The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2169 The Name of the Butcher

2170, The Name of the Butcher

The planet Barab has become hell.

The main fleets of the Hutt Desiligić and Besadi families have all become huge debris rings surrounding the planet.

300 battleships, 2,000 small and medium-sized warships, 170,000 combat robots, 210,000 crew members and marines of all levels, none of them were spared.

"Hahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!!!" The man in black stood on the bridge of his flagship, the Fury-class battlecruiser, the Needle, and laughed wildly.

His raised arms revealed from under his cloak, which turned out to be two armored mechanical arms!

This time, the raid on the planet Barab was planned by him and Oruba, the leader of the Gorensla family. Of course, Oruba naturally did not have this strategic vision and tactical means, he was only responsible for providing money and warships.

The men in black first used various means to lure both warring parties to drive their main fleets to the planet Barab. This step was the most difficult. In addition to providing a sufficiently tempting bait, the bait must be credible enough and make people feel that they can eat it in one bite.

Such an action is simply not something that a gang like the Hutts can do. Now in the entire galaxy, there are only two intelligence agencies that can do this - first screen out the Imperial Security Bureau and the Imperial Intelligence Department, they can't.

So, with the help of a mysterious intelligence department, Jabba first received other news and left Nar Shada, which confirmed the intelligence that he might go to the planet Barab. Then the Besadi family was also exposed that they collected a large number of spices and prepared to distribute them to smuggling dens throughout the galaxy.

At the same time, the main fleets of the Desiligić family and the Besadi family suddenly became idle again, because they had been busy suppressing pirates everywhere, but in recent times, the activities of pirates suddenly weakened, which gave them some time to rest as much as possible.

After all, since the outbreak of the civil war, the fleets of both sides have fought more than ten times, but each time they failed to determine the winner, and the losses were quite large. Now that there is finally a gap, it is natural to make adjustments.

So under such "time, place and people", when the intelligence came, both sides found that their main fleets were just free and could just catch the target of great value.

This is the truth behind the outbreak of the Battle of Barab Planet!

And Oruba-Gorensla and the black-clad man, who had already deployed spy drones on Barab Planet, had hidden their fleets nearby in advance.

Moreover, after Oruba-Gorensla obtained the battleship technology of the Minmatar Republic in "EVE", under the advice of the military advisers sent by the Fourth Civilization, he established this fleet, which was completely based on speed and firepower, and minimized the investment in defense.

Therefore, this fleet is fast and powerful. If it is against regular fleets such as the Principality of Dawn and the Galactic Empire, they only need to open the formation and fight steadily to destroy such a fleet. After all, after the baptism of war, the Principality of Dawn and the Galactic Empire have both improved the protective performance of their warships.

Take the Principality of Dawn for example. Whether it is the Cole II-class battlecruiser that is being modified, the Hell Angel-class battlecruiser, or the Revelation-class battleship, they all have very strong defensive capabilities. If such a fleet encounters the fleet of Oruba-Gorensla, the opponent will be up and down, output madly, and the team will stand still, and then send you to the sky with a round of salvos.

But the problem is that this is Hutt space.

The fleets established by the Desiligić family and the Besadi family are all second-tier eliminated warships. The performance of these warships is far from comparable to that of the regular army, especially the fire control system, which is a sophisticated and confidential equipment. Before selling, the military ones will definitely be dismantled and replaced with civilian ones.

So, how can you, a civilian fire control system, lock and accurately attack the wolves rushing over, at least half the speed of normal warships, and attack directly in dozens of directions under the command of the men in black?

Therefore, the men in black specially let the fleets of both sides fight first, and then cut into the battlefield when they were exhausted. Then they attacked the Desiligi family fleet with a clear purpose. At this time, the exhausted Besadi family fleet would definitely watch from the sidelines. They didn't want to fight at this moment and didn't dare to fight. Anyway, they were not the ones to be beaten.

Therefore, the men in black relied on a much smaller fleet to defeat them one by one and created a massacre!

The hyperspace jammers set up in advance also made it impossible for those warships that fled in all directions to escape! The military-grade electronic jamming system, coupled with the Sentinel-class electronic warfare frigate hidden on the edge of the battlefield, cut off their communications and interfered with their radar and fire control.

In the end, the main fleets of the Desiligi family and the Besadi family did not escape, and the whole army was annihilated! !

After this battle, although no one knew who the commander of Oluba Gorensla, the man in black, was, the name of the Butcher Barab began to spread in the Hutt space.

Later, the place name Barab was simply removed, and everyone knew that Oluba Gorensla had a butcher who was brutal and brave in battle!

At this moment, in the Nashada satellite, in the meeting place of the New Hutt Grand Council.

Oruba Gorensla, Marlo Kunalak, Ziro Desiligich, and Gadula Besadi, four Hutts, stood in the center of the parliament, looking coldly at the three holographic projections on the platform...

Jabba Desiligich, Gorga Desiligich, and Victor Angeliak Atiru.

"I just got the news that the main fleets of the Desiligich family and the Besadi family have been completely annihilated, and there is not a single one left. Now... the dawn of peace in Hutt space has arrived." Oruba Gorensla said triumphantly.

"You have been secretly building warships and colluding with the Principality of Dawn." Jabba Desiligich said in a deep voice.

"Before, you proposed to build a Hutt parliament fleet and let us invest. Is it for this?" Gorga Desiligich is a very good economist and actuary, and he is very sensitive to this aspect.

"Hahahaha! That's just to make up for my deficit. Do you think such a fleet can be produced in a few months? No, it took me eight years!!" Oruba-Gorensla laughed loudly, then stopped abruptly, his eyes full of ferocity.

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