297 , plunder

Master Windu led 8 other Jedi Knights to kill the Injoli's hidden Supreme Command, and the Injorians finally found out in horror that they couldn't stop the Jedi Knights with less than 10 people!

Especially Master Windu, who is holding a purple lightsaber, is even more god-blocking and killing gods and Buddhas. They even dispatched an armored force and they couldn't stop it!

Those tanks and armored vehicles are just a pile of scrap metal in front of Master Windu!

The wise men of the Injori chief almost pissed their pants when the enraged Jedi showed up at the High Command command center!

Caldek lay on the ground and howled loudly: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Spare me, spare me!!!"

Members of other chiefs also begged for mercy.

Master Windu ordered the others to unarm the chieftains, then walked over, looked at the Injoli who were huge but curled up on the ground, and said coldly: "Your ambition And power, it's over."

"Don't kill me... we surrender!" Kaldek yelled.

"Compared to the brutality before, you are just a bunch of poor people now. What about your weaklings?" Master Windu said coldly.

"You are stronger than us, and we are willing to surrender...our power...if we face stronger opponents, we will often be abandoned..." said Su Fuke, who was lying on the other side.

"So under your powerful appearance, you are actually just a coward who bullies the weak and fears the strong?" Master Windu sneered, "Say, who ordered you?"

"Yes... it's the mercenary Wilma Gluck." Kaldek replied tremblingly.

"Velma? The mercenary we caught in Isses before? It turned out to be him?! No wonder he knows the position of your Supreme Command." Master Windu suddenly realized.

"Damn! It's him! It's Velma! He betrayed us! He instigated all of this. He lied to us that no matter what we did, the Republic would not send troops to interfere. He also said that if the Jedi Order knew that we were against the Force If the control is ineffective, they will definitely wipe us out!" Kaldek said loudly.

Master Wen turned his head and said, "Obi-Wan, immediately inform the Judicial Fleet that the mercenary we handed over to them just now is a key figure! It must be strictly monitored!"

However, after Obi-Wan Kenobi connected to the Judicial Fleet's communication, his face suddenly changed, "Velma, escaped!"

"What?! How could he escape under the eyes of the judicial fleet!" Master Windu was shocked.

"It seems that Master Yoda is right. Behind this incident, it may not be that simple!" Master Qui-Gon Jin said slowly.


After Master Windu and his party directly captured the entire Injorian chieftain, the Injorians officially surrendered. They withdrew all fleet and ground forces, giving up all occupied areas.

And as part of the surrender agreement, the Injoris were completely disarmed. All their individual equipment, including flapping jetpacks, blaster rifles, assault rifles, and almost all spaceships were handed over, and only a few transport ships were kept to maintain contact between several colonial planets.

However, during the process of the Judicial Fleet supervising the withdrawal of the Injori, some accidents occurred.

The Golden Nice Shipyard, which was occupied by the Injori, has been handed over to someone else!

The fourth group!

The Fourth Group actually held a loan contract signed with the Inchoris before, claiming that the Golden Nice Shipyard was the Inchori's collateral, so according to the agreement, the shipyard has been taken over by the Fourth Group.

And because the Juha tribe of the Injoli people stationed in the shipyard, the fourth group took over the shipyard directly without much effort!

After getting the news, Phoenix-Valoren was furious and immediately ordered the fourth group to withdraw from the Golden Nice Shipyard. But Gross Shelby coldly refused, because the former owner of the Golden Nice shipyard was a black company, the Gzin company, and this company had been completely wiped out by the Inchori.

Besides, the surrender agreement of the Injoris stated that it was true to withdraw troops, but it was the Injoris who withdrew instead of the fourth group, so this shipyard was not within the scope of the surrender agreement.

Phoenix-Valorum immediately contacted the commander of the Judicial Fleet Squadron in the Injori system and asked him to directly occupy the Golden Nice Shipyard by force.

However, the Judiciary Fleet was originally at odds with Valoren, and the Governor of the Trade Federation, Newt Gunley, was behind the scenes. When he saw that his account had an extra 1 million credit points, the commander mercilessly refused. Following Valoron's orders. He said that it is okay to occupy the Golden Nice Shipyard by force, and take out the official resolution of the parliament, and this resolution must be personally approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Judicial Fleet.

So Phoenix-Valoren and the fourth group can only meet in court again, it doesn't matter to Tang Xiao, anyway, the fourth group still has plenty of time, but he, Phoenix-Valoren, the day when get out of class is just around the corner.

Afterwards, as soon as the judicial fleet left, the trade union's large transport ship arrived, bringing a large number of robots and technical equipment, and immediately began to renovate the shipyard, and will also build a large research institution next to it.

The shipyard will be dedicated to the production of Higra-class battlecruisers.

Not to mention, after the Inchori withdrew their troops, the United Mining Group also came over. In the Chalinor galaxy not far from the Nice galaxy of the Golden Nice shipyard, the colony of Mevic 7, which was massacred by the Inchoris before, was originally a colony serving mining, and the nearby Amador satellite is a Mineral Planet.

The owner of this mineral planet and the colony of Mevic 7 is the nearby planet Imalia. After the Inchori withdrew, the United Mining Group came over and expressed their willingness to help Imalia planet rebuild the Amador satellite. The only condition for the mine and the Mevic 7 colony is that the two sides jointly develop the mineral resources of the Chalinor galaxy.

And these resources are not worrying about selling. You can eat as many mineral resources as you can pull from the nearby Golden Nice Shipyard, and then use them to build Higra-class battlecruisers.

Planet Imaria weighed the pros and cons, and agreed.

Finnis-Valorum was furious again. He demanded that Planet Imaria not do business with the United Mining Group. This was tantamount to handing over the results of the Injorian invasion to others!

But the representative of Planet Imaria turned Valoren back in one sentence, "The United Mining Group can help us rebuild mines and colonies, which will solve the job problem of hundreds of thousands of people. Then the Galactic Republic can help me solve the problem. Is it?"

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