The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2063: The Rise of the Rebel Army (Part 2)

2064. Rise of the Rebels (Part 2)

After avoiding the patrols of the imperial army, Padmé Amidala and her party came to an inconspicuous village. There are about 4 to 50 households in this village, and people make a living by raising fish around the nearby lake.

Such a life without fighting against the world is actually not uncommon among more populous outer-ring planets such as Rylos. Many residents are not interested in the so-called high-tech products in the center of the galaxy. They prefer their traditional simple life.

Entering a wooden house, you are greeted by an enthusiastic electronic voice, "Oh, distinguished leader Amidala, it is so good to see you arrived here safe and sound." A yellow phone with a yellow screen came out of the house. The copper-colored ceremonial robot, C-3PO.

"They arrived yesterday." said a rebel soldier nearby. "We have made proper arrangements. This village is full of our people."

Padmé Amidala nodded, lifted her hood, and walked inside.

Several elderly villagers inside quickly stood up and bowed to her, then opened a shelf full of dried fish, revealing a basement passage.

Entering the passage is like entering another world. The most advanced communication equipment is arranged here, and there is also a small but very precise holographic star map. On the star map, the star area surrounding Rylos planet is clearly displayed.

"Leader! We are ready! Let's start!" A rebel soldier looked at Padmé Amidala very excitedly and gave a vigorous military salute.

Even his movements were trembling due to excessive force. After all, the person standing in front of him was the respected leader! It is the spiritual pillar of the rebel army!

Padmé smiled slightly, her smile seemed to be filled with sunshine, dispelling the haze shrouded in the sky and giving people courage and confidence. She nodded and said: "Don't underestimate our enemies, but we can't lose our confidence either. The situation on Rylos Planet has matured, and this is what we all have achieved all along. And today, we will take the final step here." The key and the most difficult one.”

"Yes!" The rebel soldiers around him suddenly became excited.

A Twi'lek rebel army officer immediately clicked on the holographic star map and displayed the mark on it in red, "Leader, we have obtained all the information about the Imperial Army on the planet Rylos. You see... the Milky Way The Empire's naval force on the planet Rylos consists of two Imperial-class Star Destroyers, two Victory-class Star Destroyers, five Aquitens-class light cruisers, and two Night Watch-class frigates will arrive tomorrow. The warships are parked in the space station in the outer orbit of the planet... However, two of the Aquitens-class light cruisers will patrol around the equator of the planet once a day. During the patrol, the carrier-based aircraft formation will continuously take off in a three-aircraft formation. , expand patrol scope.”

He continued to mark on the holographic projection and said: "Then in the capital city of Lessu, the Galactic Empire is stationed with the 339th Clone Commando Battalion, with a total number of more than 2,400 people, and the 272nd Legion of the Imperial Stormtroopers. The total number of people is more than 9,200. They are stationed in the barracks area 1.5 kilometers east of Lesu City. Then there are mainly some local security forces in other cities on the planet, with a total number of more than three million. "

Padmé Amidala nodded and said: "I believe that every Twi'lek yearns for freedom and hates the exploitation of the Galactic Empire. This is also the result I obtained in the previous investigation, and it is also the result I obtained. The important reason for standing here now. According to the information I have received, the Galactic Empire is formulating a combat plan against the Principality of Dawn, and as part of the plan, the Galactic Empire will launch an attack on the planet Christophsis. The starting point of the attack is the planet Rylos."

The Twi'lek officer nodded and said: "In other words, the Galactic Empire rebuilt the 14th Army and continued to set up its general headquarters on the planet Rylos. This is why...the planet Christofsis has been occupied by the Dawn Principality for ten years. Over the years, they have been strengthening the planet's defenses. Now the total population there exceeds 40 billion. Coupled with the complete defense facilities, you can judge the scale of the Imperial Army's investment in the attack. ?"

Padmé Amidala said with great certainty: "The strength of an entire sector fleet is at least 150 capital ships and 4,000 small and medium-sized battleships. And the first batch of ground troops will invest at least 20 legions, 180,000 People. In order to maintain their frontline offensive, the number of ground troops assembled on the planet Rylos should reach about 3 million. "

"Such an army... would have to tear off a layer of the land of Rylos!" the Twi'lek officer waved his fist, "They are currently building a large-scale barracks, and are also building four large space buildings. Spaceport. All these expenses are borne by the planet Rylos, and the workers are all our people!"

"So, we can't let them continue like this." Padmé Amidala said, "The Imperial Council has also made arrangements to reveal some of the corrupt practices of Uloda, the governor of the planet Rylos during his tenure as the planet's governor. All the evidence is conclusive. We will first launch the impeachment of Uloda. If nothing happens, the results will come soon when the empire sends the investigation team. It will be the power vacuum period on the planet Rylos. "

The Twi'lek officer nodded and said, "What happens next will also go according to plan!"

Padmé patted him on the shoulder and said, "Whether the planet Rylos can get rid of the control of the empire depends on this!"

Everyone started busy according to the previous plan. With Padmé Amidala here, every rebel soldier present was full of strength.

Yes, because...she is the leader of all the rebels!

Going back a few years ago, when the Confederation of Independent Systems was still on its last legs, many planets stood up to resist the Empire because of the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. However, although these uprisings occurred one after another, there was no organization at all. The insurgents just relied on their passion to temporarily organize a group of people to fight against the imperial army.

Such as the uprising on the planet Rafa.

The Galactic Empire forced the planet Rafah to grow high-energy crops, consuming the fertility of the planet's land in a predatory manner, and even refused to use chemical fertilizers. Moreover, the empire also forced the farmers of Rafa Planet to perform high-intensity labor and only gave them a small allowance. Even this small amount of charity was often withheld.

