Chapter 2222: The Battle of Cato Neimoidia (Part 1)

Chapter 2222 Battle of Cato-Neimoidia (Part 1)

2223, Battle of Cato-Neimoidia (Part 1)

The core of the Milky Way, Cato-Neimoidia.

A huge fleet is gathering far away from the planet, just stuck in the gravity well, and has not entered the planet's synchronous orbit, or maintained the synchronous operation of the planet's rotation.

This fleet of the Galactic Empire has a total of 190 Imperial-class Star Destroyers, 80 Victory II-class Star Destroyers, 3 Tracker-class aircraft carriers, and 30 Victory I-class Star Destroyers and Hunter-class battlecruisers. In addition, there are more than 1,800 small and medium-sized warships including Nightwatch-class frigates, DP-20 anti-aircraft gunboats, CR-90 frigates, Aquitens-class light cruisers, and Predator-class frigates.

In the direction of the front of the fleet, countless debris and wreckage are floating here. The armed space stations and Gauss defense platforms in this area have been cleared by the fleet's powerful firepower.

But under normal circumstances, this alone is not enough to launch a frontal offensive against the planet. Because the planet is constantly rotating, if you want to maintain a long-term offensive, you must keep pace with the planet's rotation. Otherwise, you just landed here, and the planet quickly turned to the other side, and then the landing troops will be surrounded by enemies and finally slaughtered without external aid.

However, if the offensive is to continue, then this fleet will undoubtedly face the defense facilities in other directions of the planet. With such continuous consumption and attack, the fleet currently assembled here is far from enough!

The direction of Cato-Neimoidia is only the main attack point of the Galactic Empire, and the other two wealth planets-Deco-Neimoidia and Cru-Neimoidia are also launching offensives simultaneously. However, the number of warships invested in the other two planets is relatively small, and the current main task is to clear the defense fleets outside these planets and cut off the supply transportation to the planets.

From the equator of Cato-Neimoidia, bursts of fire continued to light up, and then powerful beams of light were fired. It was the planet's orbital defense system firing. The warships of the Galactic Empire also kept evading while firing back at the planet, but their firepower was all blocked by the planetary shield.

The Trade Federation used the most advanced planetary shield here, which did not affect the protection of the planet itself while the orbital defense system fired.

The two sides had been firing at each other in the air for a week, and during this time, Darth Vader had been waiting for the fighter he wanted.

The figure wearing black armor and a black cloak, who was two meters tall, stood on the bridge like this, with heavy breathing coming from the respirator. The terrible oppression made every officer and soldier of the Imperial Navy around him silent.

"My lord... including Unit 99, a total of 200 special operations units have been deployed." An officer walked over and said.

Darth Vader nodded and said in a dull voice: "Then don't hesitate! Launch the attack immediately!"

With his order, the huge Imperial fleet immediately started up its engines, shields, and firepower! Dense turbolaser cannons and missiles were fired towards the planet. Not only that, after advancing thousands of kilometers into the range, plasma cannons specifically designed to counter shields also opened fire one after another. Countless plasma groups containing powerful electromagnetic pulses fell on the planetary shield, bringing up countless energy ripples like water waves.

Aware of the Imperial fleet's actions, the planet's orbital defense system also opened fire at full force. Not only that, the warships that had been hidden in the planet's atmosphere also rushed out and fired crazily at the Imperial fleet.

Generous-class frigates, Providence-class destroyers, Victory I-class star destroyers, Victory II-class star destroyers, Behemoth-class battlecruisers, Cole-class battlecruisers, and various warships began to appear from the planet's atmosphere. These are the assets accumulated by the Trade Federation over the years. Now they are also willing to fight the Galactic Empire to the death!

Darth Vader commanded the fleet to launch a resolute attack. Under his command, the fleet was efficient and ruthless, like a sharp knife, constantly tearing the planet's defense.

But such an attack had little effect!

It was still the same reason - the planet was rotating. If you don't enter the synchronous orbit and just stand there to attack, then the orbital defense system that is now fighting fiercely with the fleet will soon turn to the other side of the planet, and then the defense force will have a whole day to repair and prepare. When it turns around again, it will be in good condition again!

However, Darth Vader was determined to achieve his goal no matter what! He strictly ordered all warships to fire at full power and focus on attacking one point. Finally, with countless firepower and the loss of more than 20 battleships, he finally opened a gap!

Taking advantage of the extremely short time when the planetary shield was restored, a Cheering-class assault landing ship, under the cover of 10 Victory II-class Star Destroyers, directly killed into the planet's atmosphere!

This Cheering-class assault landing ship rushed in with the mentality of being certain to die, and the other 10 Victory II-class star destroyers had no intention of surviving.

The powerful orbital defense firepower on the planet Cato-Neimoidia almost tore apart the Cheering-class deflector shield in a short period of time, but the landing ship still launched all the orbital drop pods at the last moment!

Boom! Boom! Boom!!! Three orbital drop capsules fell to the ground. The moment they touched the ground, the bottom of the orbital drop capsule exploded, relying on the reverse thrust of the explosion to reduce the speed. At the same time, the drop capsule disintegrated on all sides, allowing the crew inside to get out as soon as possible.

More than 20 clone soldiers wearing iron-gray polymer alloy armor ran out from the three drop capsules.

"Don't stay! Get out of here as soon as possible!" Hunter, commander of the 99th clone force, shouted loudly, "Crosshai, set up a sniper position immediately and observe the surroundings!"

As he spoke, he quickly counted the crew members of his team, a total of nine. Including the original members Crosshair, King of Obstacles, Technician, Echo, and the members of the second phase who were absorbed later, Iron Box, Beard, Leaf, and Rainbow.

Among them, Beard, Leaf, and Rainbow had participated in the previous military operations on the planet Harun Kar, and their cerebral cortex showed signs of activity. After research, it was shown that they may have awakened a certain degree of the Force due to the special environment on the planet Harun Kar.

Iron Box was a medic who performed well in the battle of the Blade Fleet.

"You! Which unit are you from?" The hunter asked loudly, looking at the soldiers getting on and off the other two orbital airdrop capsules.

"We were originally affiliated with the 212th Attack Battalion, and are the 118th Squadron of this special operation!" said one of them.

"We were originally affiliated with the 501st Legion, and are numbered as the 47th Squadron this time!" said a soldier in another airdrop capsule.

"You have lost some personnel." The hunter looked at the corpses in the airdrop capsule and said, "If the number is not enough, reorganize yourself to ensure survival! Now, we need to separate and perform our respective tasks!"


Thanks to rainbowbody for the 100 starting coins reward! !

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