The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2060 The Desperate and Powerful Empire (Part 2)

2061. Desperate and powerful empire (Part 2)

Among the current military-industrial systems of the Galactic Empire, the most important components are three industrial giants-Quat Power Dockyard, Xina Fleet Systems, and Corellian Engineering Company.

Among these three industrial giants, Corellia Engineering Company is relatively independent, because they are mainly responsible for the construction of a large number of civilian, industrial and commercial spaceships. Therefore, although they are very large, they are basically not responsible for research and development in the Imperial Army. task.

Corellian Engineering Company is currently mainly engaged in OEM. After obtaining the blueprints, it helps the other two industrial giants to produce and OEM their warships. Because what Corellia Engineering Company is responsible for is actually to dredge the lifeblood of all walks of life in the galaxy, and because a large number of industrial, commercial, and civilian spaceships come from their construction, even the militaristic Palpatine has no Incorporate them completely into the empire's military war machine.

However, Corellian Engineering Company still has its own military production line, and the various types of frigates and gunboats they produce still rely on their good performance to be active in the Galactic Empire Navy. In addition to their own DP-20 anti-aircraft gunboats, CR-90 frigates and other small warships, the most important OEM warship of Corellia Engineering Company is the Victory II-class fighter they previously received from Rendili Interstellar Power Company. starship.

Xina Fleet Systems Corporation, formerly known as Republic Xina Systems Corporation, was a huge company reorganized by Reis-Xina after the establishment of the Galactic Empire and with the support of Palpatine's crony, Wilhuff Tarkin. Industrial Enterprises.

When the Galactic Empire began to re-adjust the industrial system derived from the Galactic Republic, one of the biggest changes was to eliminate Rendili Star Power Company, which had rebelled to the Principality of Dawn, and to replace it with Xina Fleet Systems Company. And now in the industrial system of the Galactic Empire, the division of labor is more clear. Xina Fleet Systems Company is responsible for fighter jets, engines, operating AI, etc.

Xina Fleet Systems presided over the development of the most important update of the Galactic Empire Navy - the TIE Project. This plan directly determines the future main fighter and bomber models of the Imperial Navy, all of which will be TIE series fighters developed by the Xina Fleet System.

In addition to the first-generation TIE fighter, the TIE series now includes TIE/LN air superiority fighter, TIE/RB heavy support fighter, TIE/SA bomber and other models, and is also researching more powerful TIE interceptor to fight against the Principality of Dawn. Newly entered service include Sabre, Broadsword and other fighter models.

Not only that, the TIE series also includes transport aircraft, landing ships, shuttle aircraft and other models. Xina Fleet Systems, which made a lot of money in this series, even developed several TIE series tanks! If Rossana Heavy Engineering Company, a subsidiary of the Quat Power Dockyard, which is mainly responsible for the Imperial Army's armaments, had not protested, maybe the Xina Fleet System would have produced a few TIE series walkers!

In addition, the most important product of Schina Fleet Systems is the L2B cation reactor they designed and manufactured. This kind of reactor has excellent performance and huge power. Reis-Chiner even publicly stated more than once that the L2B cation reactor is the Galactic Empire's own artificial star!

All large battleships in the Galactic Empire are designed and built based on this kind of reactor. The most typical one is the Empire-class Star Destroyer. Some people jokingly say that the design of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer is to add armor around the L2B cation reactor and install a turret.

Finally, as the name of the Xina Fleet System goes, they also designed all the battleship operating systems of the Imperial Navy, as well as the navigation systems of the pilot robots.

In the Imperial Navy's military-industrial system, the core is still the Quat Power Dockyard.

Compared to the Corellian Engineering Company, the Quat Power Dockyard lacks a lot of background and is easier to control; compared to the Xina Fleet System, it has enough size and strength to support the huge Galactic Empire. military industry needs.

The current Kuat Power Shipyard has gone through a lot of troubles at the hands of its predecessor, Kuat's Kuat, Onana Kuat, and it also lost almost half of its wealth in the raid that invaded the Model Sector. Xiao Kuate, who later took over as Kuate's Kuate, still showed his strong skills in the face of this mess.

