298. Clouds of War

The brief rise of the Injoris was quickly suppressed when their chieftain was captured by the Jedi Order and brought back to Coruscant to stand trial.

But what people didn't expect was that several main members of the Injoli chiefs, including the wise men Caldek, Sufuk, and Yorick, committed suicide in the prison of Coruscant. Combined with the fact that their main military commander, Zam, also died during the raid on the Jedi Temple, this made the investigation impossible.

Master Yoda, the leader of the Jedi Knights, said that the mercenary Velma Gluck had no motive at all to incite the Injoli to launch a foreign invasion, so there must be a mastermind behind this incident.

However, there was no way to conduct investigations in this area, so they could only hastily put the blame on the fourth group.

The fourth group firmly denied it, saying that everyone in their group had full respect for the Jedi Order, and provoking the Jedi Order would not be of any benefit to the development of the group, and they would definitely not do so. They insisted that they had no intention at all, except that they had sold something to the Injorians.

What followed was a meaningless war of words, but the Galactic Republic passed a resolution to impose a trade embargo and economic sanctions on the Injorians, and forbade the Injorians from owning any combat spaceships that could fly across galaxies .

On several Injorian colonial planets, the few military factories that were originally there were forcibly dismantled and auctioned off, and the proceeds were used to compensate for the losses caused by the Injorian invasion.

At this time, the political situation on Injori's planet was also undergoing drastic changes, because Zam, the military leader of the Zam tribe, died, and the wise Kaldek and the chiefs were all arrested and then committed suicide. Therefore, the once most powerful Zam The tribe also fell apart.

Some surrounding tribes fought fiercely for the control of the capital Tor-Kachon City, and group fights occurred almost every day.

After losing the driving force of foreign aggression, the Injoli started the fighting mode again, and it seems that it will not end in a short time.

But the only exception is the Juha tribe. The tribe possessed one thing that was a very potent stimulant to the Inchoris—the cigar. They smoked cigars while beating the surrounding tribes, their strength became stronger and stronger, and driven by them, more and more Injoli smoked cigars.

Now on the Injori planet, you can see scenes of Injorians fighting wildly with cigars in their mouths everywhere. All the thoughts of the Injorians are now attracted by this straw stick called a cigar.

However, no matter what, all the cigar trade is in the hands of the Juha tribe, which also makes the Juha tribe stronger.


Three days later, a grand and profound funeral was held in the Jedi Temple.

During the invasion of the Injori, a total of seven Jedi Knights died. Including Master Nashan and her apprentice who went to mediate at the beginning, the two Jedi Knights who died while defending the Jedi Temple, and Master Mika-Jiyet who died when capturing the Injori chiefs, and Two other Jedi.

Especially Master Mika-Jiette, who is a member of the Supreme Council of the Twelve of the Jedi Order, has been active in fighting crime and smuggling for a long time, and has saved countless people. He can be said to be the busiest member of the Supreme Council, and he rarely appears in Coruscant, so that most of the time his position is temporarily represented by another Jedi master, Ki-Adi-Mundi.

However, it is embarrassing that such a master died in the invasion of the Injoli for no reason at all.

At the funeral, Master Yoda announced the coming of the dark side. To all members of the Jedi Order, dark times are coming, and the forces of the dark side are at work. Although it is not certain whether it is the greatest enemy of the Jedi Order-the Lord of the Sith has returned from the ashes, but this matter must be taken seriously.

Afterwards, the seat of the Supreme Council vacated by Master Mika Guiette was succeeded by Master Coleman Truber. Although Master Coleman-Trueber is insufficient in force and swordsmanship, he is a diplomatic expert and a master negotiator. Master Yoda and Master Windu hope that Master Coleman-Truebe will improve in this regard. In order to better mediate the conflicts that have ignited in the Milky Way.

Originally, the position of Mika-Giette should be taken over by Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, but Master Mundi was heartbroken because of the civil war on Seria and could not live in seclusion. Herman Truber.


Although the invasion war launched by the Injoris was finally resolved, the galaxy did not become more peaceful because of it.

Different from the excitement of the previous one that forcibly terminated the war between the Kali people and the Yamrui people, this time, from the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Finnis-Valorum, to every citizen of the republic who pays attention to this matter, there is something in their hearts. A group of haze lingering. ,

Everyone has a strong premonition that the days of peace may be gone forever.

On the planet Ceria, civil war intensifies. After Yuri-Olov was acquitted, he once again resumed the supply of weapons to the leader of the technological movement on the planet Ceria, Elder Dor-Femi-Bommi, and the technological movement army that received the supplies finally began to stabilize Take the castle as the core to expand your power.

Elder Layton, who hid a large number of weapons, also began to look for support, and then got on the line with the Technology Alliance, and began to arm his army with a large number of modern weapons.

In addition to these two major forces, some other warlords and separatist forces have also gone to the black market to buy weapons so that they can fight.

And at this time, Elder Dor-Femi-Bangmi finally played his trump card!

With Yuri-Olov's funding, Elder Dor-Femi-Bangmi got several transport ships, and then carried a large number of weapons and soldiers from the sky, and dropped them directly into the three prison cities!

These three prison cities are all the so-called "technical prisoners" who were imprisoned when the Elders of Seria set off the white terror against technological products. After the start of the civil war, the Prison City has also become a three-way zone, and the technology movement has been secretly communicating with the prisoners inside.

Now, with a large amount of weapons and equipment brought by Yuri Orlov, and a large amount of food and supplies sent by the fourth group under the banner of humanitarianism, they are finally able to digest more than 100,000 prisoners in the three prison cities!

The prisoners in Prison City had long been fed up with the Presbyterian Church. Now that the Technological Movement came to rescue them, without any hesitation, they immediately took up arms and joined the Technological Movement.

In this way, the three prison cities are like three nails, firmly nailed to the area under the control of Elder Layton, directly threatening Tekaf, the capital of Seria planet controlled by Elder Layton.

Elder Layton panicked, and hurriedly contacted the Governor of the Technology Union, Walter Tambor, and asked him to provide a batch of more powerful weapons.

However, what he didn't know was that Walter Tamber was drinking tea happily with Yuri Orlov at the moment! And what they are discussing is how many weapons they should sell to the warring parties on Planet Seria in order to reap the maximum profit.

Thanks to 20180802135342774 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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