The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2106: The Swarm Released

2107. Release the insect swarm

"The so-called essence is just a term for insects like Abathur." Shirley Birkin looked at Tang Xiao in the holographic projection and said lightly, "From the perspective of us humans, the essence is those insects. The unique gene pool, genetic information, evolutionary direction, etc. of the group.”

"The way the Zerg develops is completely different from that of us humans. To develop, humans need more factories, more agriculture, more research institutions, and upstream and downstream industries to match these. But the Zerg, they only need food. But there are One thing both sides need is information - the information humans need is how to build more sophisticated and larger factories, while the information the Zerg need is how to evolve more powerful individuals."

"So, the completely different development needs of the two sides make it impossible for the Zerg to coexist with humans. Because for humans, those bugs are useless, but for the Zerg, all living things are their food - including Human beings," Shirley Birkin continued.

She called up another star map and said: "So the 'captivity' you just mentioned is not feasible for the Zerg. Abathur is right about one thing. What are you doing at home? Food nests, those that cultivate food and then survive for a long time are not Zerg. At best, they are just smarter insects, such as leaf-cutting ants. Zerg are always contradictory between 'useful' and 'harmless'. "

"Then what's your conclusion?" Tang Xiao said extremely gloomily.

"You can't contain the Zerg. The Kilik Swarm was originally the super overlord that dominated the Milky Way a hundred thousand years ago. I believe their power at that time was even much more powerful than the current Galactic Empire. Don't look at the Kilik Zerg now. The swarm has evolved to the point where it is no different from ordinary insects, but the power engraved deep in their genes may be far beyond our imagination, and you even send evolution experts like Abathur there." Shirley - Birkin said, "So, now that you come to me, the key to the problem is not whether the Torgt tribe can be used at present, but how it will end in the future when you use them."

Tang Xiao was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "After the Togt hive gradually grew, it also began to learn some information. There is a sense among the Kilik swarm that we cannot understand... This thing may be The force, but it is completely different from the force we usually come into contact with. It may be the Kilik swarm's unique way of using the force. The induction between their groups transcends the boundaries of time and space, which is what I am most worried about. , which is the Killik Colony Worlds."

He raised his hand and clicked on the star map, drawing out a rough range. This was a small star area, and the Cobb planet that the Toget tribe had just conquered was on the edge of this star area.

"The Togt tribe doesn't know what's inside Kilik's core lair, nor how many galaxies there are inside. It just tells us that it can sense more powerful tribes and more rich essences inside. Abathur also believes that as long as the Torgt tribe can conquer Kilik's core lair, the Torgt tribe will grow into a powerful existence that is no less powerful than the Geth at this stage," Tang Xiao said.

"I don't think you will satisfy them, right?" Shirley Birkin smiled softly.

"I don't want to wait anymore... At present, the protoss has found several galaxies controlled by Grisk's hegemony. I will start to release swarms of insects into these galaxies. This process will be directed by me personally." Tang Xiao's tone was extremely cold. , his words directly sentenced tens of billions of people to death!

Shirley Birkin nodded and said slowly: "Sir, you should know that even the most advanced B.O.W biological weapon of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, and even the ultimate biological weapon that remains in the imagination, can only be used against the Zerg. It's just a parody. Biotechnology is completely comparable to our current mechanical technology in every aspect... and releasing the Kilik swarm may have serious consequences for you. The arranged Holy Advent Sect may be the best answer to unify those controlled planets."

"I don't need you to remind me like this!" Tang Xiao waved his hand impatiently, "Just let the Holy Advent Sect slowly deal with Kilgi, the Kingdom of Light! Their current strength is not able to compete with Grisk's hegemony. I don’t want to wait any longer for the Torgt swarm to grow! As long as the swarm starts to attack, the Grisk Hegemony will soon understand that their original ruling system that relies on mind control is simply unbearable in the face of the swarm. One blow! At that time, they will naturally send more powerful forces to fight."

Shirley Birkin looked at Tang Xiao's appearance, nodded, and said, "Here, I wish you good luck in martial arts, my lord."

After turning off the communication, Tang Xiao stood there with a gloomy expression and cold eyes.

He sent some samples of the Torgt group to Shirley Birkin for her to study, hoping to study ways to control the Kilik swarm from another direction, but the feedback he received from Shirley Birkin was... It's relatively negative.

It seems impossible to find the best solution in a short time. In other words, maybe there is never the best of both worlds in this world.

Just like the Force, you want the quickness and power of the Dark Side Force, but you also want the stability and peace of the Light Side Force. This in itself is a paradox and an unrealistic obscenity.

However, even if he still had some doubts about putting the Torgt swarm into use immediately, Tang Xiao could not wait any longer.

He must immediately launch an attack on the core sector of the Grisk Hegemony. Although it is still impossible to find where their core sector is, the two Dark Templar warriors - Aura Khan and Sora A - lost their lives. Before contacting me, I still gave a general direction.

The attack must be quick! During his recent meditation, Tang Xiao has also understood that his recent nightmare and the moment of trance when he killed Gixtus were the connection between an extremely powerful being and him through Gixtus.

This problem must be solved completely! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

If this being can establish contact with him in this way, then there is no guarantee that it will not establish contact with other people. Maybe he himself is not afraid because of his powerful power, but others may have been controlled!

