Chapter 2068 Ardenlin (Part 1)

Chapter 2068 Arden-Lin (Part 1)

2069, Arden-Lin (Part 1)

The woman called ‘Second Sister’ was also wearing a tight black combat armor and a long black cape. Compared with the rough style of the other Bornichuan Judge in front of her, her clothes were more refined and more cold. On the full-coverage helmet, the straight-line tactical eyepiece exuded a terrible scarlet light.

Yes, red and black, this is the eternal theme of the judges, which also means fear and killing!

The second sister turned her head to look at the Bornichuan Judge. The full-coverage helmet made it impossible to see her expression, but her tone was full of sarcasm, "Oh? Look who the poor guy I saved is? It turned out to be Maw. How come the capable subordinates of the Grand Judge Jerec of the Court of Inquisition can't even deal with a tribe of sand people? Hehehe..." [Note 1]

She sneered unscrupulously.

"I don't need your help! We are hunting down fugitives here!" the Bornichuan named Mao growled.

If Tang Xiao were here, he would definitely mock you for being a lizard without a hair on your face.

"Fugitive? Hahahaha..." the second sister laughed, "You should know that the prerequisite for becoming a fugitive is to escape first. How come you, a judge, can't even keep a few pigs?"

"Those are not pigs! They are Gamo people who are important experimental materials for Lord Jerrick! I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!" Mao roared, but he took two steps back, obviously very afraid of the second sister.

"I have no interest in your tribunal's affairs. But it just so happens that my target is also here... or, it is about to come here." The second sister snorted coldly, too lazy to pay attention to Mao, turned to another direction, and took out a miniature telescope to check.

Sure enough, a cloud of dust was raised in the distance, which was the sound of something driving at high speed.

"Watch yourself!" Mao kept staring at the sturdy sandman opposite him while speaking.

Obviously, this sandman is a powerful force-sensitive person, and he is not as reckless and impulsive as he looks. After seeing the second sister appear, he did not attack rashly to prevent himself from being caught in a situation of being attacked by two people.

"Uh... Grrrrrrr..." The sandman growled threateningly in his throat, and he slowly moved around Mao, and the two short Garfield sticks in his hands kept adjusting with his steps.

"Listen, I will give you one last chance! Put down your weapons and surrender! Otherwise, your entire tribe will be slaughtered by me!" Mao threatened.

The sandman ignored him and continued to pose to block him here.

Behind him, the attack of the Imperial Storm Commando was still difficult to open up the situation. As they broke through more positions, the surrounding environment became more and more complicated, and the ubiquitous Tusken Sandman snipers always threatened their lives.

Four Storm Commando soldiers had been killed in the process of advancing, and without exception, all of them were killed by bullets piercing the electronic tactical eyepieces.

Mao was also a little anxious, and finally he didn't wait any longer. He roared and rushed forward waving his lightsaber!

"Woooo ... The people who came were Arden-Lin and her apprentice Jing Fang.

"Imperial Inquisitor? Humph! You are quite rare here on Tatooine." Arden-Lin said coldly.

"Former Galactic Republic bounty hunter, Arden-Lin. I'm here to talk to you." The second sister said in a deep voice.

Arden-Lin sneered, turned her head to look at the battlefield on the other side, and said: "Is this your way of talking to me?"

"I didn't know that this group of sand people were also your people." The second sister also looked over there, "And that, he is from the Inquisition."

Then she raised her voice and said: "Enough! Mao! Stop it!!"

But the two people who were fighting fiercely ignored her completely and fought more fiercely. And now Mao is obviously the weaker party. He was defeated and hit several times. If this sand man had not poisoned the Garfield stick like other sand men, I'm afraid Mao would have died several times.

"Hehehe..." Arden-Lin sneered, "What? You hurt my people, and now you see me coming, you want to pretend you don't know?" A trace of sternness flashed in her eyes, and suddenly, her figure disappeared in an instant, and the next second she appeared in front of the second sister and punched!

The second sister, who was always on guard, also reacted instantly. A disc-shaped device was already in her hand. With a swish, two lightsabers shot out from both ends of the device and directly chopped Arden-Lin's arm.

And she succeeded! At the moment when the lightsaber collided with Arden-Lin's mechanical arm, Arden-Lin's left foot stepped forward fiercely!

"Hey!!" A heavy punch was thrown with the left hand!

Bang! ! ! The second sister was caught off guard and was directly knocked out by this punch! But she also rolled in the air to stabilize her body and landed again.

She knew that she was definitely not Arden-Lin's opponent. The monster in front of her had fought against Master Yoda and Darth Malthael head-on! He was a strong man of the same level as them!

"Stop! There is no difference in our positions! I am here to invite you to join the referee!" The second sister said loudly.

But then she glanced at Mao who was being beaten by the Sandman, cursed inwardly, and knew that now was not the time to talk, so she turned around and ran back, and the shuttle she was riding immediately lowered its altitude to meet her.

The second sister jumped up more than ten meters, grabbed the grappling hook that the shuttle lowered, and shouted as she walked away: "I will come to find you again!"

However, at this time, several TIE fighters roared in the sky and passed by the second sister's shuttle. These fighters dived down without hesitation, followed by a fierce strafing!

Arden-Lin blocked the attack of the TIE fighter with his fist and took Jing Fang to dodge to the other side.


[Note 1: In the plot of this book, I will put the judges of the new official history, that is, the group of the second sister, the third sister, and the fifth brother who are well-known to everyone, together with the judges of the old official history (mainly because there are not enough cannon fodder), and they will become the two major hostile factions of the imperial judges. I will call the judges in the old official history the "Tribunal", because they are more involved in politics, and their organizational structure does have a bit of the feeling of the ancient empire. The judges in the new official history are more modern and more elite, um... let's call them the Judiciary. 】

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