The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2105: Expansion of the Toget Swarm (Part 2)

2106, Expansion of the Toget Swarm (Part 2)

Puff, puff, puff~~!! All the Toget Swarm insects hit by the green venom were immediately repelled by the powerful kinetic energy, and some smaller insects were even directly blown away!

This green venom was wrapped in a group of biological capsules, so that the venom could fly at high speed for one or two kilometers without scattering. And being able to spray the venom one or two kilometers away, such kinetic energy is no weaker than a bullet when hitting the body.

And what is even more terrifying is this venom!

The biological capsule broke after hitting the target, and the venom instantly spread all over the body of the Toget Swarm insects. Almost instantly, these insects screamed, and their bodies were visibly corroded by the venom. Those smaller insects were melted into a mass of green sticky substance in almost a few seconds.

Only the huge insects could resist the shooting of a lot of venom and move forward quickly.

I only saw countless Les Swarm insects crowded on the opposite side. Most of these bugs were the ones that were just placed in front of Abathur and dissected. They had a spherical body with a jet nozzle in front and strong and dense muscles all around their bodies.

When shooting, the muscles on the body of this bug began to wriggle rapidly, at a very fast speed, and even caused the air to make a buzzing sound. In the constant wriggling, it accumulated more powerful power, and then with a bang, a ball of venom wrapped in a biological capsule was ejected. The huge recoil made the four legs of this bug, which were not very strong, unable to support it, and the whole bug leaned back.

Such shooting is of course not accurate, and the firing rate is also very slow. Even for a stronger bug, it is good to be able to spray two or three shots in a minute. But there are tens of millions of these bugs crowded here!

The dense swarm formation stretched over an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, with almost no gaps, and there were bugs everywhere.

The Les tribe is naturally not just the jet bugs, they also have other bugs that are convenient for foraging and transportation. Now, all the bugs are gathered together.

After the first wave of shooting, other bugs in the Les tribe also launched a charge. Those used for hunting, for transportation, and all kinds of bugs rushed out and launched an attack under the cover of the jet bugs.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Containers are still being dropped from the sky, and countless Toget tribe bugs are constantly crawling out to join the attack.

If you look down from a high altitude at this moment, you can see a more terrifying picture!

The tens of millions of swarms of the Les tribe are concentrated in a range of hundreds of kilometers near their mother nest, but around this range, they have been surrounded by a larger number of Toget tribes!

This area of ​​hundreds of kilometers looks very vast, but in front of the surrounding Toget swarms like tsunamis, it is just like an isolated island in the sea!

How many Toget swarms have joined the attack? It is impossible to calculate! Fifty million? 80 million? 100 million? I don't know. Even Abathur doesn't know. The Toget mother nest may know, but it won't do this meaningless calculation.

All they know is to fill every space of all cargo ships with those cheap containers!

Countless insects rushed forward one after another. Even in front of the jet insects of the Les tribe, the insects here fell in groups, but they still couldn't resist their attacks!

The bodies of the Toget insects that were shot, melted, and killed were almost all over the ground, and even piled up into a hill. Within a range of one or two kilometers from the Les tribe's position, it was almost a circle of death. The closer to the inside, the fewer the bodies of the Toget insects, and outside the range, the bodies of the insects almost piled up into a wall!

However, at this moment, hundreds of mounds suddenly rose underground in the gathering place of the Les tribe. Before those insects could react, a large number of Toget insects drilled out from the underground of these mounds!

They didn't even know when they dug the tunnel!

Now the planets where these degenerate Kilik swarm tribes live are mostly primitive planets. These bugs don't have any requirements for the environment. Basically, they grow up like the planet. Naturally, they won't do any work such as ground hardening and building.

And the place where their mother nest is located must be a beautiful place with mountains and rivers, which is convenient for hunting, drinking water, and nesting. And such a place has become the most suitable place to dig tunnels!

A large number of sickle beetles and heavy beetles from the Toget tribe rushed out of the pit and killed the jet beetles of the Les tribe. And those jet beetles don't even have forelimbs! They usually rely on their powerful jet organs to spray toxins to kill prey, and then those small hunting beetles and transport beetles will carry the prey melted by toxins back to become food for the mother nest.

Once these jet beetles lose their distance advantage and enter close combat, they will be slaughtered.

And at this time, among the Toget swarm, the fire-breathing beetles that originally had little presence are now shining brightly. The flames they spewed out burned the enemy insects in large patches, and because what they spewed out first was a flammable liquid, and this liquid with an extremely low ignition point would then begin to burn, once the flames touched the insects, they could not be shaken off or extinguished, and could only be burned to death!

The smaller transporters and hunters of the Les tribe also joined the battle. They rushed towards the invaders who had drilled out of the tunnel, but it was useless! These small bugs were not even as big as a sickle bug's leg, and were directly chopped into pieces by sickles.

When the formation of the Les tribe was in chaos, the surrounding Toget swarms had broken through their defenses.

Then, there was a massacre!

When night fell on this side of the Cobb planet, the massacre was over. Tens of millions of swarms were slaughtered and became food for the Toget tribe, while their mother nest was surrounded. This huge piece of meat trembled and waited for its doom.

The Predator-class heavy cargo ship landed, and Abathur left the body of the Toget mother nest and crawled to the front of the Les mother nest. He was too lazy to say a word, and the sharp claws behind him began to tear and cut the mother nest's body! The mother nest let out a series of shrill screams, but could only watch its body being torn apart.

Then, Abathur inserted a spike directly into the core of the Les hive and began to absorb its essence!

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