The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 379: Shrouded in Darkness (Part 1)

377 , Shrouded in Darkness ( Part 1 )

The appearance of the Apocalypse-class light cruiser still caused an uproar, because it was a complete challenge to the authority of the Galactic Republic by the Fourth Group. The sanctions and fines here have not been implemented for you, so you just tore up the Rusan Treaty and started selling such over-limit warships on the black market?

Where is the face of my majestic Galactic Republic?

But turning around and thinking about it, the registered headquarters of the Fourth Group is on the planet Mygeto, the headquarters of the Interstellar Banking Association, and its active place is Nashada in the Hutt space. It is a place beyond the control of the Republic. !

The Apocalypse-class light cruiser also made several other warship manufacturers extremely nervous. The three warship manufacturers, Kuat Power Dockyard, Rendili Interstellar Power Company, and Corellian Engineering Company, expressed serious concern about this. Each of them purchased 5 to 10 Apocalypse-class light cruisers, and was ready to start dismantling and analyzing them.

However, the Ministry of Commerce of the Fourth Group directly rejected their purchase request, so these large ship manufacturers had to turn to others to buy second-hand ones.

But now the sales of the Apocalypse-class light cruisers are booming, and when they want to get the goods, they will wait at least 2 years.

However, they still started an emergency plan, and the Kuat Power Shipyard immediately started a new light cruiser project, chaired by the famous warship design expert Willix Blissex, and the project was named "Arquitens Project".

The Corellia Engineering Company has also launched a new project, preparing to build a new type of spaceship that costs no more than 5 million credits and can guarantee to defeat the Apocalypse-class light cruiser. The new spaceship is named the CEC-class light cruiser. Although Lundili Interstellar Power Company has been a bit battered recently because of the competition with Kuat for military orders, it still launched the "546 Project" to prepare for the construction of light cruisers.


Just when the arms race in the field of light cruisers was officially kicking off, the chairman of the Galactic Council, Schiff Palpatine, also received a communication.

The figure of Earl Dooku appeared in the holographic projection, and he seemed a little suspicious, "Your Excellency, do you know Darth Sidious?"

Palpatine showed a kind smile on his face, "It sounds like a Sith name, why do you ask me?"

"During the Battle of Naboo, I heard this name. I have no relationship with the Jedi Knights anymore, so let me ask you, maybe as a witness of the Battle of Naboo and the speaker, you should Know something," Count Dooku said.

Palpatine frowned, he hesitated, but then he stretched his brows and said, "I do know something about Darth Sidious. Because..."

His expression became cold, his voice distorted and greasy, "I am Darth Sidious."

Earl Dooku was not too excited, he looked at Palpatine thoughtfully, "It's unexpected, but it's also reasonable. But, I really didn't expect you to admit this so simply."

"Come to Coruscant, I want to talk to you—really, honestly," Palpatine said slowly.


Earl Dooku set off for Coruscant. He and Palpatine stayed in the office for more than three hours before leaving solemnly.

Palpatine was still sitting in his office, with his hands crossed to support his chin, with a ferocious expression on his face. He looked at the two alloy statues placed at the door of his office, and said to the one on the left: "You see Master? As we planned before, Earl Dooku does have the potential to turn to the dark side, but he actually took the initiative to come to me, which I did not expect."

Inside the statue on the left is the body of Darth Plagueis, the Sith Lord!

Palpatine shook the document in his hand, "Look, I also became the speaker of the Republic Council, the most powerful person in the Republic. I will continue to implement our plan, destroy the Republic, and then... establish Create an unprecedentedly powerful empire! My empire! And you, I also gave you this opportunity... Let you watch me standing at the pinnacle of this power and exercising this supreme right!! Hahahahaha!! "

He laughed loudly, "Isn't this what you most wish for? Now I am in front of you! You can see it every day, but... you can never touch it!"

His expression became more ferocious, and he let out bursts of terrible laughter. But the soundproofing device and various security devices in the speaker's office prevented his voice from leaking at all.

There are two alloy statues at the door of the speaker's office. On the left is the corpse of Darth Plagueis, and on the right is the lightsaber that he has not used for more than ten years!


Earl Dooku returned to the Jedi Temple. The news of his withdrawal from the Jedi Order has not yet spread, and with his reputation, even if he is no longer in the Jedi Order, he can come and go freely, at least for now.

He came all the way to the galaxy database kept in the Jedi Knight Library. The Jedi Knights and apprentices on the way bowed respectfully when they saw him.

But Earl Dooku ignored them. He went into the database, found the information on Planet Kamino, and deleted it directly with a sneer. After that, he purposefully deleted the data of the other 35 planets before turning around and leaving.

The star map in the Jedi database is the most comprehensive in the entire galaxy, and the existence of some planets in it cannot be known by others, otherwise it may cause trouble. The planets that Earl Dooku deleted were all possible uses in his plan.

Walking out of the Jedi Temple, Count Dooku took out the communicator and connected to Master Seve-Dias, "Has the order for the clone army been placed? Master Dias, my friend."

Seve Dias looked a little tired, "I have signed the contract on behalf of the Jedi Order, the capital injection of the Damask Holding Group has also been completed, and a mercenary named Jango Fett came to volunteer to provide genetic samples. The human army has already begun preparations."

"That is good. You have lit a bright torch for this decaying republic, my friend. So where are you now?" Count Dooku asked.

"I'm on the planet Felucia, where a group of Pikes are smuggling spices." Master Seve-Dias answered honestly without doubting him.

The smile on Earl Dooku's face gradually turned cold, "It looks like you need help. I'll come and help you right away."

"This group of Pikes are very cunning, I think I really need your help, Master Dooku." Seve-Dias has been doing missions outside, and didn't know that Dooku had left the Jedi Order.

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