The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2096: Twilight Covenant vs. Inquisition (Part 2)

2097. Twilight Covenant VS Tribunal (2)

[We have identified the mastermind through clues in this spy base. Now we are convinced that there are still spies hiding, but we have found their clues. Next, our Sky Team will definitely bring them to justice! 】In the news screen, the Elu girl Thalia said with determination.

【It’s really amazing. Can you introduce your Sky Team? For example, what department do you belong to? 】The reporter asked.

[We are all Force-sensitive people who have received systematic education and training. The Principality of Dawn has a more efficient, humane and scientific training system than the Jedi Order. As for the department we belong to, it is still confidential for now. All we can say is that this operation was carried out jointly by us and the National Security Agency. 】Facing the camera, the Elru girl Thalia is calm and generous.

[As we all know, the Airu people once had a war with the Principality of Dawn, so who are you...] A reporter asked maliciously.

[The Principality of Dawn is a big multi-racial family, and every race will be treated equally. The past does not explain anything, and now, each of us is striving for a bright future for the Principality of Dawn. ] Thalia answered directly.

"Hahahaha! These guys from the Dawn Principality just sent a few brats here to catch us?" Looking at the news in the holographic projection, a young and handsome man laughed out loud.

This man was clearly the man who had sneaked into Douglas Stamp's villa and wanted to bribe him - the Imperial Tribunal Magistrate, Cáceres.

"Anyway, they destroyed our joint within a few hours. This strength cannot be underestimated." Another bald judge next to him with many ferocious patterns on his head said gloomily, "And it happened too fast. , we are still unable to determine whether the files will be destroyed when the joint is destroyed."

"Tch, no matter how little brats you are, you are also Force-sensitive. They are equivalent to Jedi apprentices. It is not a novel thing for them to take action and seize a few joints that have just been acted upon." Reis sneered, "It's you, Angel, aren't you afraid of these little brats? How about I chop off all her limbs and give them to you to play with?"

Faced with such a perverted topic, the bald man named Angel actually thought about it seriously, and then said: "You don't have to chop off your hands and feet, it's more interesting to play... Okay, don't dwell on this issue. We don't sense each other." Force perception, how did they find the joint? "

Caceres leaned against the wall with his arms folded and said casually: "There are many ways that do not require direct contact with our Force. The most common of them is retrocognition - by touching the objects the other party touches. To read the opponent's information. When I was in the Jedi Order, I remember a guy named Quinlan Vos who was very good at this. He could avoid being sensed by the opponent to the greatest extent by looking for clues through retrospection. In the field of espionage, this ability is much more convenient than directly using the Force to predict."

"Hmph! You Jedi Knights are full of tricks." Angel showed a ferocious smile, "But the reason why you were eventually destroyed was not because of these things. In the end, they were not as useful as killing people. "

"Those rules and regulations of the Jedi Order... let's forget about it." Caceres waved his hand, "But what do they mean by showing this little brat out? To attract us to kill her, and then expose the flaws, and they will show up again Set a trap around?"

"Flaw? What kind of flaw? The flaw that I took off my clothes when I was playing with this little girl? Hahahahahaha!!!" Angel laughed extremely arrogantly, "There are only so many powerful people in the Principality of Dawn. Now that Tang Xiao is not here, who else can catch us? Hahahaha!

At this time, an extremely cold voice suddenly came from behind them, "With the power of a three-legged cat like you, when can you be so arrogant in front of the judge and the priestess? Angel."

Upon hearing this voice, Caceres and Angel quickly jumped up and stood up, saluting respectfully, "Master Mas Sirrah!"

"Indeed, there are very few Force-sensitive people in the Principality of Dawn, but those who can be named are all top masters. The judges and priestesses are probably difficult for even our senior magistrates to deal with. However, it seems that they also know Regarding this issue, it seems that some apprentices have been trained in recent years. Hahahaha..." In the shadows, the senior magistrate named Mas Seren laughed coldly.

"Lord Salem clearly knows that this may indeed be a trap." Caceres lowered his head and said.

"Whether it's a trap or not, it doesn't matter. Cáceres, have you handled the payment?" asked the senior magistrate named Mas Seren in the shadow.

"I have already taken care of it." Cáceres No. 4 was no longer as frivolous and arrogant as before, and did not dare to overstep the mark in front of the senior magistrate. "I found out that after Douglas Stamp reported our matter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Immediately arrange for people to move the asteroid filled with imperial credit ingots."

"Very good, it seems that you are still a bit keen." Mas-Salen said, "Hehehehe, I want to take a look now. The Ministry of Internal Affairs found the asteroid based on the coordinates provided by Douglas, but found that there was nothing inside. What will they do? Hahahaha!”

"There is no doubt that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will blame Douglas Stamp for this matter. A stolen sum of money claimed to be 100 million empire credits has disappeared. I don't think Solomon Lane can deal with it calmly." Seres said.

"That's right. Although we failed to win over Douglas Stamp, at least we have planted the seeds. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs continues to investigate Douglas thoroughly, it will force him to come to our side." Mas Seren said.

"Sir, the sky team from the Principality of Dawn is provoking us, should we..." Caceres lowered his head and walked a few steps to Seren, asking in a low voice.

"Your judgment is correct. There is no doubt that they want to set up a trap to catch us all." Mas-Salen said with a cold tone, "But on this matter, we should do the opposite. Angel, you Find a way to find the trace of the little girl in the news. Cáceres, if the situation changes, you need to go to reinforcements immediately. "


"Yes!" Angel and Caceres responded in unison.

"According to the original plan, I will first find a way to contact Cheng Shitao, the Minister of Defense of the Dawn Principality." Salem said, "He has just taken office recently. He may have loopholes that we can exploit."

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