So the people of the planet Rafa went on strike. They organized to attack the imperial army, seize weapons, and attack the imperial army's garrison. In fact, the thoughts of these rebels are very simple, they just want to drive out the empire.

But this is almost impossible.

The uprising on the planet Rafa was very violent, and Ahsoka Tano was also involved. They once captured the Galactic Empire's barracks, killed all the imperial troops inside, and also robbed several spaceships.

But the Galactic Empire soon made a comeback. Three Victory I-class Star Destroyers immediately descended on the planet. A large number of TIE/LN fighters took off and wreaked havoc across the entire planet, destroying every spaceship that appeared in their sight!

After gaining absolute air supremacy, Imperial fighter jets began to bombard those places where the rebels appeared. Fighters kept swooping and strafing, and TIE bombers roared and dropped high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs one after another. Towns and villages were in flames, and the fields that people had worked hard to cultivate were also engulfed in flames.

After the rebels who had risen to resist were completely blown away, a large number of imperial stormtroopers began to land and carried out an inhumane massacre on the rebels who could no longer organize themselves!

In the end, the uprising on the entire planet Rafa was completely suppressed. Seeing that there was no hope of resistance, the farmers had to return to the fields, and under the guns of the Imperial Stormtroopers, they continued to overdraw the planet's fertility and plant high-energy crops for the Empire.

Since the Galactic Empire began to rule the galaxy, such resistance and repression have occurred almost every day. As a result, countless people have been massacred by the Imperial army and countless cities have been plowed to the ground. Some planets that make too much noise will even attract orbital bombardments from the Imperial Navy! And the one who appeared on these planets and personally issued the order for orbital bombing was none other than Emperor Palpatine's disciple and confidant - Darth Vader!

The uprising at that time was desperate, as if you were going to die. People couldn't bear it anymore and chose to rise up when they couldn't live any longer, and the result was indeed death without distinction.

There is no doubt about the power of the empire, and it is definitely not something that a single planet can resist.

And at this time, Padmé Amidala appeared!

People don't know who this person is, they only know that this person has a voice full of power and courage, and he also has the wisdom to constantly deal with the Galactic Empire. Someone called her 'leader', so they called her out.

Padmé Amidala first established a very secret and very efficient communication mechanism. No one knows how she did it, but she can indeed connect all the resistance movements on many planets, and Without the knowledge of the Imperial Security Bureau, more and more resistance movements were linked together.

This alone is a miracle.

And with the help of this communication network, Padmé Amidala began to convey her thoughts to many planets that wanted to rise up against the Empire. She gave secret speeches and distributed various leaflets through many channels.

She has a very complete theoretical system on how to resist the Empire. The most important point is that she very clearly pointed out that the reason why the Galactic Empire is so corrupt and cruel is ultimately because the Emperor Palpatine is a Sith Lord!

The Sith Lords are a group of evil beings who distort the Force and use it to satisfy their own desires. They are the dark side of the Force. Because of this, Emperor Palpatine regarded the entire Galactic Empire as a tool to realize his ambitions. At the same time, Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of the Dawn Principality, is also an evil Sith Lord.

The struggle between the two Sith Lords dragged the entire galaxy into war.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of their rebel army is to overthrow the rule of the Milky Way by the Sith Lords, including Palpatine and Tang Xiao, and then rebuild the Galactic Republic and bring freedom and democracy back to the Milky Way!

The introduction of this guiding ideology can be said to be a qualitative change for the rebels throughout the galaxy. In fact, since ancient times, what all rebels need most is such a clear and long-term goal. Once there is no clear enough goal to guide them, it will be like a certain kingdom of heaven. After achieving staged victory, they will fall into confusion and finally fall into power. Lost.

Padmé Amidala directly targeted the Sith Lord and the dark side of the Force, letting everyone know who her enemy was!

After having a platform, Padmé Amidala began to consider the overall situation from a higher perspective and made clear suggestions to those planets that wanted to launch an uprising. For example, if some planets in a very bad situation do not revolt for the time being, they will lose their lives in vain, and through the resistance actions in other areas, the power of the empire will be gradually weakened, and then the uprising will be successful.

Planets that successfully revolt will often negotiate terms with local officials of the empire to strive for a better living environment, or create a power vacuum in the empire to temporarily keep the power of the empire away.

All these actions boil down to one point - weakening the empire's power and strengthening one's own!

All uprisings are temporary, and they are just to spread the concept of resisting the Empire, resisting the dark side, and resisting the Sith Lords, so that more people can understand it, and at the same time, they are also to help those who cannot survive.

The materials from the empire they seized during the uprising were used on the one hand to strengthen themselves, and on the other hand used to help those planets in despair.

That's right, in some places where the empire's power is stronger, Padmé Amidala will not force them to rise up to resist, but will make them endure and wait for a better opportunity.

At the same time, Padmé Amidala also began to build an elite force directly belonging to her, and this force was like a ghost attacking the empire everywhere, causing the imperial military to be troubled but unable to catch them.

In this constant struggle, Padmé Amidala, in the name of 'leader', became a being that the Galactic Empire wanted to quickly eliminate.

But the Galactic Empire did not connect the 'leader' with the former member of the Naboo planet. Because Padmé Amidala is already a dead person. No matter how much the Imperial Intelligence Department investigates, they will never find a dead person.

And Padmé Amidala's speech will also slightly change her voice, making her voice deeper and more magnetic. Most of the rebel soldiers who had met her did not actually know the former Naboo senator, and these people stood together because of their firm beliefs, and they would never betray Padmé.

In fact, Darth Vader had a feeling that Padmé Amidala might not be dead yet, but he couldn't tell anyone else about it.

So, this became the ‘leader’—the powerful leader of the rebel army!

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