The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2062 The Rise of the Rebels (Part 1)

2063. Rise of the Rebels (Part 1)

Therefore, in the Hutt space, the Galactic Empire is also forced to invest a lot of resources and energy. On the one hand, it must obtain its own share of benefits as much as possible. On the other hand, it must also prevent it from making too much trouble. It's not good for you at all.

Not to mention the southwest region of the Milky Way where the Principality of Dawn is located. The Galactic Empire has stationed more than one-fifth of its main fleet here for a long time as evidenced by this.

Not only are there 2,000 warships stationed on the planets Tallan and Kira, respectively, to guard against the Yago-Durr and Eriadu planets in the Principality of Dawn. Moreover, the Galactic Empire military also has a plan for mobilization and reinforcement. This plan is how to assemble 100 million clone soldiers within a week, plus another 1,500 capital ships, after being suddenly attacked by the Principality of Dawn. Go to reinforce the battle.

Reaching this point actually shows that the Galactic Empire regards the Principality of Dawn as its biggest enemy. It's the same as the geth who kill indiscriminately and wreak havoc in the north!

And although there was no overt confrontation between the two sides, agents and spies from both sides were very active in the southeastern region. Hyperspace outposts, listening posts, blockers, and empty minefields are everywhere.

Once the latest equipment is available from the Galactic Empire, it will be supplied to this direction immediately to fight against the advanced warships of the Principality of Dawn. Among other things, the shadow of the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship Plague and the Ankhlon-class Titan battleship Xuanwu, these super battleships brought to the Galactic Republic, is still vivid in the minds of officials at all levels of the Imperial Navy.

The Galactic Empire currently has a total of five Executor-class super Star Destroyers, three of which are in this direction. The other two were stationed at the Imperial Center. There are a total of 10 Commander II-class dreadnoughts, and 6 have been deployed in this direction!

In the other direction of the Milky Way, the southern boundary of the Milky Way, the situation is also more complicated.

This place, to say it is not good, is not bad at all. Although this place seems remote, the Galactic Empire's power here is surprisingly strong.

Because since the Galactic Republic launched a counterattack in the late Clone Wars, it regained the planet Rylos, which was once occupied by the Separatists. With the recovery of the planet Rylos, the Fourteenth Army, which had been declared destroyed, was rebuilt with this place as its capital.

Then, the Technology Alliance, one of the core members of the Confederation of Independent Systems, also has its main sphere of influence in this star region. In addition to the planet Rylos, there are also important industrial planets such as the planet Hyperion. The Technology Alliance was the first to secretly contact the Galactic Republic in the late war to prepare for surrender.

So with the capture of the Salukami planet, the Technology Alliance stopped hedging its bets and surrendered with great fanfare, returning to the embrace of the Galactic Empire. Different from the ending of the original plot where it was directly divided and annexed, this time, because the Galactic Empire was already internally unstable, Palpatine also gave the Technical Alliance some preferential treatment, allowing them to continue to serve the Empire with good arms and legs.

Therefore, this star area controlled by the Technology Alliance gradually stabilized under the control of the great foreman Walter Tambor, who was transformed into the Deputy Minister of Industry of the Galactic Empire.

And the Rossana Heavy Engineering Company, a subsidiary company of Kuat Power Dockyard that specializes in developing and manufacturing ground weapons and equipment for the Galactic Empire, is also in this sector. Furthermore, the most dominant race in this sector - the Twi'leks living on the planet Rylos, and their councilor Orn Free-Tower, has always been Palpatine's loyal dog.

Although the Galactic Empire pursues a policy of human supremacy, Emperor Palpatine, who has internal and external troubles, still pinches his nose and recognizes these powerful non-human forces as long as they are not under his nose. Not only that, but they were also used as models to promote the Galactic Empire's 'fair and just' racial policy.

However, is the southern border of the Milky Way really so stable? Not really.

First of all, in this place, the planet Christophsis has always been under the control of the Principality of Dawn, and it has a complete planetary shield, orbital defense system and powerful garrison. The Galactic Empire has not taken this planet in one bite. Planet's capabilities.

And then, the planet Tatooine is here too. As a transportation hub in the outer ring of the galaxy, it is also the planet with the most rampant smuggling activities. Now after the Hutt civil war broke out, the planet Tatooine has become the source of chaos in the southern border of the galaxy.

At the same time, despite the existence of loyal dogs like Orn Free Tower, the Twi'leks generally still yearn for freedom. They are one of the races with the most liberal ideas. As of now, it is something that gives both the Galactic Empire and the Principality of Dawn a headache——

Rebel Army!

The southern border of the Milky Way, the outer star region, the planet Rylos.

In the sky, three TIE/LN fighter jets roared past with an unpleasant sound.

To ensure that the TIE fighter formation flew far away, a few talents carefully emerged from the grass. One of the soldiers carefully protected a woman next to him who covered her face with a brown cloak.

"Okay, according to the patrol schedule of the Imperial Air Force formation, the fighters of this formation will not pass over us again in four hours. Hurry up." A soldier with a resolute appearance said.

He looked back at the cloaked woman, shook his head and said, "You don't need to come in person, leader. The Imperial military also knows that the situation on Ryloth has been unstable recently, so they are also strengthening patrols here. According to intelligence, two more Night Watcher-class frigates will be transferred here tomorrow."

"The more this is the case, the more I must move forward bravely and face the oppression of the Empire." The woman lifted her hood to reveal her face.

This is a beautiful woman with a strong face and a serious expression. She is the former queen of Naboo and a member of the Naboo planet. She has been fighting against power in the political arena for freedom and justice. In the end, she finally saw through the reality and chose the armed uprising-Padmé Amidala!

She looked at the rebel soldier in front of her seriously and said, "Compared to this, the people of Rylos need me more."

"Yes, leader. We Twi'leks are ready!" Another Twi'lek rebel soldier said firmly, "Since the Galactic Empire decided to rebuild the 14th Army, they have plundered our planet and captured our people as slaves and miners! The Techno Union is also colluding with them! If this continues, Rylos will sooner or later become a fortress they want! And our people can no longer farm and survive in a fortress..."

"That's right! If it continues, Rylos will have no future! We must rise up and resist!" said another warrior.

"Leader, you gave us the courage to resist! Overthrow the Galactic Empire!"

"Overthrow the 14th Army! Overthrow the Techno Union! Overthrow Orn-Fry-Tar!"

"Bring freedom back to Rylos!!" The surrounding warriors were excited and their morale was high.

Indeed, as Padmé Amidala said, her arrival gave these people great courage!

"Don't worry! We have a complete plan! This time, we will make the Galactic Empire completely withdraw from the planet Ryloth!" Padmé said firmly. (End of this chapter)

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