The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2237: The Split of the Jedi Order and the Establishment of the Blood Order (Part 2)

2238. The split of the Jedi Order and the establishment of the Blood Order (Part 2)

It was precisely because of the orbital bombing that the Jedi Order split.

Some of the Jedi Knights began to believe that war is about resorting to any means, and that in order to win the war, any means should be used. Since orbital bombing can bring victory, it should be used without hesitation! As for the future, let’s talk about it later!

Another part of the Jedi adheres to the creed of the Jedi Order and believes that even in war, one should not give up civilization and humanity, because once you give up these, the final outcome can only be common. destroy. If a battle reaches a point where civilians must be massacred, orbital bombing must be carried out, and planets must be destroyed in order to win, then the war has actually failed.

And most importantly, if the Jedi Knights, who claim to be the guardians of the galaxy, begin to abuse orbital bombing as a means of warfare, then what are the Jedi Knights? Or the Guardians of the Galaxy? What is the difference between such a Jedi Knight and a Sith?

There was a very heated debate between the two factions of Jedi Knights, and no one could convince the other. And at that time, there was also a split at the top of the Jedi Order.

Mace Windu, the second-in-command of the Jedi Order, encountered a sneak attack by the Death Angel during the battle on the planet Harunkar, and his favorite disciple Depa Billaba also fell to the dark side. So under the attack of Depa-Bilaba and the Death Angel, Mace Windu was seriously injured. His spine was severed by Depa-Bilaba's sword and he was directly paralyzed.

Later, although Mace Windu saved his life after rescue, his temperament changed drastically and his views on war also changed.

And Mace Windu is the one who supports that the war should be won by any means necessary.

With his support, and the fact that Master Yoda has been out of the spotlight most of the time, rarely making direct decisions, especially since he was injured by the Death Angel during the Battle of Rendili Planet, and spent a period of time recovering from his injuries behind closed doors. . Therefore, within the Jedi Order, there is no power that can stop these extreme Jedi Knights.

So from that time on, this group of extreme Jedi Knights, headed by Mace Windu, began to use "blood for blood" as their slogan. It means that they will make those who started the war and caused the killing pay with blood, and they will pay any price for it!

Later, the first Jedi to sign the orbital bombardment order was one of these people.

From this point on, the Jedi Order had essentially split into two parts, but at least at that time, the two factions still stood together.

What really split the Jedi Order into two was when they learned from the Dead Angels that the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who had been hidden deep down, was none other than the Speaker of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine himself. This piece of information!

After confirming this, the anger and hatred in the hearts of this group of Jedi Knights headed by Mace Windu has reached its peak. They believe that it was Darth Sidious who deceived them all, so he should be responsible for countless Responsible for the sacrifice of the Jedi, the sacrifice of countless troops, and the sacrifice of countless civilians!

Blood Warrior is what he was called from this time on. The Jedi Order also began to lose control.

Mace Windu believed that they could no longer defeat Darth Sidious at this time, so he led the entire Second System Army to attack the Neutrals System Alliance in the Mandalorian sector. His original plan was to occupy the Mandalore Sector as a base, use the Second System Army as the foundation, become a separatist warlord, and then slowly confront Darth Sidious.

His military operation also took away many extreme Jedi Knights. From the perspective of the Jedi Order, this was a split.

Master Yoda held his still-healed body and forcibly assassinated Sheev Palpatine. It was probably because the Jedi Order was out of control and divided, which made him feel desperate.

But this time the Jedi Order split, neither of the two sides got a good ending.

Mace Windu led the Blood Warriors and the main fleet of the Second System Army to attack the Mandalorian sector, but encountered Severance Tann, who was eventually divided and attacked by Tann, and the main fleet was defeated. Part of the remnant army returned to the Galactic Republic, and Mace Windu could only lead another part of the remnant army to hide and survive.

After Master Yoda disappeared, the Jedi Order headed by Master Shaak-Ti began an emergency evacuation. Although many apprentices were sent away, they were eventually betrayed by Anakin Skywalker, who fell to the dark side. And massacre, the issuance of Order 66, the Jedi Order suffered heavy casualties.

Many of these Jedi Knights were exiled, and then gradually gathered together to form the New Jedi Order.

As a result, the once glorious Jedi Order finally collapsed, and the remnants were divided into two parts-the Blood Order and the New Jedi Order.

Most of the Jedi Knights of the Blood Knights fell to the dark side because of anger and hatred. Almost everyone thought they were dead, but they survived very strongly.

In order to get support, the Blood Warriors began to secretly contact some anti-Galaxy Empire forces through the mediation of Ki-Adi Mundy. He packaged himself as a powerful mercenary force in order to gain support.

That is, in this process, at the beginning, some planets that had revolted wanted to seek the help of the Blood Warriors, and then these planets joined the rebels' unified command of the "leader". So from this time on, the Blood Warriors inevitably got in touch with the rebels.

However, the Blood Warriors are really closely related to the remnants of the separatism!

Most of these planets that had previously joined the Confederation of Independent Systems were non-human races. Even if they surrendered, they still received various discriminations and exploitations in the Galactic Empire and could not see the future at all. So these forces began to actively seek military help, so that they could resist the Galactic Empire and restore the separatist forces.

So, the Blood Warriors lacked money, and the remnants of the separatism lacked weapons. The two sides hit it off and began to cooperate secretly.

So in the past few years, many times the Blood Warriors secretly supported the resistance movements of those planets. This actually coincided with the rebels, but the Blood Warriors' style of doing things was more extreme.

The Blood Warriors will use assassination, kidnapping, extortion, and even terrorist attacks to achieve their goals. Wherever they appear, they are often accompanied by brutal killings!

So the relationship between Mace Windu and the "leader" of the rebels is such that although both sides have the same enemy and the same goal, they are wary of each other and are not the same kind of people at all.

Therefore, now, the news from the contact person of the rebels said that a man named Orega came to find him on behalf of Tang Xiao, which made Mace Windu feel very vigilant.

He began to think whether he was exposed.

And there is still a large amount of blood debt to be settled between him and the Angel of Death Tang Xiao! Tang Xiao, in Mace Windu's hunting list, ranks second only to Darth Sidious! (End of this chapter)

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