260. New entrustment

The test results were quickly delivered to Tang Xiao's desk, and as expected, the testers detected a special virus in Shirley Birkin's blood sample. However, this virus coexisted very strangely with Shirley Birkin's body tissue in harmony, without destructive reproduction and mutation, and it was miraculous that it could heal her body damage at an extremely fast speed.

Tang Xiao thought for a while, and notified Baron Helmut Zemo of this matter, and asked him to send someone to closely monitor the biological experiment space station where William Birkin was located, especially for William himself. To achieve 24 hours of uninterrupted monitoring.

After that, he sent a message to Cunte again, asking him to go back to the Endor galaxy. There will be further plans about the Injori that need his help.

Thinking about it now, whether it is the Injori planet or the Ceria planet, it is like a sealed pressure cooker, which is constantly increasing the pressure and expanding, and may directly detonate at any time.

Tang Xiao sat on the sofa, looking at the stars in the distance, with a serious expression. At this time, perhaps the countless people in the galaxy, including the chairman of the Galactic Council, Finnis-Valoron, all think that the disaster at the Eliadu business summit is a peak, and will the next one be extremely peaceful...

It's a pity...the peak they thought was just the beginning. Including the Fourth Civilization itself, the future is just a small boat in this storm.

Tang Xiao smiled, sorted out his mood, and flew towards the planet Dole in a shuttle. He was going to inspect the situation of the most important resource producing area of ​​the fourth civilization.

Over there, the United Mining Group's mining star ring has been built by one-third, and large-scale mining work is underway. In order to meet the increasing demand for resources, the United Mining Group also obtained some scientific research data of mining spacecraft from Tang Xiao. After their own research and development, some mining spacecraft have already been put into active service.

One is the Charger-class mining frigate, which is more than 100 meters long and highly automated, and can be operated by a single driver. This kind of mining frigate is stable and reliable, has a large cargo volume, and the cost is not high. It can be replaced with a mining laser module and a gas cloud collection module.

The former is used to collect solid ore, and the latter is used to collect resources in gaseous planets. One ship can meet various needs.

The second type is the delusional mining barge, which is about 200 meters long and has a crew of 10 [Note 1]. The mining efficiency of this spaceship is faster, and it can be equipped with up to three sets of large-scale mining lasers. It only takes more than 10 minutes to divide and collect an asteroid.

In addition, the Damask Holding Group also sent a large number of mining machines and mining robots to assist in mining. Now the interstellar dock of the Fourth Civilization is almost constantly under construction, and one spaceship after another is going down. The production line is then compiled into the navy of the fourth civilization or sold to every corner of the galaxy.

After dealing with the matter in hand, Tang Xiao went to the Dawn Star, found a beautiful place to sit cross-legged and began to meditate, feeling the peace brought by the natural breath of the Dawn Star.

At this time, the restless force of the dark side in his body will calm down.

After meditating for a while, Tang Xiao was interrupted by a sudden communication. He frowned. Not many people know about his private communication now. It should not be easy to find him at this time.

After connecting to the communication, a tall and thin figure appeared in the holographic projection, it was a Muun! But it wasn't Hego Damask II.

Judging from the skin and the wrinkles on his face, this Muun should be relatively young.

Tang Xiao looked at this person, and he almost guessed who it was. That person was also looking at Tang Xiao, and it took a while before he said: "You are the disciple of Teacher Hei Ge, Tang Xiao, right? Hello. My name is Sang Hill, and I currently belong to the Interstellar Banking Association. There will be some common topics."

It really was him! Future Co-President of the Interstellar Banking Association! In other words, he is the one who will manage the largest financial giant in the galaxy in the future and master countless wealth!

However, Sang Hill was still polite to Tang Xiao, probably because of Hei Ge's relationship.

Tang Xiao nodded, and responded with a smile: "Yes, I am Tang Xiao. Then Mr. Hill, what do you want me to do?"

"I won't go around in circles, maybe we will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future, Mr. Hei Ge is also strongly recommending you and your fourth group - of course, regarding the relationship between you, the fourth group and Dawn Star , He also told me. But for now, I have a cooperation project, are you interested?" Thorn Hill said.

"No one will have trouble with money, and I understand the relationship between you and Teacher Hei Ge. So there will be a lot of room for cooperation between us, just tell me." Tang Xiao said.

"Don't worry, it's not something beyond your ability. I also know the situation on the planet Seria, so I believe that you should be handy with the things here." Sang Hill touched his chin, and then reported A name, "Planet Kali."

Planet Kali! Tang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought of a plot.

Seeing his appearance, Thorn-Hil doubted him, "It seems that you don't know the existence of this planet, which is not surprising. Because this planet is located in the wild space (Wild space), it is a space between the outer ring and the In the more remote places in the western region, there is not even a stable hyperspace channel. But what I can tell you is that the planet Kali is still a member of the Galactic Republic."

"What kind of business can there be on this planet?" Tang Xiao asked with a smile.

"I like what you said, hahahaha." Sang Hill also laughed, "Simply speaking, the Kali are very brave and capable fighters, but their current regime is not so friendly to the Galactic Republic. So , The Republic hopes to help them change to a more...enlightened leader. This matter is currently being operated by me, do you understand what I mean?"


[Note 1: There are many theories about the operators of the spaceships in EVE, but I tend to adopt the statement that these spaceships actually have a large number of operators. Because there is no direct statement in the game to prove that a spaceship is operated by one person, the statement of the crew is actually played down by the game company due to gameplay considerations. So in the future, I will add crew to EVE's spaceship according to my own judgment. Don't spray if you don't like it. 】

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Charger-class mining frigate. 】

[Attachment 2 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Delusion-class mining barge. 】

Thanks to 94498 for the reward of 100 starting coins! ! !

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