Chapter 2216: Turbulence in Chis Territory

2217. Qisi leads the storm

The last month of 12BBY is October 14th.

The Galactic Empire suddenly issued a very strong statement. In this statement, the Galactic Empire bluntly accused the Principality of Dawn of its military occupation of the Chiss Territory as illegal, anti-humanitarian, and a naked act of aggression.

When Galactic Empire spokesperson Crueya Vandron held a press conference, he almost cursed in the Principality of Dawn. He claimed that the Principality of Dawn had not lived up to its responsibilities as a vassal of the Galactic Empire and refused to pay taxes to the Empire. Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Dawn had never gone to the center of the Empire to meet the Emperor in person, and this time, he directly trampled on the Imperial Constitution and did not receive the Launch foreign aggression with the permission of the empire.

Kruja-Vanderon demanded that the Dawn Principality pay the 180 billion in arrears in taxes, withdraw its troops from the Chissland, dissolve the current government of the Chissland, and let the Chissians themselves re-elect a new democratically elected government.

In fact, what I want to say is that when Tang Xiao and Palpatine signed the Dawn Agreement, it was indeed stipulated that the Dawn Principality needed to pay an annual tax to the Galactic Empire. Tang Xiao's understanding is that this tax was considered as the money to buy the Lundili trade channel at that time, and the Galaxy Empire publicly declared that this money was the tax paid by the Principality of Dawn, which also showed that the Principality of Dawn recognized its status as a vassal of the empire. .

So in the first few years, the Dawn Principality did provide money.

However, later, with the completion of the construction of the star gate in the Rendili system, transportation between the Rendili planet and the Principality of Dawn no longer required the Rendili trade channel, and the Principality of Dawn had no reason to fall into the hands of the empire. So Tang Xiao made an excuse that the Liming Principality's fiscal deficit was too high in order to resettle immigrants, and then casually said that 20% of the annual amount would be used as interest, and then stopped paying it.

Therefore, the 180 billion requested by Kruijer-Vanderlon is really calculated based on the 20% high interest rate and compound interest that Tang Xiao casually mentioned at the time.

Facing the aggressive Galactic Empire, Francis Underwood, the spokesperson of the Principality of Dawn, was very calm. He also publicly stated that the current government of the Chislings is a democratically elected government and there is no need to re-elect. Thanks to the concern of the Galactic Empire, the Chisslings are doing well now. As for the 180 billion tax, the Dawn Principality had just defeated Mongar Mongar and saved the galaxy. There is hard work without credit. The labor expedition cost a lot, so let’s continue to owe it.

The Galactic Empire immediately announced that it would re-block the Rendili trade route and implemented military occupation of the planets along this trade route. Most of those planets were client planets of Lundili Interstellar Power Company before, and they were always wavering between the Galactic Empire and the Principality of Dawn. Now the Galactic Empire no longer pretends to be a pretentious one, and directly implements military occupation to give them a happy life.

Then Kruja-Vanderon said that the Galactic Empire will send an investigation team to the Chiss Territory to investigate the "human rights status" of the Chiss people and make an assessment of the military aggression of the Principality of Dawn.

Francis Underwood also responded that the Galactic Empire Investigation Team is welcome to come, but there are many interstellar pirates in Chisland due to inconvenient transportation, and he hopes that the adults of the investigation team will pay attention to safety.

The capital of the Chissland, the planet Shisla, the office of the Sector Governor.

The Governor of Chisland, Sean Morabito, was sitting at his desk, looking at the report in front of him, his brows furrowed. He raised his head and said to Admiral Chiara who was sitting next to him: "It seems that the Galactic Empire Want to interfere in the internal affairs of Qisi Territory."

Chiara shook his head and said: "This will be very troublesome. In fact, now my intelligence department also tells me that the remaining forces of those families have indeed become more active recently."

Sean Morabito showed an unpredictable smile, "I think let them make trouble. This is not active enough..."

"Do you want to solve all the problems at once?" Admiral Chiara said: "It is still a bit risky. If we cannot control the collusion between the remaining forces of the family and the Galactic Empire, we may really plunge the Chiss Territory into civil war again. among."

Sean Morabito stood up, held on to his favorite tall hat, and said with a smile: "If those family forces can really drag the Chiss Territory into a civil war, I will still admire them. I just admire them. However, they are destined to fail.”

"I hope your judgment is correct. The Eternal will arrive on the planet Hisra tomorrow, and I will have the battleship ready as soon as possible." Chiara said.

Xian Morabito said: "Oh, that's just right. I will ask Abathur to send a swarm to the edge of the Chiss Territory, destroy some villages, and then let the Eternal leave Xisla just in time. Planet, go to the border of Chiss Territory to resist the 'invasion' of the insect swarm."

"Yes." General Chiara also stood up, gave Morabito a military salute, turned and left the office.

After defeating the Grisk Hegemony, Chisland also entered a period of peaceful development. The situation in the entire star sector is now very stable. The defeat of Grisk's hegemony has allowed Chisling to truly establish its absolute advantage in this sector.

But on the surface, the area around Qisi Ling is still very complicated.

First of all, many civilizations and races, led by Kilgi of the Kingdom of Light, were previously controlled by the Grisk people. After Black Star was killed by Tang Xiao and the Grisk hegemony retreated completely, these civilizations and races got rid of control, but they all became lost.

Therefore, these civilizations and planets were all taken over by the Holy Spirit Sect. Through the Spiritual Temple, these civilizations were brainwashed and controlled again, at least so that they could regain some consciousness and survive.

However, these civilizations did not join the Chis Territory, and they were still independent on the surface. So it seems that there are still many civilizations and races around the Chis Territory.

The situation of Kilgi of the Kingdom of Light is somewhat different. First of all, the scale of the Kingdom of Light is very large, almost the second most powerful force after the Chis Territory, so they were not completely controlled by the Grisk people, but some of the top leaders of the country were controlled, so they launched a war against the Chis Territory.

However, when the main fleet of the Kingdom of Light, Kilgi, was completely destroyed by Admiral Chiara's attack, the Kingdom of Light declared its surrender and signed an unequal treaty with Chiss. The most important content of the treaty was that they must allow the Holy Advent Church to preach in the Kingdom of Light.

For the Kingdom of Light, which was founded on religion, this treaty was no different from killing them, and they rejected it sternly at the time. But Admiral Chiara immediately launched a new round of offensives, and carried out an orbital airdrop in the capital of the Kingdom of Light, the Cathedral, smashing the Cathedral to pieces, and directly arrested almost all the religious leaders.

Then the treaty was confirmed.

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