about politics, then you don't even have the right to speak on the surface.

Politics and strength are linked, but this does not mean that you can not talk about politics when you are not strong enough.

At least this is a democratic political arena, not Long Aotian's stage. If you want to have a good time, you must talk about politics, even if it doesn't make sense, because if you don't talk about it, you will have no chance.

To Tang Xiao's relief, Dawn Star also relied on his own strength to have a considerable say.

In fact, if someone else invited Tang Xiao, Tang Xiao would definitely agree. Because he knew that the Confederation of Independent Galaxies would be established one day, and the sooner he joined at this time, the more guaranteed his position in it would be.

But for the olive branch extended by Earl Dooku, whether it is Francis Underwood or Baron Helmut Zemo, the answer is-NO!

So according to his own cabinet's opinion, the last time Earl Dooku visited, Tang Xiao only expressed his agreement with his point of view, but did not agree with any substantive action. That's why Earl Dooku called him again today, and Tang Xiao also did not agree to Earl Dooku's request.

Because of Count Dooku's true identity, he is no longer a Jedi Master, but Darth Sidious' apprentice, Darth Tyranus, a Sith Lord!

And this war is exactly the process in which Sidious conspired to reshuffle the power system of the galaxy. The current fourth group and Dawn Star are actually already on the list that Sidious needs to clear! Because even if Sidious couldn't be sure of something, just because they were a force fostered by Plagueis was enough to make him want to kill.

In the plot, Darth Sidious’s actions to eliminate Plagueis’s remaining forces have never stopped. A typical thing is that he supported the human groups in the Interstellar Banking Association during the war, and eventually collapsed. The Muun people's control over the Interstellar Banking Association made the largest financial organization in the galaxy a tool in his hands.

Therefore, it can be inferred from this that Earl Dooku is now inviting Dawn Star and promising a high position through verbal hints. The ultimate goal is to put Dawn Star and the fourth group on fire, and use their power to severely damage the Galactic Republic. After that, kick it away again, and then annex them all!

Therefore, although the basic national policy of the Fourth Civilization has been determined to join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and fight against the Galactic Republic, it is definitely not in the attitude of a follower of Count Dooku (someone in another universe sneezed loudly)!

After finishing the communication, Tang Xiao connected Francis Underwood's communication, "Earl Dooku sent me a communication just now, he wants to invite Dawn Star to issue a joint statement with him to support his separatist movement .”

"Then the result is obvious." Francis said with a smile.

"You told me very clearly, Frank, and I also agree with your point of view. So I rejected Earl Dooku." Tang Xiao said.

"Hehehehe...Earl Dooku doesn't know what we are planning even if he wants to break his head." Francis laughed, "Let him think slowly, what we need is to use Earl Dooku in the outer ring Separatist waves in the sector, to do our own thing."

"Hehe... Count Dooku has worked so hard to create disputes in the Outer Rim Star Region and promote separatist ideas, but we can just take advantage of the situation and use the fear of the planets in the Outer Rim Star Region to win over our own forces. "Tang Xiao rubbed his chin and laughed sinisterly, "So, are you ready?"

"No problem, we are now working on a three-pronged approach. I will continue to win over the former Ring faction members by opposing the administration of Schiff-Palpatine in the parliament; Claire will continue to expand her Outer Rim Planet Mutual Aid Foundation, Get more political prestige; and you... I have arranged a secret meeting for you tomorrow." Francis said.

"Well done Francis." Tang Xiao nodded in approval, and the two continued to chat about some political topics, and then ended the communication.


The next day, Tang Xiao took Baron Helmut Zemo and the director of the Fourth Group, Gross Shelbya, on a shuttle to secretly go to the planet Jager-Dur, the home planet of the Ji Wen people.

The Yager-Dur planet is actually a planet located in the inner ring of the Milky Way, and naturally has developed industries. But as I said before, because of the planet's complex gravitational environment and the appearance and personality of the Ji Wen people, they are not welcomed by mainstream planets in the Milky Way.

On the back of Karilibali, one of the three satellites of the planet Yag-Dur, in the space station near the dock where the giant Titan battleship is being built, the pilot flew directly over the spaceship.

There are two queen-class armed space stations next to the Titan Dock for protection, and one of the space stations was temporarily vacated as the venue for this secret meeting.

After the spaceship landed, Dagus, the representative of the Given planet, accompanied the Prime Minister of the Given planet, Yata Barre, and was waiting. In fact, the name of the Ji Wen people was very difficult to pronounce, so that the illiterate named Xiao Jing could read it with tongue-tied degree, so The name is simplified, for example, Daggis' name is actually Daggibus Scoritoles.

Shortly after Tang Xiao's arrival, the representative of Planet Semirs, Thunbak-Tula, and their governor also came here.

The leaders of the three planets had an intimate meeting in the space station, and the representative of the Semiles people, Tuenbak Tula, was surprised from ear to ear when he saw the frame of the huge battleship with a length of 10,000 meters outside the window.

"Is this a battleship?" Thunbak-Tula said in disbelief.

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