Chapter 2217 Changes in Chis Territory

2218. Changes in Chis Territory

Therefore, although the current Kingdom of Light, Kilgi, is still an independent country, it has actually begun to be infiltrated by the Holy Advent Church. As a religious country, the emergence of another legal religion means that the foundation of the country is shaken!

The countdown for the Kingdom of Light, Kilgi, to become a vassal of the Principality of Dawn can actually be counted down.

So now, although the situation around Chis Territory seems very complicated, it is actually very simple. This is the sphere of influence of the Principality of Dawn, which is the only one in power.

But there are hidden dangers. The stability of Chis Territory and surrounding civilizations and countries depends to a large extent on the military occupation of the Principality of Dawn. In other words, the powerful garrison fleet of the Principality of Dawn is the basis for maintaining this stability.

Mis-Ro-Nurudo-Thron actually saw this very accurately.

And what Sheen-Morabito said about letting Abathur come over for a visit is actually such a means. Because at this time, the Chis Territory, after all, had been an independent regional overlord for thousands of years. Now it was suddenly annexed by someone, and the family system of thousands of years was completely destroyed and reshuffled. In fact, it was still unstable in the territory.

So he had to create an enemy, and an enemy that looked like an 'enemy'.

For example, the Kingdom of Light, Kilgi, would not work. You can use them as enemies, but there must be religious people in the Chis Territory, and they must have sympathy for the Kingdom of Light. Therefore, this enemy cannot be the Kingdom of Light, nor can it be other intelligent and civilized races.

Therefore, the Kilik Swarm became the best choice!

Because the Kilik Swarm is completely a group of monsters to ordinary people. They are Gestalt consciousness, without emotions, only know how to eat and kill, and have a terrifying and hideous appearance.

That's right, the Kilik Swarm is the enemy!

Governor Sheen-Morabito's plan is to create a terrifying enemy for the Chis Territory through the Toget Zerg controlled by Abathur, and to rebuild the cohesion of the Chis Territory by constantly fighting against the invasion of the Zerg.

The people of the Chis Territory now have a basic concept, that is, an extremely powerful Kilik Zerg is rising on the edge of the Chis Territory, and they have always wanted to rush into the Chis Territory, kill people, and treat everyone as food.

Admiral Chiara and Governor Sheen-Morabito are leading the garrison fleet and the newly established Chis Territory Defense Army to resolutely resist the invasion of the Kilik Zerg.

Such combat operations happen every two or three days, and most of them are relatively smooth, without too much loss, and there is no heavy economic pressure in the territory. So now most of the Chis people, one of their daily actions is to focus on the war against the Zerg and discuss how many Zergs the army has killed today.

Therefore, under the command of Governor Sheen Morabito, the Eternal supercarrier returned to Chis Territory. After three days of rest on the planet Hisra, it set out again on the pretext of exterminating the Zerg and headed for the border of Chis Territory.

Sheen Morabito's plan was to create an undefended state on the planet Hisra to attract those family forces to emerge. In this way, the collusion between them and the Galactic Empire would be exposed and then wiped out.

In fact, the last one-day rebellion launched by the family forces in Chis Territory fell into such a trap. Sheen Morabito now intends to repeat the same trick and do it again.

However, what no one expected was that this time, things went wrong in the first step!

On October 18, the Eternal supercarrier was suddenly attacked when it was sailing near the planet Noris, and sent an emergency distress signal to the planet Hisra that afternoon!

Admiral Chiara, the commander-in-chief of the Chis Territory Defense Fleet, immediately led 10 Hell Angel-class battlecruisers to the planet Norris in an emergency.

However, when Admiral Chiara led the fleet to the planet Norris, he found that there was nothing here except some warship wreckage! But the Eternal super aircraft carrier had been severely damaged, the shield was pierced, and there were more than 700 fire points on the entire warship, floating in the outer orbit of the planet with thick smoke.

Because the captain of the Eternal, Lieutenant General Brent, was on vacation before, the commander of the Eternal this time was his adjutant, Colonel Connolly, who was immediately taken away by the military prosecutor's office. The Eternal was also towed back to the dock of the planet Hisla for emergency repairs.

Based on the interrogation of Colonel Connolly and the investigation of the video records of the battle at that time, Admiral Chiara roughly restored the situation at that time.

When the Eternal went to the planet Norris, an abnormal signal was detected in the asteroid belt, so a shuttle was sent out for reconnaissance. But it was attacked suddenly.

About 10 battleships and 10 light cruisers left hyperspace and appeared very accurately at a distance of about 2,000 kilometers from the Eternal!

The opponents included 3 Imperial-class Star Destroyers, 2 Knight-class Star Destroyers, 2 Victory II-class Star Destroyers, and 3 Chiss Territory-produced Night Dragon-class Battlecruisers.

These warships immediately launched a fierce attack on the Eternal.

At first, Colonel Connolly still thought he had a sure win. Because the Eternal had experienced the battle of the expedition to Mnggal-Mnggal, although it was not in the best condition now, it had been carefully renovated, and the spaceport was also supplemented with 5 Twinblade-class electronic warfare light cruisers.

Colonel Connolly immediately organized a counterattack, launched a fighter formation, released a double-blade light cruiser, and deployed a formation to prepare for a counterattack. At the same time, he immediately sent a signal to the rear that he was under attack.

But something surprised him! The dispatch and command of this fleet were very flexible, and the crossfire and mutual cooperation between the warships were almost extreme. And they also used the asteroid belt as a cover, so that the powerful firepower of the Eternal could not be fully exerted.

These warships were very flexible, and they always reasonably shared the firepower attacks they suffered. Two hours after the battle began, the Eternal had not achieved any decent results except for destroying a Night Dragon-class battlecruiser.

And because there was no response from the headquarters of the Hesla planet, the battle here had no results. Colonel Connolly, who became increasingly anxious, ordered the Eternal to speed up the assault.

And at this time, the Eternal was attacked by surprise.

When he broke into the asteroid belt, a formation of bombers suddenly appeared from behind and fired hundreds of proton torpedoes at the tail engine nozzle position where the battleship's shield was weak!

The Eternal Supercarrier was immediately hit hard, the engine was severely damaged, and the speed dropped to 10% of the normal speed.

At this moment, those cunning battleships launched a fierce counterattack! (End of this chapter)

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