The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2168 Barab Butcher (Part 2)

2169, Barab Butcher (Part 2)

The flagship of the Man in Black, the Furious-class battlecruiser, the Needle, is turning. This warship, which is 923 meters long, has flexibility that is inconsistent with its size, and its turning radius is very small even when sailing at high speed.

The Furious-class battlecruiser has a very strange shape. The main body seems to be like a pistol. The upper and lower slender heat dissipation arrays are connected to the frontmost heat radiation device, which is like a gun barrel. The huge main body at the rear looks like a gun. On the upper and lower sides of the warship, there is a structure that looks like a sail, which is the redundant light radar array of the warship.

Therefore, this also makes the shape of this warship completely different from the style of this galaxy. It is even easy to mistake the front heat radiation device for a bridge. Of course, if someone really thinks so, he will die miserably.

As the battleship turned and aimed, the six 1400mm caliber hypermatter accelerated projectile cannons installed on both sides of the battleship were charging. Astonishing energy gathered in the accelerator, and through the injection of core elements to produce hyperspace reaction, a low-profile mass effect field was gradually generated.

Then, with a slight vibration of the ship, 12 1400mm caliber armor-piercing shells were instantly fired out of the barrel, at an unimaginable high speed! And to the naked eye, the battleship did not fire armor-piercing shells, but 12 beams of light!

After a short charge, the second round of salvos! The third round!

140 kilometers away from the Thorn battleship, a Victory I-class star destroyer that was firing randomly at the surroundings was instantly concentrated by the hypermatter accelerated projectile cannon, and the shield suddenly rippled violently. After a flash, the shield was directly shattered!

The artillery fire continued, and rounds of artillery fire continued to come. The armor-piercing shells hit the battleship armor, and the fragments flew across! The huge kinetic energy even pushed the 900-meter-long hull of the Victory I class back continuously!

Every shell that penetrated the main armor belt rolled inside the hull of the Victory I class, and countless metal fragments flew at high speed in every direction, destroying every object they touched.

This Victory I class star destroyer capsized at a speed visible to the naked eye. As the gravity gyroscope was destroyed, the warship spun and rolled uncontrollably, and then broke into two pieces.

Among the countless rolling wreckage of warships, the 139-meter Rift Valley-class frigate and the 92-meter Woodcutter-class frigate shuttled at high speed with the flexibility and speed no less than fighter jets, firing deadly artillery fire at their targets. Under the assault of these ultra-high-speed warships, the Hutt fleet could not form an effective formation at all!

The 350-meter Assassin-class light cruiser, as its name suggests, cruised in the battlefield like a ghost, and then used its powerful firepower comparable to that of a heavy cruiser to kill with one blow!

The 266-meter Scimitar-class destroyers were like a pack of wolves, madly biting every lone enemy ship!

"Very good! Keep attacking! Let the destroyer formation block the H9 area! Those fat Hutts will definitely turn from this area!" The man in black waved his hand fiercely and said fiercely.

His voice was dull, low, and metallic.

"Roger!" The super tactical robot instantly transmitted his command to the target unit.

The fleet of the Desiligić family has begun to collapse. After being attacked by this fleet, they lost half of their battleships in just one hour of confrontation, more than 40 ships! In comparison, they fought against the weak Besadi family fleet for 20 hours before losing more than 80 battleships. The efficiency of this killing is not at the same level at all!

Such a horrible scene made these warships completely lose the will to resist, and the remaining warships began to turn to escape. But just as the black-clad man expected, with the current position of their warships, if they want to turn, at least half of them will pass through the airspace of the H9 area!

Another massacre without suspense!

This time, the fleet of the Desiligić family completely scattered and began to flee.

As for their fleet commander? The Victory I-class star destroyer that was just destroyed by the Thorn battleship was their flagship. The commander had long been blown into cosmic dust in the explosion along with the destruction of the flagship.

In this terrible massacre, the fleet of the Besadi family was silent and did not come forward to help. They just began to gather their formation in fear and recycle the shield to make all preparations.

When the fleet of the Desiligić family was completely destroyed, the fleet commander of the Besadi family kept sending communication requests, hoping to get a response from the other party.

After all, the other party went straight to the fleet of the Desiligić family as soon as they came, making him think that this fleet might be his ally.

After all, the battle lasted for more than an hour. They also saw the optical images of the fleet from various scans and recognized these warships with distinct styles.

These warships are all rough, fierce, simple in structure, and super fast.

Now in the Hutt space, there is only one person using this style of warships - Oruba-Gorensla!

And Oruba-Gorensla is a member of the new Hutt Grand Council. This new council is currently committed to stopping the civil war and restoring order to the Hutt space.

So the commander of the Besadi family, the Hutt Borat, thought that this might be the parliament's decision to take action against the Desiligić family and stop the civil war by force.

This is not surprising, because the Besadi family actually wants the Hutt space to return to order, and they just need to wipe out the Desiligić family. But the Desiligić family's demands are different. Kilyak wants to be the emperor of the Hutts!

People always think of problems very beautifully and come up with the best result according to their own understanding.

Borat tentatively sent a public frequency message to the fleet again: [The Besadi family is sincerely grateful for the fair behavior of the new parliament. We will also actively promote the end of the civil war and restore order to the Hutt space. Now, our fleet will leave for the time being, return to the rear to rest, and continue to fight for the Hutt space. 】

The other party still did not respond, but the fleet began to turn and fly towards this side.

Borat was frightened by such a terrifying aura. His fat body trembled and he shouted to the adjutant beside him: "Quick!! Start the hyperspace engine! Get out of here! Get out of here!!"

On the other side of the control center, the navigation robot responsible for navigation calculations quickly operated the navigation computer and said in a rigid electronic voice: "Hyperspace interference detected, navigation calculation time completed, 17 hours, 49 minutes and 18 seconds."

At the same time, the man in black laughed dully, "Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

Then a fierce light flashed in his vertical pupils, and he spit out a word viciously-"Kill!"

Thanks to my big e-r for the reward of 500 starting coins! ! Thanks to the orange of the clockwork for the reward of Tang Xiao's 233 starting coins! ! Thanks to Xingchen Love Novels for the reward of 100 starting coins! !


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