The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 261 Buy One Get Two Free Biologist

259、Buy one get two free biologist

Tang Xiao hurriedly helped the little loli up. He naturally knew this little loli. After all, she was a legendary figure. "You are okay, Shirley. The space station is narrow, so don't run around."

He picked up the textbook she had left on the floor and handed it to her.

Little Loli stood up, brushed off the non-existent dust on her clothes, and said in an old-fashioned way: "Dad kicked me out... Cough, it's nothing, I'm in a hurry. Manager, you can take care of yourself." After finishing speaking Da Da Da ran away.

Tang Xiao frowned. He noticed that the redness on Little Lolita's knee was rapidly fading away, and suddenly thought of something. But he didn't continue to struggle, but walked in from the direction where the little loli ran out just now. It was a laboratory with two operating tables in the middle, and on each of them was the corpse of an Injoli. .

Two people in white coats, a man and a woman, were inspecting a piece of tissue under a microscope, and they kept writing on the handwriting board, completely ignoring Tang Xiao who just came in at the door.

The man was handsome, but his cheeks were thin, and he looked extremely sinister. And the woman was about 30 years old, and she was also very thin, with her blond hair tied up casually behind her head. Although she looked a little old, she still looked quite charming.

Tang Xiao gave a dry cough and knocked lightly on the door, "Dr. William Birkin, I'm here. What is the result you mentioned just now?"

"That, take it. I'm very busy now." The man said without looking back, pointing in the direction of the table.

Tang Xiao looked over, but only saw a few cigars on the table. He walked over to pick up the cigars, "Cigars? Did you add something to the cigars?"

William Birkin didn't speak, but said to the woman next to him: "Sample 1007, the cell necrosis rate is 11.17%, let's go to the second step..."

However, before he finished speaking, the microscope in front of him was grabbed by an invisible force, and smashed to pieces with a bang on the wall beside him!

"What are you doing?!" William Birkin turned to look at Tang Xiao and asked.

Tang Xiao smiled coldly, raised his hand and grabbed him, the original force immediately grabbed him by the throat, and lifted him abruptly! He watched William Birkin struggling violently due to suffocation, and said coldly: "What I want you to understand is what you are doing."

The woman hurriedly bowed to Tang Xiao and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry for the manager, it's just that there was an experiment just now at a critical moment..."

Tang Xiao threw William Birkin against the wall with a bang, even if he withdrew his strength, this knocked William into a mess, "Since the mastermind told me to come here in person, then I should put down the experiment in hand and do a good job." Talk to me. If the experiment is really critical, then you should wait until the experiment is over and then notify me. Put away your bad temper, or next time, you will taste what my bad temper is like."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Manager." William Birkin said with his head down.

Tang Xiao naturally understood that he lowered his head because he didn't want himself to see his expression, and then said: "Do well, and your talent will be displayed. If you are clever, then you have to go to the shit collector to display your talent."


"Now tell me what happened to the cigar." Tang Xiao asked.

"It's just an ordinary cigar. The Inchoris' physiology responds to this tobacco, and a cigar that is very ordinary to us is a strong stimulant to the Inchoris. My research is still ongoing. It needs more time, and it is impossible to produce decisive results in a few months, so you can use cigars to start your plan at present, manager." William Birkin answered in detail.

"Then you can continue." Tang Xiao left this sentence and left without looking back.

That's right, this legendary character who buys one get two free is William Birkin in "Resident Evil", and awakening him also comes with his wife Annette Birkin and daughter Shirley Birkin. Although it was buy one get two free, the reason why Tang Xiao didn't wake him up before was because he had doubts.

Because William Birkin is a madman! Although he may have outstanding talents and accomplishments in biology and genetics, this person's temperament is completely rotten. In "Resident Evil", he murdered James Marcus together with Wesker for the sake of superiority, and conducted insane human experiments, developed the G virus, and finally injected the G virus into himself in desperation, directly triggering Cataclysm in Raccoon City.

But later Tang Xiao still chose to wake him up. On the one hand, it was because the development of the situation on the Injori planet was not satisfactory, so he had to use extraordinary means.

On the other hand, it's because William Birkin's wife is nice, no, his daughter is nice... cough, no! It means that his wife and daughter are good! Well, it's about their personalities, personalities...

In short, the three views of his wife and daughter are quite normal, especially his daughter Shirley Birkin, who later became one of the protagonists, doing her part for the cause of anti-biochemical weapons.

So Tang Xiao awakened William Birkin with the mentality that if he couldn't do it, he would kill William Birkin, and then it would be fine for your wife and daughter to be raised by me.

Looking at it now, this guy is really arrogant...and really ignorant of current affairs. No wonder he also chose to cooperate with Wesker in the plot, seek skin with a tiger, and deserved to be robbed of his research results and silenced in the end.

Coming out of the biology lab, Tang Xiao saw Shirley Birkin still strolling outside, he walked over and asked, "Why are you wandering around in the lab, shouldn't you be going to school at this time?"

Shirley hesitated for a moment, but still replied: "My dad told me to leave him too far, he said he couldn't bear me."

Will William Birkin miss his daughter? This is the biggest joke of the century. Tang Xiao curled his lips and smiled, but thought of a possibility in his mind, he knelt down and whispered, "Can you give me your blood sample? Little Xueli."

He looks very much like an uncle who kidnapped Lolita.

Shirley shook her head and said, "No, my father will never allow this."

"Your father has to listen to me too, because I'm the biggest here." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Shirley hesitated, "But Dad will find out..."

Seeing this, Tang Xiao took out a small knife and said, "There won't be any traces. Look, I can teach you a spell. Can we exchange it?"

After he finished speaking, he cut his hand with a knife, and the blood flowed out immediately, which made the little loli exclaim. But immediately, Tang Xiao threw away the knife, and with the other hand, a force of life was gathered and slashed across his wound.

The wound healed immediately! !

Seeing this scene, Shirley Birkin was dumbfounded, "Wow! Is this... really magic?"

"Of course. Want to learn?" Tang Xiao asked.

Shirley nodded quickly.

"Then I need some samples of your blood, so that I can know if you can learn this kind of magic." Tang Xiao was persuasive.

Little Lolita was finally tempted by the magical magic. Although she hesitated for a while, she still nodded emphatically.

After a while, Tang Xiao came out with a small bottle of blood sample, and then handed it to the T-850 guard beside him and said, "Give this blood sample to the scientific research department for secret testing immediately, remember, the experimental environment must be completely sealed! Absolutely There must be no leaks!"

"Yes." The T-850 with Schwarzenegger's face nodded, and immediately turned to arrange the matter.

Tang Xiao took a deep breath, his expression a little cold. It seemed that he had relaxed his vigilance a little bit. If he guessed correctly, Shirley Birkin's body was implanted with the G virus!

In other words, William Birkin, a biologist who buys one and gets two free, is not that simple! -

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Annette Birkin. 】

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 2: William Birkin. 】

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