Chapter 2059 The Desperate and Powerful Empire (Part 2)

2060. Desperate and Powerful Empire (Part 2)

In the Galactic Empire, if the dignitaries in the core circle are like this, it is self-evident what will happen to the planets in other places.

There are also some second-class, but still very powerful and rich nobles in the inner star region of the Milky Way, but these nobles have become the best prey for those top wealthy families. Mergers, acquisitions, destruction, engulfment, all kinds of methods are emerging in endlessly.

While the top wealthy families in the inner circle spend a lot of wealth to satisfy Palpatine's greed, they will naturally choose to pass on their conflicts, so the inner circle becomes the best choice.

Under such crazy actions, the nobles in the inner circle had to choose to succumb. They relied on the top wealthy families in the inner circle, and used their own resources and heritage to find ways to play both sides of several different wealthy families to squeeze out a little bit for themselves. living space.

They would complain loudly in parliament, seeking a solution to their plight, but no one would listen to them. Every greedy eye in the parliament has regarded them as the most delicious prey.

What's even more desperate is that the nobles in the inner circle are not even qualified to have a relationship with Emperor Palpatine! They can only find the regional governors and faction leaders to help each other, and then choose a more decent posture and be eaten bit by bit by the latter.

The only difference is how long they can struggle before being eaten, and whether they can leave themselves any leftovers. Next, what they need to think about is how to please their new master and make their life easier.

Similarly, what about the Central Star Region? Those can no longer be said to be wealthy families, just some relatively developed planets. Those planets in the Central Star Region have no status at all. Their only value is their little production capacity and consumption capacity. Therefore, during this inhumane plunder and annexation, the planets in the Central Star District became commodity dumping grounds and parts processing factories.

The wealthy nobles in the core circle and the inner circle, as well as their giant companies, are trying every means to stimulate consumption on these planets. They use various methods to corrupt the ruling classes of these planets, allowing them to promote the planet's population explosion and guide people's distorted consumption concepts, causing these planets to gradually lose their ability to take care of themselves, and then be included in the insignificant link of the empire's economic circle.

Each of these 'transformed' central planets has a population of tens to tens of billions, but they have no ability to support these populations. At the same time, the distorted concept of consumption has caused people on the planet to compare a lot, and vanity has become commonplace. Giant companies have imported a variety of cheap products that make people addicted, destroying the original economic systems of these planets, leaving these planets to rely on Only by importing large amounts can we maintain our survival.

Where do the funds for imports come from? They will be arranged by giant companies to produce some single products with no technical content. For example, it specializes in the production of the XX-9 heavy turbolaser cannon used by Imperial-class Star Destroyers... Oh, did you think it was the laser cannon itself? No, it’s the shell or barrel of a heavy turbolaser cannon...

These complex equipment were split into parts with no technical content, and then such factories were copied in large quantities on the Central Planet to reduce costs. And what can a planet that can only produce turret shells do industrially? Nothing works! They can only use all the income from producing turret shells to purchase various commodities provided by giant companies, so that they can support the huge population base on their planet.

Such a planet and such people will not have any future or hope.

As for the Outer Rim Star Region?

Sorry, the Galactic Empire does not recognize the people in these places as Imperial citizens at all. The Empire will only plunder these places inhumanely. Only when the Empire lays claim to these planets, they are Imperial territory and Imperial citizens. And if it is a pirate invasion or a famine that requires support, haha... you are not qualified.

The Galactic Empire has a special department to analyze how to maximize the use of planets in the central star sector and planets in the outer star sector.

Take the planet Rafa, for example. After analysis, it was believed that this planet did not have the foundation for the development of mining or industry, but the land was fertile, so the Imperial Ministry of Agriculture came directly to force people to plant high-energy crops. In order to reduce costs, they are not even willing to pay for fertilizers. They only want to plant predatory crops, exhaust all the fertility of the planet, and then leave.

As for how many people will starve to death on the planet? They don't care. Anyway, if people starve to death and fall on the ground, isn’t it also fertilizer? In a few hundred years, maybe this planet will be revitalized again? Nature is great, right?

In short, the empire never cares about what happens to these outer-ring planets. Anyway, there are countless outer-ring planets, and they will be plundered one by one, and they don't know how long they will plunder. There will always be endless leeks to cut.

Such was the extreme policy adopted by the Galactic Empire under Palpatine's rule.

Why did he do this? There's only one reason - fast.

Because this is the fastest way to increase his own power, not only his own power, but also the power of the empire.

Only by plundering like this can the empire accumulate enough wealth and resources to expand its military and prepare for war in the shortest possible time.

Only this kind of centralization of power can enable the regime that was originally forcibly reorganized to establish the empire in the turmoil to stabilize its power as quickly as possible.

Similarly, countless wailing creatures and countless cruel killings have become the best food for his dark side power. While the Imperial Army committed various crimes, his power grew day by day. Not only him, but powerful users of the dark side such as Darth Vader, Black Hole, and Kadan are also becoming stronger and stronger in such a dark and terrifying world.

Especially Palpatine, his mind was increasingly twisted by the power of the dark side. He doesn't care at all what the Galactic Empire will become, he only cares about what he gets!

As long as he possesses invincible power, any enemy will be crushed by him alone! In this case, does he still need to care about the opinions of those ants?

One Sith, isn't that what it is?

As long as I am strong alone, what happens to the galaxy has nothing to do with me.

And of course, at least at this stage, in order to maintain his reign of terror, Palpatine must also maintain a powerful and terrifying army.

The main purpose of establishing such an army is to suppress those endless rebellions and suppress those disobedient planets, so that they can plunder more wealth and resources! (End of chapter)

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