The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2069 Ardenlin (Part 2)

Chapter 2069 Arden-Lin (middle)

2070, Arden-Lin (middle)

Seeing the strafing of the TIE fighters, the second sister who had returned to the shuttle could not help but get angry, "Those idiots of the Inquisition! Idiots! They ruined my big plan!!"

"It seems that Arden-Lin has a connection with the Sandman tribe that looted the Imperial transport team two days ago... I'm sorry, our intelligence department failed to find this information." Following the second sister on the shuttle were several warriors wearing black polymer alloy armor, and their armor was obviously much thicker than that of ordinary Imperial Storm Commando soldiers, and they wore red armbands.

These special warriors are the elite soldiers trained by the Inquisition - the Purification Team (Purge Troopers).

"Anyway, leave here first. It is impossible to defeat Arden-Lin with the garbage of the Inquisition... Those idiots may not even know who Arden-Lin is!" The second sister gritted her teeth and said.

"If it's just to show goodwill, I suggest we open fire on those people in the Inquisition." The Purification Squad said.

"Unreasonable internal strife is strictly prohibited." The second sister was obviously unwilling, but she had to give up, "Let's go. At least our other intelligence is correct. Arden-Lin does live outside the port of Mos Espa. Wait a few days until she calms down and then go find her."

"But I don't think Mao's group will give up so easily." The Purification Squad said.

"They will stop when they find out what kind of existence Arden-Lin is." The second sister said, "Although Jerick is an arrogant fool, he at least has a little bit of reason. The Empire needs a strong man like Arden-Lin, and this is what His Majesty the Emperor personally meant."

"I understand." The Purification Squad nodded, walked to the cockpit and commanded the driver to turn and leave.

The shuttle flew out of the atmosphere, where a 255-meter-long triangular frigate was parked in the shadow of a satellite and hidden. This is a Night Watcher-class frigate.

Now the civil war is breaking out in Hutt Space, so Tatooine, as the transportation hub of this area, is also one of the battlefields. Just half a year ago, the army of the Besadi family completely defeated the power of the Desiligić family on Tatooine and completely took over Tatooine.

I heard that the Besadi family is looking for a former legend on Tatooine - a 595-meter-long super land aircraft carrier.

This was 23 years ago, when Jabba the Hutt and Gadula the Hutt fought on Tatooine, the super weapon secretly built by Gadula was controlled by the notorious mercenary group in Hutt Space - the Scourge.

However, Tatooine did not have much chaos later, and the main business of the Scourge was gradually not in Tatooine. The land aircraft carrier could not be packed and taken away, so the Scourge hid this super land overlord somewhere on the planet and left here.

The current Besadi family patriarch Aruba is thinking about this land aircraft carrier.

Coupled with the sensitive political stance of the Hutts, the Galactic Empire had to be cautious even when operating on Tatooine.

The Nightwatcher-class frigate did not have a hangar, and all carrier-based aircraft were mounted externally in a row of slots on the belly of the warship. After the shuttle and the warship were synchronized, a mechanical claw extended from the slot of the warship, bringing the shuttle to a steady stop in the slot, and then connected to the docking bay.

The second sister returned to the warship and connected the communication.

In the holographic projection of the communication, a pale-faced man was projected. He asked coldly, "How is Arden-Lin's situation? Second sister. You'd better not let me down."

"Grand Inquisitor. I have encountered some emergencies here." Second sister said, "Inquisitor Mao under Jerick is attacking a Tusken Sand tribe that looted their transport team. Unfortunately, Arden-Lin seems to have a deep connection with this Sand tribe."

"In other words, it was the people of the Inquisition who ruined our plan?" The Grand Inquisitor's face became paler and colder. He slowly said, "You continue to pay attention to Arden-Lin's affairs. She practices the ancient dark side force skills, which are completely different from us but extremely powerful. Such help is very important to His Majesty the Emperor."

"I understand." Second sister nodded.

"As for Jerick, I know how to deal with him." The Grand Inquisitor waved his hand and closed the communication.


At this moment in the hills, the strafing of several TIE fighters finally temporarily interrupted the ground battle.

Arden-Lin saw the Empire sending out fighter jets, and quickly led his apprentice Jing Fang to retreat, and also called on the Sandman apprentice Hora who was beating up the Imperial Inquisitor to retreat.

Two of the TIE fighters landed, the cabins opened, and two Inquisitors in black combat uniforms jumped out. However, although they were both wearing black combat uniforms, they were different from the modern simplicity and technological style of the second sister. The styles of these two were more rugged and retro, and there was almost no modern equipment on them.

By the way, the second sister was carrying a blaster pistol and a grenade.

Obviously, this was another faction among the Imperial Inquisitors - the Inquisition.

The two judges of the Inquisition who came down, one male and one female, looked very young. They ran over to help Mao, who had been beaten to half his life, and ordered all the imperial stormtroopers to retreat immediately.

"You are here, Yun! Sariss! Go, kill them!!" Mao had fallen into madness, he roared loudly, he was much bigger than the two men, and suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful force in anger, broke free from the two men, and wielded the lightsaber to rush towards Arden-Lin who was walking at the end!

Arden-Lin originally wanted to kill all these imperial troops, but now because there was still a tribe behind him, and the Empire also dispatched fighter jets, he had to prepare to evacuate. Now the judge didn't know what was good for him, and a fierce look flashed in her eyes.

She turned around suddenly, holding the blade of the lightsaber with one hand, and under the entanglement of the Force, she grabbed the lightsaber with her bare hands and restricted Mao's movements! At this moment, she kicked hard!

Because Mao was very burly, although Arden Lin raised his kick very high, he kicked Mao's crotch directly. This became a crotch kick...

With a muffled sound, Mao was kicked out directly, and the whole person disintegrated in mid-air! Because the kick hit the crotch, his pelvis was directly shattered, and his right leg flew out just like that!

This is the power of practicing Terras-Kesh!

The two judges named Yun and Sarris did not dare to act rashly, and hurriedly dragged Mao's body and fled in panic. Arden Lin did not continue to chase them, but let them go.

Thanks to Yuan Shiyi Huayuan for the reward of 1,500 starting coins! ! Thanks to book friend 20210331213042948 for the reward of 500 starting coins! ! Thanks to Daowu Huaxia for the reward of 200 starting coins! ! Thanks to Adicawida for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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