Faced with the pressure from Emperor Palpatine, who demanded that the imperial official directly take over the Kuat Power Shipyard, Little Kuart decisively chose to refuse. He roped in Lila Wessex, also known as Lila Blissex, and continued to maintain her aura as a super battleship designer, thus gaining access to the powerful faction of the Imperial Navy, the Ninth Army, known as the King of the North. Governor-General, Dunne-Wessex.

Wessex dotes on his new love, Lila Wessex. After blowing a lot of pillow wind, Dunne Wessex directly uses the three northern legions, the 7th, 9th and 10th. The financial quota sent a large order to Kuat Power Shipyard. On the one hand, it solves the problem of the Kuat Dynamic Shipyard's cash flow rupture. On the other hand, because the North is currently at war with the Geth for a long time, the Northern Territory's order for the Empire class also indirectly shows that the Imperial military's support for the Empire class Star Destroyer Approval.

With such a guarantee, Little Kuart can continue to sell his Imperial-class Star Destroyer, which has been criticized in previous battles, to the Imperial Navy in the core area. The game of Kuat Power Shipyard finally came to life again.

Later, under the planning of Dunn Wessex, Lila's father, the real genius designer Willix Blissex, was kidnapped. And this time, having learned from the lesson that Dr. Zhang Jiarui was rescued by agents of the Dawn Principality and turned the planet Kuat upside down, Lila Wessex was heavily fortified and finally did not let her father be rescued again.

Of course, in order to appease Emperor Palpatine, Little Kuart also paid a huge price to please His Majesty the Emperor. In addition to generous gifts and funding, he gritted his teeth to complete the design and build the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer.

After seeing this 19,000-meter-long super battleship, Palpatine finally gave up his plan to directly take over the Kuat Power Shipyard, allowing them to continue to be independent.

Seeing that he was unable to leave, and unable to withstand his daughter's persuasion, Willix-Blissex finally relented and helped Lila re-revise the design of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer and use it as a basis. , launching the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.

Therefore, after solving the problems of internal and external troubles, Little Kuat also repaid Palpatine. Although he maintained the independence of Kuat Power Shipyard, he still strengthened the imperial military's control over him, such as military advisers. Stationed in the company for a long time and accepted Palpatine's representatives into the board of directors to dispel Palpatine's wariness of them.

Then, Little Kuat began his operation to completely turn the Kuat Power Dockyard into a war machine for the Galactic Empire. The huge industrial ring of Kuat Planet is under full construction, and at the same time, 1,500 Empire-class Star Destroyers will be built, and it is expected that this number will double in a few years!

Not only that, those small interstellar shipyards are also constantly manufacturing various types of small battleships and auxiliary battleships.

A steady stream of spaceships sailed out of the dock and joined the Imperial Navy, making the Imperial Navy unprecedentedly powerful. Moreover, in order to meet the huge resource needs of Kuat Power Shipyard, countless mining planets in the empire are mined day and night, and huge amounts of resources are continuously sent to Kuat Planet, making it the busiest place in the empire.

Now, with the support of these three industrial giants, the Galactic Empire Navy has become a terrifying force with tens of thousands of kilometer-class battleships, hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized warships, and millions of fighter jets!

Compare that to the Clone Wars era.

At that time, the Kilometer-class battleships of the Galactic Republic were only maintained at a level of about 2,000 due to constant production and consumption, and there were tens of thousands of small and medium-sized warships. And in this way, the Galactic Republic is also capable of launching large-scale battles such as the Model Sector Raid with more than 400 capital ships participating in the battle. And in the largest battle for the Salukami planet, more than 1,000 battleships participated in the battle!

But now, the Galactic Empire, which has tens of thousands of capital ships, can easily support a very large battle involving 2,000 to 3,000 capital ships! By then, what will restrict the Galactic Empire's army will even be the overwhelmed hyperspace channel!

But now, the Galactic Empire has temporarily dispersed these capital ships to various places, mainly to suppress the rising uprisings everywhere, and then to monitor the Principality of Dawn.

The Imperial fleet that monitors the Principality of Dawn is mainly gathered in two places - one is the capital of the 20th Army of the Republic, the planet Tallan, which is backed by the planet Fondo, one of the largest shipyards in the Galactic Republic ( Fondor), directly facing the northern gateway of the Dawn Principality, Yago-Dur planet.