The two major troubles currently caused by the Dawn Principality in the Unknown Star Territory, Mongar-Menggar are mainly causing more serious harm to civilians, but for Tang Xiao, the top priority is always the Grisk hegemony with weird mind control.

Moreover, the loss of contact between the two Dark Templar warriors was also a very dangerous signal, which was why Tang Xiao had to take action immediately.

He walked out of the office and went to the research facility on the spacecraft, where Rosales, a high-ranking templar of the Silak tribe, was conducting his research.

Sensing Tang Xiao's arrival, Rosales put down what she was doing, and a soft voice sounded in Tang Xiao's mind, "Sir, I have some new knowledge about the research on the Agbu people."

Tang Xiao nodded and asked him to continue.

"These are the Agbu people captured on a planet that was captured by the high-ranking Templar Rasdian two weeks ago. There were a total of five Grisk people on that planet, and indeed they were the same as before us. The situation is the same, there are many Agbu people serving these Grisk people. There are 70 Agbu captives or corpses found on that planet," Rosales said.

Rosales pointed to the Agbu people who were imprisoned in cages on the other side. There were more than ten of them. They were short in stature and had very slender fingers. They were chattering in an unknown language and didn't know what to say.

"They are begging for mercy, hoping that we can let them go," Rosales added.

"So, the Grisk people carried out mind control with the assistance of the Agbu people. How did they do it?" Tang Xiao asked.

"We used to think of it as a kind of spiritual force that merges into one and strengthens each other, but now I find that it is more of a social process," Rosales said.

"Social process?" Tang Xiao frowned.

Rosales nodded and said: "The Agbu people have the power of telepathy, but strictly speaking their power is not strong. Compared with the telepathy of the Star Spirits, it is completely two levels. But at the same time, Ah Gebu people are also a very sensitive race. This sensitivity means that they are very sensitive to emotions. They may be chatting and laughing one second, but they will become extremely angry because of a small emotion the next second. "

"It is precisely because of this that the Agbu people are so dependent on telepathy. When they communicate with others, if they do not use telepathy, it is like a drug addict who is not allowed to smoke spices." Rosales gave an example. A very appropriate example, "And the Grisk people took advantage of this after discovering the Agbu people."

"They first used their own power to forcibly control some target races, allowing them to quietly enter the society of this race. Then they let the Agbu people begin to contact some individuals of this race, and the Agbu people have telepathy They are very eager, and they will continue to dig deeper. This process is similar to the spread of a virus, because although the telepathy of the Agbu people can only be carried out through contact with the target, they can learn about the target through contact with the target. The Mind of Social Relations.”

"Because of this characteristic, the Agbu people can often master a large amount of information within a few months to a year. Then the Grisk people will use their own spiritual power to get the Agbu people. Extract the information and conduct extensive analysis. In the end, the Grisk people will get the weaknesses of the target race. The so-called weaknesses are the things that the race is most anxious about, such as population expansion, such as civil war, such as lack of resources, such as the Great Depression. Then, they will use this anxiety to strengthen this anxiety on a large scale. "

Tang Xiao nodded and said: "In other words, the Grisk people expand the scope of their mind control power by reducing their investment in single objects. They do not seek control, but only further deepen the anxiety of this race?"

Rosales said: "That's it. Such a result will cause widespread anxiety and even mania on the planet where this race is located. Eventually, the psychological defenses of this race will collapse... For example, widespread anxiety, depression, mania, pessimism, and even riots. The specific manifestations are doomsday theory, suicide trend, civil war, etc. Then, the Grisk people can take advantage of the situation and complete their control through these collapsed minds. It takes about two to three years for them to completely control a planet..."

Tang Xiao sneered, "So this is completely different from the so-called legendary race and demigod per capita that they boasted about. It is just an effective use of mind control."

"But as we said before, if a large number of Grisk people can get together and establish a telepathic network similar to the Kara Way of our Protoss, then some very terrible existences may be born. Perhaps such an existence is the one who wants to influence you." Rosales said.

"In that case, I think we have a goal." Tang Xiao said.

"The home planet of the Agabu? Unfortunately, the Agabu themselves don't know where their home planet is. The coordinates of the Agabu home planet are still one of the top secrets of the Grisk Hegemony. I think it may be because their home planet is not far from the home planet of the Grisk Hegemony." Rosales said.

"It doesn't matter. We need to set off now and start attacking in the direction pointed out by the Dark Templar!" Tang Xiao looked at the imprisoned Agabu people and grinned and said: "Tell them that no matter what method they use, they must find their home planet. Before finding their home planet, I will seal them up with clothes made of isolation materials so that they will never be able to use telepathy."

"Have you finally decided to use the Zerg?" Rosales was very worried, "This will mean that there will be no living people left on those planets."

"When a planet needs to be purified, what choice will the Protoss make?" Tang Xiao asked coldly.

"..." Rosales was silent for a long time, and then he said: "I hope your decision will not bring disaster to this galaxy."

"Go tell Lasdian to come and join us. The decisive battle to resolve the hegemony of Grisk starts now!" Tang Xiao said viciously.

Rosales looked out through the porthole at the starry sky outside, and saw that hundreds of cargo ships had already arrived at this place and began to gather, and the number was still increasing. These cargo ships all had some living biological substances growing on them, which were constantly wriggling, which was terrifying to see.

Thank you Shushanyoudaoyou for the 2000 starting coins!! Thank you Xingchenaixiaoshuoyou for the 200 starting coins!!

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