The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2139 Battle of Planet Rosa

2140, Battle of Planet Rosa

12BBY, July 13, Darth Vader can't wait for more fleets to arrive.

Because now the Galactic Empire and the Trade Union have reached a desperate state in the competition for those spaceports and major industries. They have taken what they can grab, destroyed what they can't grab, and some smart ones have already run away.

Now the two sides are fighting everywhere in the core circle and the middle ring star area. The Galactic Empire wants to occupy the spaceports or some colonial cities of the Trade Union, while the Trade Union organizes the Self-Defense Force to fight back.

Such exchanges of fire occurred almost simultaneously in thousands of places, with large-scale ones involving thousands of people and small ones involving only dozens or hundreds of people.

Although the Neimoidians are timid and cowardly, the Trade Union is not just the Neimoidians. They also have many other races under their banner. Maybe a spaceport may not be worth any change to the Trade Union, but for a certain race operating team that hosts this spaceport, it may be their life savings.

In order to protect their own property, these people will naturally fight to the death with the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers!

Not only that, the Trade Union also spent a lot of money to hire many mercenaries and offered a high price for each stormtrooper who was killed. That's not all. The Trade Union also used its influence to forcefully open prisons on some relatively remote planets and released a large number of death row prisoners!

Those mercenaries and death row prisoners were all desperate people. For money and freedom, they also twisted their heads to fight the Imperial Stormtroopers to the end.

What's more, the source of many death row prisoners was actually the rebels! These people originally had a deep hatred for the Galactic Empire. Now that they were released, they released all their anger!

But such a battle was insignificant to the Galactic Empire. The Galactic Empire's military strength was indeed stretched to the limit, but that was a large battleship used for frontal combat, and the billions of clone soldiers and tens of billions of ordinary soldiers in the hands of the Empire could all be transported there with simple transport ships for bloody suppression.

And Darth Vader, he was not interested in such scattered exchanges of fire at all. After gathering 200 battleships and 1,700 small and medium-sized warships, he immediately launched an attack on the Trade Federation's core planet Rosa!

Among these 200 battleships, 120 were Victory II-class Star Destroyers, 40 were Imperial I-class, 30 were Imperial II-class, and 10 were Tracer-class aircraft carriers.

In fact, this force composition also reflects the bloat of the Galactic Empire Navy.

The Victory II-class is indeed a very good Star Destroyer, but after all, its 900-meter-long body is there, and its combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the 1,600-meter-long Imperial II-class. The difference in size is more than three times, and the technology used is also inferior.

Basically, starting from the Clone Wars, if the Jaeger-class battlecruiser and the Cole-class battlecruiser are considered the first generation of battleships, then the Hell Angel-class battlecruiser and the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer belong to the second generation of battleships. The Victory II class is roughly in the transition period between the two, about 1.7 generations, and is the kind that has obvious advantages over the first-generation battleships, but is not as good as the second-generation battleships.

By the way, according to this standard, the third-generation battleship should be the Revelation-class battleship of the Principality of Dawn. The Empire II class can be considered 2.5 generations at most.

Now in the Galactic Empire Navy, a large number of Victory II-class star destroyers are equipped, which actually caused the average quality of the Imperial Navy to decline. Because their opponent, the Dawn Principality Navy is basically based on the second-generation battleships, supplemented by a small number of previous-generation battleships and third-generation battleships, which is a very healthy state.

The Dawn Principality is also equipped with a lot of Victory II-class star destroyers, but they are rarely used in the front-line fleet. In other words, in the battle of the same number of fleets, the Dawn Principality still firmly grasps the absolute advantage.

Why, even if it was extremely crazy, Emperor Palpatine still did not take direct action against the Dawn Principality when Tang Xiao was away, this is the main reason.

On July 14, accompanied by bursts of dazzling white flashes, the Galactic Empire fleet left the hyperspace channel and entered the outer orbit of the planet Rosa!

What greeted them was intensive firepower! The armed space stations around the planet Rosa opened fire crazily. Not only that, the Trade Union also built a considerable number of Gauss defense platforms and missile defense platforms introduced from the Principality of Dawn.

Almost in the first second after the Imperial Navy left the hyperspace channel, tens of thousands of Gauss shells and antimatter missiles were fired!

But for Darth Vader, this was just a small scene. Under his command, the Imperial Fleet had already prepared for the first wave of raids, otherwise he would not have chosen to leave the hyperspace directly in the outer orbit close to the planet.

The dense laser cannons and turbolaser cannons formed a deadly fire net, intercepting most of the shells and missiles. Even a small number of fish that slipped through the net either flew aside under electronic interference or fell on the solid deflector shield of the Star Destroyer, rippling a negligible energy ripple.

At the same time, the powerful scanners of the Star Destroyer began to conduct a comprehensive survey around the planet Rosa. Now, more than 160 armed space stations have been deployed on the periphery of the planet Rosa. The largest of these space stations is about 3,000 meters in size, and the smallest is more than 400 meters. They are densely covered with a large number of turbolaser turrets and missile launchers.

And around the planet Rosa, a light blue light curtain is clearly visible.

Planetary shield!

Although the escort fleet around the planet is missing, such defensive power should not be underestimated.

At Darth Vader's direct order, the Imperial Fleet immediately launched a powerful and resolute offensive against the outer defense line of the planet Rosa with the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer as the vanguard.

The Imperial-class Star Destroyer is facing the enemy head-on when it can exert its full firepower. The firepower of 60 XX-9 twin-mounted heavy turbolaser cannons and 60 plasma cannons is so powerful that it is unimaginable. Dense beams of light were fired from the direction of the Imperial Fleet, falling on the armed space stations and the planetary shield.

Countless explosions, countless flames, countless debris flashed on the battlefield almost at the same time.

A small armed space station, composed of four ring-shaped firepower points, with more than 20 turbolaser cannons firing rhythmically, one after another plasma explosive gas with terrifying energy was fired, and each shot of the turbolaser cannon was equivalent to a nuclear bomb of tens of millions of tons!

And what greeted them was the more powerful turbolaser of the Imperial Fleet!

Soon, the armed space station was hit by continuous attacks. The first few shots were blocked by the energy shield, but the next round of shooting, the shield was penetrated, and in the violent explosion, the originally complete armed space station was suddenly blown out with a huge gap.

The gravity generator was destroyed, the space anchor failed, and the entire space station rotated uncontrollably under the shock wave of the explosion. Countless debris and twisted corpses spewed out of the gap.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten turbo lasers hit the space station. The remaining parts of the space station were finally completely destroyed and turned into countless fragments in the explosion and flames.

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