The other one is directly facing the most important transportation hub of the Dawn Principality - the Kira planet of the fortress planet Eriadu.

Both the Kira planet and the Tallan planet have assembled heavy troops, with 1,000 capital ships permanently stationed to ensure that the Dawn Principality has no possibility of breaking through their blockade.

If one day the Galactic Empire is determined to completely solve the problem of the Dawn Principality, then the fleets of the planets Kira and Tallan will be the most important force.

But currently, despite having such a huge fleet, even Emperor Palpatine, who hates Tang Xiao so much, has to admit that the Galactic Empire currently does not have the power to initiate an attack and quickly defeat the Principality of Dawn.

The reason is that the Galactic Empire is facing internal and external troubles.

At present, the Galactic Empire is besieged on all sides. Although it cannot be said to be accurate, it is basically the same.

Let's put aside for the moment the uprisings and the various intrigues among the major factions and families within the Galactic Empire. The external environment alone is bad enough for the Galactic Empire.

In the northern border of the galaxy, due to the raging of the mechanical life form Geth, the entire northern border has been plunged into war, and it has never calmed down for a moment. Since the geth have begun to utilize warp navigation technology and ignore hyperspace channels, almost no planet in the entire northern territory is safe, so the Galactic Empire has to maintain a huge fleet in the northern territory to ensure safety.

Although his position is only the Governor of the Ninth Army, in fact due to his large number of connections and Palpatine's favor, Dunne-Wessex can be said to be the de facto controller of the entire Northern Territory. The three major legions of the Seventh, Ninth, and Tenth, plus the Eighth Legion, which was previously destroyed by the Geth and is preparing to be rebuilt, are all under the control of Dunn Wessex.

In order to deal with the geth's attack, Dunn-Wessex had the terrifying strength of more than 3,000 capital ships and 150,000 small and medium-sized warships. This huge fleet was divided into more than 40 squadrons, wreaking havoc on the geth. In the most serious area, nearly 200 habitable galaxies have been fortified.

Not only that, Dunn Wessex's men also include rising stars like Gilad Pellaeon. Dunn also admires Pellaeon very much and asked him to comprehensively organize the battle against the geth.

At the same time, there are also super generals like Mis-Ro-Nurudo-Thawn. It's just that Dunn Wessex is not yet familiar with this famous general who will surely shine in the future. Thrawn is now just the commander of a patrol fleet.

In the eastern boundary of the Milky Way Plane Star Map, this was once the core area of ​​the Federation of Independent Systems. After the fall of the Confederation of Independent Systems, this area did not really return to peace.

A very direct question is, why does the Confederation of Independent Systems use the subplanet of Laxus as its administrative capital?

It's not because this place is so unique, it's just because the separatist forces in this area are the strongest!

Here, whether it is the Laxus subplanet, the Felucia planet, the Semires planet, the Ossus planet, the Salukami planet, the Dark planet... all of these planets have hated the Galactic Republic from the beginning. , the kind that wishes the Galactic Republic would die tomorrow.

What's more, after Count Dooku followed Tang Xiao's advice and recognized Palpatine's true face, whether it was for selfish reasons of self-preservation or some other plan, in short, he worked hard for a period of time and sincerely wanted to To build the Federation of Independent Systems even stronger.

So it is conceivable that even if the Federation of Independent Systems falls apart, these planets will not be able to truly offer their loyalty to the Galactic Empire.

Although Darth Vader led a huge fleet to capture the planet Salukami in one fell swoop, and after that, almost all the former independent galaxy confederation-affiliated galaxies surrendered, but the problem is that these planets only surrendered on the surface. Totally dismissive of the Galactic Empire.

To put it more seriously, the reason why these planets surrendered was because they saw that the Principality of Dawn also surrendered! On the other hand, when the war between the Principality of Dawn and the Galactic Empire starts again, these planets will immediately jump up to resist the Galactic Empire. At least they will be restrained in secret.

I bought Homeland 3 and played it for a while. One look at the disgusting face of the heroine and I knew what was going on, so I got a refund. I just want to say sweet baby, if you do all the bad things, you will die a good death sooner or later!

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