The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2097 Twilight Covenant VS Inquisition (Part 3)

2098. Twilight Covenant VS Tribunal (3)

Uh-huh! ! A blood-red sword light flashed past, and two agents in black combat uniforms were killed. These two agents also have N.S.B. marks on their chests, indicating that they are from the National Security Bureau of the Principality of Dawn.

"Hahahahaha! Too weak! Too weak!!" Angel licked his lips, put away his lightsaber, and kicked one of the corpses off the viaduct.

"Now that we have discovered them, the best choice is to avoid them quietly." Caceres looked at him and said.

"What's the problem? Haha! Anyway, Master Salem asked us to catch the little Aru girl who was on TV and have fun! If she is really capable, come and find us! Hahahaha!" Angel Laughed loudly.

"These two agents are here to intercept us who may appear... They should have a large number of other forces deployed around them. It seems that they are getting closer to our range of activities." Cáceres said coldly He said, "Now that agents can be deployed here, they will soon be able to deploy more sieges."

"Don't be so nervous! Our actions here are also to provide cover for Lord Mas Salem." Angel said with a grin, "When the National Security Bureau of the Principality of Dawn sets its sights on us, Lord Salem will It’s time to take action against his target.”

"I'm just worried about whether the informant who claims to have access to Cheng Shitao, the new Defense Minister of the Dawn Principality, is really useful." Cáceres said, "But it doesn't matter. I believe Lord Salem can handle all emergencies. If we really can't have a conversation, we can kill Cheng Shitao with one knife, which can be regarded as a gain for us in this mission. "

He walked over to another corpse, squatted down, put his hands on the corpse, and closed his eyes.

After a while, he stood up and sneered: "Okay, I set up a little trap. As long as the other party's master of retroactive perception wants to continue to perceive us through this corpse, I will make it look good for him. . As long as he falls into my trap, then it's up to me to sense him...hehehe."

"The prey you have targeted has never been lost. That's why I like you, hahahaha!" Angel laughed wildly.

He looked at the several spaceships that were approaching rapidly in the distance, made a gesture to Caceres, and the two of them disappeared into the shadows again, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Two agents were killed." Shen Yuanhao put down the communicator and turned around and said.

"Their behavior has obviously changed, and they actually started killing people on their own initiative." Xiao Yan, a girl with a single ponytail, frowned, "Although this means that they should be responding to our previous provocation, which is a good thing, it has caused personnel Casualties, this is our responsibility..."

"This is an inevitable result, Xiao Yan. They are very powerful. Once they start to act unscrupulously, it is normal for casualties to occur." Talia, an Ailu girl, seemed not to care much about this result. "Since we If you choose this plan, you will definitely pay the price.”

Xiao Yan nodded, but her expression was still a little heavy.

"Go and have a look at the scene, Uncle Shen." Thalia turned around and said.

"When will you stop calling me uncle? Then I will thank you." Shen Yuanhao waved his hand and turned the spacecraft to fly away.

The scene has been cordoned off, three ghost fighters are circling around, and dozens of vulture robot fighters are also patrolling the wider area.

Thalia could tell the situation of the sword mark at a glance, "It was a very casual sword strike and did not use lightsaber swordsmanship. There is no way, they are just ordinary people, and the difference in strength is too big."

She looked up at the viaduct and added: "The battle scene should be on the bridge."

The group of people came to the bridge again to check out the battle scene here.

"There are signs of fighting. They fired shots. It should be that the other party took the initiative to show up, deliberately provoked a fight, and then killed him head-on." Thalia said, "Xiao Cheng, I leave it to you."

Zhang Xucheng nodded and walked towards the body, wanting to touch it.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do this. Xiao Cheng." Shen Yuanhao suddenly reminded from the side, "Since the other party took the initiative to provoke the fight, it means that this is for us to see. Then, it cannot be ruled out that they are behind the corpse. It’s possible that there was some manipulation. Anyway, I specifically asked the people at the scene not to touch the body.”

Zhang Xucheng suddenly understood and nodded, "I understand, Uncle Shen, thank you."

He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the Force. However, there was nothing unusual about the body. He frowned and thought, "I didn't find anything unusual..."

"You are too anxious, Xiao Cheng." Talia said, "Indeed, we did not find anything unusual. But what Uncle Shen said makes sense... The other party is very powerful and a very cunning spy. We should Always be prepared for the worst.”

Zhang Xucheng nodded, took a deep breath, and began to immerse himself in the Force.

"Don't forget the teachings of the master. The master said that what the Force-sensitive people hear, see, and dream is never meaningless... You have been able to hear many sounds since you were a child, and this time it is the same. Use your force to listen." Thalia also played the role of captain and big sister, reminding her from the side.

Countless voices began to gather in Zhang Xucheng's ears, chaotic and extremely noisy. There were crying, laughing, cursing, wailing, some were singing, some were watching the news, some were working, some were shooting, some were waving lightsabers, some were...

"Found it!" Zhang Xucheng suddenly opened his eyes, looked at a place beside him, and then walked over.

The place where he was standing at this moment was surprisingly the place where Magistrate Cáceres was standing just now!

He listened to the voice of the Force again... some more and smaller voices began to come. These voices were fragmented and blurred, and Zhang Xucheng was trying his best to distinguish them.

These voices all come from the past!

"Two people..." Zhang Xucheng whispered, "There are only two of them here. That very powerful person is not here... Cheng... Tao... Their target is General Cheng Shitao."

He opened his eyes, turned to Shen Yuanhao and said, "It's Uncle Cheng! They want to do harm to Uncle Cheng!"

"Good job! Xiaocheng." Thalia praised.

"If the target is Cheng Shitao, then this direction is obviously wrong." Shen Yuanhao said, "Since that powerful person is not here, it means that these two people are trying to attack the east. And they are also using their tricks to respond to our provocation and attract us to take action. , Only in this way can we create opportunities for the third person.”

Zhang Xucheng took two more steps forward and came to the body, in the same position where Cáceres was standing before. Then he squatted down.

"Pay attention, Xiao Cheng." Shen Yuanhao was also worried and reminded again.

"I can't use the Force to sense what he did to the corpse, but I think I can hear it." Zhang Xucheng closed his eyes again and put his hand on the forehead of the corpse.

Soon, a dark side force overflowed from the corpse!

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