The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2138 The Beginning and End of the Trade Alliance (VI)

2139. The Beginning and End of the Trade Federation (VI)

It is difficult to calculate how many hyperspace channels there are in the Milky Way.

But one thing is certain: the number of hyperspace channels controlled by the Trade Federation far exceeds that of the Galactic Empire. Even the star map in the hands of the Jedi Order is not so complete.

If all the known channels in the Milky Way are calculated as 100%, the Trade Federation controls at least 85% of the hyperspace channels. The Galactic Empire inherited the database of the Galactic Republic and only controls 50% of the channels at most.

In the star map in the hands of the Jedi Order, about 70% of the channels were controlled. On the other hand, Count Dooku of the Confederacy of Independent Systems controlled almost 75% of the channels. Because he not only obtained data from the Trade Federation, but also obtained a large amount of navigation data from the Jedi Order, and deleted some of the channels controlled by the Jedi Order. Of course, the Galactic Empire did not get the data of both.

In fact, this is also an important reason why the current Galactic Empire's control over the outer ring of the Milky Way is difficult to compare with the timeline of the original plot. You should know that in the original plot, after completely destroying the Confederation of Independent Systems and the Jedi Order, the Galactic Empire controlled at least 75% or even more of the routes.

Although the Principality of Dawn is currently the master of the Trade Union, the number of routes handed over to Tang Xiao by the Trade Union is not large. The routes controlled by the Principality of Dawn are about 65%.

In the original plot, after the Trade Union was annexed by the Galactic Empire, many Neimoidians ran all the way to the unknown star field. This alone shows how rich the routes controlled by the Trade Union are.

Even the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order wanted to get involved in the unknown star field, and the overseas exploration plan they launched could only end in failure, while the remnants of the Trade Union could actually run directly into the unknown star field when they fled.

Then, for the Galactic Empire, of the 35% gap between the number of routes they control and the Trade Union, about 25% know a rough location, which is not completely unknown. However, to truly navigate, it is necessary to send probes to detect and verify, and then recalculate the navigation data, which takes a lot of time.

As for the other 10% of routes, the Galactic Empire doesn't even know it!

Therefore, this group of comparisons can make it clear how much of a blow the Trade Union has dealt to the Galactic Empire after it directly tore its face and cut off all navigation services! Moreover, this behavior was not done by the Trade Union even during the Clone Wars.

During the Clone Wars, the Trade Union provided navigation services to both warring parties at the same time. Almost all the navigation robots used by the warring parties are connected to the navigation network of the Trade Union.

And now, all of this is interrupted!

After the navigation service was cut off, the most direct consequence was that at least one-fifth of the galaxies in the Outer Rim Star Region, which the Galactic Empire now nominally ruled, could no longer be reached! This is equivalent to saying that these galaxies have been out of the control of the Empire!

Not only that, the reconstruction plan of the 14th Army, which had been put on the agenda before, was interrupted again when it was about to put things right.

The 14th Army's capital planet Ryloth once again broke away from the control of the Galactic Empire, and the Twi'leks broke out in a large-scale uprising, and the Empire couldn't even get the fleet to suppress it!

The original governor of the 14th Army, Uroda, was impeached and investigated after the corruption scandal was exposed, but under the planning of Padmé Amidala, the leader behind the rebels, the Twi'leks' uprising unexpectedly raised the banner of supporting Uroda, making the situation of this uprising more complicated.

Then the Imperial Navy Vice Admiral Jane Dodonna, who had secretly joined the rebels, took over the heavy responsibility, temporarily responsible for the reconstruction of the 14th Army and cooperated with the arrival of the new governor. In order to delay the selection and appointment of the new governor, Padmé Amidala sent Senator Fache to compete for this position, using various means to try to seize the position of the governor of the 14th Army. Although it is doomed to fail, it is no problem to muddy the waters.

After several months of struggle, Fache has almost lost the competition, Uloda has been convicted, and the new governor of the 14th Army has been confirmed. He is just about to take office to replace Lieutenant General Jan Dodenna and become the official governor.

As a result, the all-out war between the Galactic Empire and the Trade Federation has once again prevented the governor of the 14th Army from taking office. So according to the previous arrangement, Lieutenant General Jan Dodenna will continue to serve as the acting governor.

In other words, the entire half-rebuilt 14th Army is now under the control of the rebels!

The location of the 14th Army is very remote. With the temporary interruption of transportation, Lieutenant General Jan Dodenna only needs to regularly report to the Empire that he has suppressed the Twi'lek uprising and everything is fine.

But will the Galactic Empire care about this?

They won't care! Because Palpatine is now crazy!

The order he gave to Darth Vader was that those outer ring star regions were out of control, it didn’t matter, they just needed to be ‘reconquered’ once again.

Reconquer! It was equivalent to reoccupying these planets by force, and what would happen during the occupation? Massacre, plunder, destruction…

However, these planets were once part of the Galactic Empire! They were their own people! What happened now was just a temporary interruption of traffic!

But Palpatine didn't care about this at all. All he wanted was wealth, more wealth! As long as all this wealth was concentrated in the core circle, he didn't care how many people died in the war in the outer ring!

It can even be said that the more people died, the wailing of the dead would make his dark side force stronger and more crazy!

Of course, before "reconquering" those outer ring star regions, the first thing to be solved is still the Trade Union!

Under the leadership of Darth Vader, the main fleet of the Third Army of the Galactic Empire has been deployed to the core planets of the Core Circle Trade Union.

The main planets of the Trade Union in the core circle include Neimoidia, the home planet of the Neimoidians; the three wealth worlds - Cato-Neimoidia, Deco-Neimoidia, and Kru-Neimoidia; the industrial world Balmora. In addition, there are Rosha, which is less important, and Vulpter, near the core of the Milky Way.

Among them, the most important planets are Cato-Neimoidia, the world of wealth, Balmora, the industrial world, and the mother planet Neimoidia. According to the different importance, the huge fleet began to blockade these planets respectively.

According to Darth Vader's deployment, he gathered heavy troops on Rosa and Vulture, preparing to start with the easy and then the difficult, and gradually cut off the wings of the Trade Alliance. (End of this chapter)

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