Chapter 378 The Last Thing of This Year (Part 2)

376. The last thing of this year (Part 2)

"I have decided to withdraw from the Jedi Order, Your Excellency the Speaker." In the Speaker's Office, Earl Dooku said to Palpatine solemnly.

"Yes, I have also heard that you have inherited the title of Earl of Sereno. Due to busy work, I haven't had time to send you my sincere blessings." Palpatine said with a smile.

Count Dooku shook his head, "There is nothing to congratulate. I have completely despaired of the Jedi Knights. With their existence, the Republic has no future!"

"Unfortunately, my friend. We once swore to save the Republic together, and now I am finally in a position to reform the Republic, but you have left me." Palpatine sighed, "I respect you I regret what happened to my apprentice Qui-Gon-Jin, Sith... I didn't expect them to come back from the ashes."

"Sith..." Earl Dooku's tone was a bit strange, "Do you think Qui-Gon Jinn's death was caused by Sith?"

"It is said that a Sith Lord named Darth Maul killed him, didn't he?" Palpatine asked back.

"The confrontation between Sith and Jedi Knights has existed since ancient times, but it was the stubborn, ignorant and stupid Jedi Knights who really killed Qui-Gon Jinn!" Earl Dooku said through gritted teeth, taking a deep breath, "I'm here to say goodbye to you, my friend. I will return to Planet Serenno to complete the succession ceremony, and after that, there may be other things to arrange. I will not give up my original vow! Save the Republic, It doesn't necessarily need to be on Coruscant."

"Then, I am waiting for your good news." Palpatine said with a smile.


Earl Dooku, who returned to the planet Sereno, soon received a communication from an unexpected person. He frowned, connected to the communication, looked at the Neimoidians in the holographic projection, and asked slowly : "I don't know the governor of Tangtang Trade Union, what's your business with me?"

The person who sent the communication was the Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley. He has completely lost his sense of proportion now, and he didn't know what to do. He contacted all the people he could contact.

Noticing Earl Dooku's cold application, he hesitated for a while before saying, "You are the only Jedi I know..."

"It's not anymore." Count Dooku interrupted him and said coldly.

"Okay, okay..." Newt Gunley wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, "What I want to tell you is...the Sith have appeared. Yes, that's right, those Sith from the former Sith Empire Lord."

"I know that Darth Maul has been killed on the planet Naboo." Count Dooku was a little impatient.

"No, I'm talking about another...Darth Sidious..."

"Darth Sidious?" Earl Dooku frowned, this strange Sith title made him feel a little ominous.

"That's right...he planned all of this! Darth Maul is his apprentice, that's just a sharp blade that can be thrown away at any time!" Newt Gunray told him everything he knew, and he told Count Dooku also has a stronger and more cunning Sith Lord, and this person also has a strong influence in the political arena of the Republic. At the end, he added, "Hope, you can tell the Jedi Order about this... ..."

Count Dooku showed a meaningful smile on his face, and said, "Okay, I will inform the Jedi Order about this."


A day later, the Fourth Group held a grand press conference on a space station near Nasada, the Smuggler's Moon, the core of the Hutt space. At the press conference, the director of the Fourth Group, Gross Shelbya, announced , the new generation of light cruiser Apocalypse class independently developed by the fourth group officially made its first flight, and authorized the construction of this type of light cruiser to Higra Aerospace Group.

The official maiden flight of the Apocalypse-class corvette follows the signing of a symbolic licensing agreement between Gross Shelby and Higuera Aerospace Group Executive Director Kant Walters.

With her order, a 344-meter-long battleship broke away from the hyperspace channel and appeared near the space station. I have to say that this kind of light cruiser is really ugly, with a compact structure and no streamlined aesthetics, but in the next series of tests, the information displayed is quite shocking.

The Apocalypse-class light cruiser is equipped with two large turbolaser cannons and two large plasma cannons. Although there are not many turrets, the energy provided by the antimatter reactor is powerful enough, and it also brings terrible firepower. During the on-site shooting session, the 80-meter-long Republic-level shuttle with the shield fully opened was shot through the shield in one volley, and the second volley was blown from head to tail without aiming at the energy core. Countless fragments!

The next step is the speed and flexibility test. The Apocalypse-class light cruiser can reach the level of a frigate in terms of speed and flexibility, which can ensure that they can quickly adjust their design angle during battle, and then provide maximum firepower coverage.

Compared with the current warships of the same type, the Apocalypse-class light cruiser can easily defeat the 315-meter-long Hammerhead-class cruiser.

The appearance of this light cruiser is definitely epoch-making! Because this kind of light cruiser is a type of warship that absolutely exceeded the restrictions of Lusan’s reform. During this period, there were basically no similar warships on the black market, and they were generally small warships under 100 meters in size. Occasionally, some larger spaceships basically There are also cargo ships.

So the Apocalypse-class light cruiser is simply a dimensionality reduction blow on the black market at this time! Under the restrictions of Lusan's reform, all the warships that can beat it are in the Republic's military, and all the warships that can be bought can't beat it.

This will completely change the ecology of the warship market. Simply put, if a pirate buys this light cruiser, no escort fleet will be able to match it, and vice versa.

In other words, if you don't buy the Apocalypse-class light cruiser, you will fall behind in this invisible competition, and your living environment will be extremely deteriorated in the future.

The eyes of the Governor of the Trade Federation, Newt Gunley, who participated in the press conference shone with excitement, and he seemed to see hope. So with a big wave of his hand, he placed a large order for 100 light cruisers of this kind! 50 more than he had previously promised.

The snowflake-like orders have made the Fourth Group and Higra Aerospace Group a lot of money, and according to their current strategy, the Apocalypse-class light cruiser is not in the official list of the Fourth Civilization Navy, which is a complete All tools for making money. Since it is a tool, the weapons equipped on this light cruiser are naturally castrated versions.

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