Chapter 2223 Good Soldier

2224. Good soldier

The fierce battle in the sky is still continuing. After launching more than 200 sets of orbital drop capsules, the Cheer-class assault landing ship is desperately trying to leave the planet.

And the other 10 Victory II-class Star Destroyers are covering in the higher air.

However, the anti-aircraft firepower on the planet Cato-Neimoidia did not intend to allow the Cheer-class ship to achieve its wish. Countless anti-aircraft missiles and turbolaser cannons were wildly involved, vowing to completely destroy the warship that broke into the planet's atmosphere. .

Hunter, the commander of Clone Unit 99, has led the team away from the orbital airdrop position and entered the depths of the jungle. But even in this dense jungle, the firelight that was constantly shining in the sky still illuminated the surroundings like daylight.

Suddenly, the reminder on the technician's wrist sounded an alarm, and he immediately whispered: "Hidden!"

Everyone lay down on the spot in a tacit understanding and moved behind the bunker with undetectable movements. A few seconds later, a group of Vulture robot fighters passed by at low altitude, making an unpleasant whistling sound. However, they did not find Unit 99, but flew towards the place where their orbital drop capsule landed.

"Be careful, there are usually Banshee fighters near the Vulture robot fighter formation. With the equipment in our hands, the Banshee fighters cannot be detected." The hunter whispered.

"Don't worry, although we can't see the banshees, they can't be invisible forever. As long as we find their patrol pattern, we can avoid it." The technician said, "I am trying to hack into the Trade Federation's military communication channel... …”

He quickly operated on the micro terminal on his wrist, "Now the Knox is providing me with data support... but I don't know how long I can hold on... I can't do it anymore! Leave the battleship now! Leave!" He said in the second half of the sentence It was said to the other end of the communicator.

"Is it the short-haired female technician you hooked up with two days ago?" Caihong turned around and said seriously, "Then you'd better let her escape to the rescue cabin quickly."

"I'm just letting her escape!" the technician became a little anxious, "but she's still transmitting the Trade Federation's communication data to me!"

Medical soldier Iron Box looked up at the Cheer-class assault landing ship in the sky, which was covered in wounds and explosions were constantly exploding on the ship. He shook his head and said, "It won't last long, Knox."

However, at this moment, on the technician's micro-terminal, the small progress bar is still moving forward slowly... 71%, 72%, 73%...

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! There was another dense explosion in the sky, and a formation of small frigates was seen flying over the Knox Cheer-class assault landing ship, and they launched a dense missile from a high position!

These missiles exploded immediately after being launched, and then a larger number of micro-missiles were fired directly at the battleship, causing a large explosion to explode continuously!

"H.A.L.O cluster missile! This is the Valkyrie-class frigate of Tyran Heavy Industry!" Crosshair adjusted the focus of the tactical eyepiece and said in a deep voice, "The Knox is finished, we must leave here as soon as possible! Once the Knox falls, We don’t even know if he’s going to fall on us!”

"Let's go! Speed ​​up!" the hunter said, patting the technician on the shoulder.

The nine members of Unit 99 immediately ran forward. The rugged and winding forest land could not stop the strong figures of the clone soldiers.

But the technician was still at the end, staring at the micro terminal on his wrist, and kept muttering: "Stop! Stop! Run! Run!!"

But the progress bar is still slowly and steadily increasing, 85%, 86%, 87%...

There was a sudden terrifying roar in the sky! Accompanied by continuous explosions like firecrackers... the technician looked up and saw that the Cheer-class assault landing ship had completely lost control. What was ejected from the engine nozzle was no longer a plasma jet, but mixed with billowing smoke. The fire! The posture of the battleship also began to tilt, the rudder had failed, and the battleship was spinning in the air! What's even more desperate is that the engine has apparently almost lost power and the battleship has begun to fall!

But the progress bar is still moving forward, 96%, 97%, 98%...

From both sides of the battleship, escape capsules began to be launched continuously. It was the captain who gave the emergency order to abandon the ship.

"Asshole! Leave quickly! Leave!! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!!" The technician yelled at the communicator desperately.

At this time, there was a terrifying loud noise in the sky! Even at this moment, the earth is shaking! I only saw the reactor part of the Cheer-class assault landing ship erupting with a burst of dazzling light comparable to a star, and then it was directly broken into two pieces in the terrifying explosion!

The sound of metal breaking resounded throughout the sky, as if the battleship was groaning and lamenting its impending fate.


Pah~~~~A sound of electric current came from the technician's wrist, [This... Valkyrie-Alpha Squadron, any... is completed... Pah... the enemy ship was shot down...]

[Received, female martial artist Alfa, immediately go to coordinate point 90.73.112, there are 27 TIEs fighting Alfa... hitting the factory. 】

【clear. It's just a salvo thing...It's showtime!】

"Success!!" Ye Zi's tone was filled with excitement, "You hacked into the Trade Federation's command and communication system!"

Boom~~~~~~! ! ! ! The triangular bow of the Cheering-class assault landing ship plunged straight into the ground. The violent explosion was accompanied by an earthquake of at least magnitude 4, and then, there was the flames that shot up into the sky!

The sky seemed to be on fire, and it was all red everywhere...

The technician looked at the direction where the battleship fell. Although the full-coverage helmet covered his expression, his figure seemed lonely and lonely...

The Force soldier Rainbow shook his head. From the technician's emotions, he felt the endless sadness. He seemed to see a short but firm figure sitting in front of the battleship's main engine. Even though the explosions and flames around her continued to devour everything, she was still operating quickly, assisting the technician in processing every instruction...

The collar was set on fire, the hair was scorched, and the fingers were burned with blood-red swelling, but she still did not leave. Until the most violent explosion engulfed everything, the charred fingers finally typed the last command...

Hunter walked over, patted the technician on the shoulder, and said, "Don't let her efforts go to waste."

"Good soldier, obey orders." Crosshair also walked over and patted the technician on the other shoulder.

"I would rather...she is not a good soldier." The technician looked at the sky, "At least, she still has a chance to live."

I saw the vulture robot fighters catching the lifeboats in the sky and taking them back to the air base. Obviously, the Trade Union did not think it could hold out to the end, so the prisoners in these escape pods were all used for negotiation.

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