The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2236: The Split of the Jedi Order and the Establishment of the Blood Order (Part 1)

2237. The Split of the Jedi Order and the Establishment of the Blood Order (Part 1)

"Orega... I've never heard of this name." Mace Windu frowned.

"The contact person from the Rebellion said that this person should have no relationship with the Galactic Empire, but the relationship with the Principality of Dawn is somewhat complicated. It doesn't seem like a friend, but it's not an enemy either... Moreover, this time, this person named Orega came here at the request of Tang Xiao, and it is said that he hopes you can help." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"Tang Xiao..." Mace Windu frowned and pondered, his expression became extremely gloomy.

Before falling to the dark side, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was one of the most respected masters of the Jedi Order. He was once a member of the Jedi Council and had a good relationship with people. And after he fell to the dark side, he also locked himself up and fought against the erosion of the dark side.

Therefore, although Master Ki-Adi-Mundi has fallen to the dark side, he is not crazy or extreme. In addition to his already high popularity, he became the second most important figure in the Blood Order after Master Windu.

And because Ki-Adi-Mundi also had contacts with many political figures in the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, he was also the one in the Blood Order who was mainly responsible for contacting the Rebellion.

Yes, the Blood Order also had some contact with the Rebellion, but this was only part of it. The Blood Order and the Rebellion came together more because they had a common enemy.

In essence, the Blood Order and the Rebellion could not talk to each other. There were actually other people who had deep contacts with the Blood Order.

The Blood Order was originally a part of the Jedi Knights in the Jedi Order.

Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars ten years ago, Sheev Palpatine, then Speaker of the Galactic Republic, had always wanted to create a more professional and powerful army, but the Republic Congress always obstructed this. Because the parliament believed that creating an offensive army was contrary to the purpose of the Ruusan reform a thousand years ago.

Sheev Palpatine could only settle for the second best and wanted to get emergency ruling power. At that time, the separatist movement was intensifying under the leadership of Count Dooku, and it was gradually out of control. Obi-Wan Kenobi sneaked into the planet Geonosis and found that Count Dooku was signing contracts with super companies and major forces such as the Trade Federation, Dawn, and the Interstellar Banking Association and launching wars.

At that time, the war was imminent and was about to break out the next day. The Republic Parliament agreed to give Sheev Palpatine emergency ruling power, allowing him to bypass the parliament and make decisions directly when dealing with some issues related to the war.

So the first order issued by Sheev Palpatine after bypassing the parliament was to withdraw from the "Military Creation Act" and establish the Grand Republic Army.

According to the Military Creation Act, the Jedi Order will become the commander of this army. And all troops above the legion level must have at least one Jedi Knight on the scene to command when attacking. When conducting military operations, the status of a Jedi Master in the army is equivalent to that of a general.

This rule seemed to be justifiable at the time, because after the existence of the Clone Army was exposed, everyone discovered that the signature of the founding of this army was Jedi Master Sefer Dias. Therefore, it is generally believed within the Galactic Republic that the army was established by the Jedi Order, so it is natural for the Jedi Order to lead this army now.

After the establishment of the Grand Republic Army, the Speaker of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine, became the nominal supreme leader of this army, but most of the time he handed over the command to the Jedi Order. It was this behavior that won Sheev Palpatine a lot of applause in the parliament. Many people believed that this was his generous act of not being greedy for power and actively delegating power.

However, no one knew at that time that the demise of the Jedi Order began with the command of the Grand Republic Army.

During the war, the Jedi Knights fought on the front line to maintain the peace and unity of the Galactic Republic. Their heroic fighting brought the Galactic Republic victory after victory. For this reason, a large number of Jedi Knights also died heroically in the war.

But what they got was not flowers and applause, but more and more criticism. Because war cannot always be won, the Jedi Knights are always condemned in every failure - because you can't blame the clone soldiers created for war, right?

And because Jedi Knights are present in almost all battles, the damage caused by the war is also counted on the Jedi Knights. There are cities destroyed, civilians affected, and planetary famine... Although the Jedi Knights have done their best to avoid all this, manpower is limited after all. The war that swept the entire galaxy is far from what the Jedi Knights, who only had less than 20,000 people at that time, can bear.

Jedi Knights, at this time, became synonymous with war. They lost their former identity as arbitrators and their status was no longer transcendent. They began to penetrate into politics, the military, and inevitably into the economy, and thus began to touch upon the core interests of some classes, such as the aristocrats in the core circle.

The reputation of the Jedi Order also plummeted. Ironically, the more victories they won on the battlefield, the worse their reputation became.

The one who signed the establishment of this army was Jedi Master Sefer Dias, which was a hurdle that the Jedi Order could not get around. It was this incident that gave the Jedi Order the bad reputation of starting a war. Coupled with their front-line command, all the guilt related to the war was pinned on the Jedi Order.

What's worse is that as the Clone Wars gradually deepened, the war became more and more uncontrollable. In order to ensure victory in the war, the plan of orbital bombing began to be put on the table. In many battlefields, if orbital bombing is not carried out, it is almost impossible to defeat the combat robots that are almost everywhere in those cities.

However, orbital bombing is clearly prohibited as an anti-civilization and anti-social behavior. Because endless orbital bombing will only turn habitable planets into ruins one after another. In the long run, where is there room for life in this galaxy?

Even though there is a relatively advanced atmospheric modification technology now, the natural position of the planet accounts for 99% of the factors that make a habitable planet a habitable planet. If a planet is slightly closer or farther away from a star, it is not inherently habitable. No matter how it is modified, the upper limit is just barely habitable.

Therefore, orbital bombardment has become a taboo thing, and the Jedi Order is naturally firmly opposed. But at this time, Sheev Palpatine issued a decree allowing the Grand Republic Army to conduct orbital bombardment, but the prerequisite is that it must be signed by the Jedi commander.

On the surface, this is a decision that fully respects the Jedi Order, but in fact, it pushes the Jedi Order to the edge of a knife!

And the Jedi Order, it was at this time, began to split. (End of this chapter)

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