The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2 Something is wrong with this mothership!

2. Something is wrong with this mothership!

The cabin door opened, and green lights lit up in the white corridor, pointing Tang Xiao to the elevator leading to the bridge. The nurse guarding the door lowered her head and ran back to the medical cabin to tidy up.

[The manager has awakened, please pay attention to the work arrangements... The manager has awakened...] In the corridor, the broadcast from the main brain is still echoing.

However, the whole place still seemed empty. Tang Xiao walked for a long time before seeing two soldiers in black uniforms at the elevator door.

Seeing Tang Xiao approaching, the two soldiers stood at attention and gave a very standard military salute, "Hi, manager!"

Tang Xiao was a little uncomfortable, but he nodded back. Seeing his response, the two soldiers raised their well-developed chest muscles even higher.

After taking a long elevator, he came to a very spacious hall. There were two soldiers at the door. They looked resolute. When they saw Tang Xiao approaching, they immediately stood at attention and saluted.

In the center of the hall is a huge holographic projection star map, but most of the star map is completely dark, and nothing can be seen.

There are many seats and consoles around. It seems that if this place is to start operating, at least a hundred people need to work together at the same time, but there are only a dozen people working in the hall.

"Salute!" Everyone present stood up and saluted Tang Xiao, "Hi, manager!"

Tang Xiao was a little uncomfortable with this, but still nodded, looking out through the huge panoramic observation window, a green planet came into view. Unlike the blue earth, there are only a lot of green vegetation on this planet, so the whole looks green.

On the periphery of the planet, white atmospheric clouds are clearly visible, showing the planet's good atmospheric environment.

But the most conspicuous thing is not this planet, but an extremely huge planet behind it. Compared with the giant planet, this asteroid looks like a mouse standing at the foot of an elephant.

The light blue sphere looks smooth and clean, only a few places have dark cyclones, like the bouncy balls I played with when I was a child-it is obvious that this is a gas giant planet.

"Is this the habitable planet we found now?" Tang Xiao asked.

[Yes, manager. 】The holographic projection in the center immediately switched to the appearance of a star system, and the mastermind explained: [The current star system is a stable binary star system, with two stars constantly revolving around a common center point. There is only one planet in the star system, which is this gas giant planet with a diameter of 48,951 kilometers. 】

[In addition, there are 9 satellites around this gas giant planet, and we are next to one of them. There is also a satellite with a suitable climate, but the ocean coverage on it exceeds 95%, which is not suitable for colonization under the current conditions. 】

"Nine satellites orbiting a gas giant planet?" Tang Xiao frowned, thinking in memory, "Well, that means we can only colonize this asteroid, right? At least first Tell me how things are going."

Standing up from a round table on the side, a 25 or 6-year-old young man in a dark blue military uniform saluted Tang Xiao and said, "First of all, we need to replenish conventional fuel. The atmosphere of this gas giant planet contains a large amount of fuel. Helium can be used as an energy source for various spacecraft fusion reactors. Therefore, it is necessary to build a mining station near the giant planet. There are modular semi-finished products in the warehouse of the mothership, and some small engineering spacecraft are kept in the hangar to complete the assembly work. , but these spacecraft need to be piloted."

"So I need to wake up these drivers?"

"Yes, after you woke up from hibernation, the mastermind awakened a total of 50 of us to prepare for you in advance. Among them, 10 marines, 5 civilian staff, 5 staff officers, 5 correspondents, and 5 maintenance personnel personnel and 10 mothership control personnel, in addition to 10 medical personnel to ensure our health at all times. Your authorization is now required to wake up more people."

"Very good, what's your name?" Tang Xiao asked, seeing that this man spoke in an orderly manner.

"My name is Qi Jian! I'm a member of the staff department!" Qi Jian replied loudly with his chest out.

"Flagship, that's a good name, very good. If you don't have a corresponding position yet, then you will be our interim chief of staff from now on." Tang Xiao said.

He also probably understood some things. What he needs to do now is to build a team first. It is impossible for him to understand everything himself, but as long as someone below understands, it will be fine.

Sure enough, after being hand-picked by Tang Xiao, Qi Jian suddenly became excited, and he replied loudly: "Yes! I promise to complete the task!"

"Okay, let me see the situation of our hibernating crew." Tang Xiao was prompted by the mastermind to sit down on the highest seat in the center of the bridge, and immediately opened a huge holographic screen in front of him.

The people who can be awakened are listed on the screen, including the 600,000 residents and the 50,000 crew members. These people are good at different fields. In the current situation, it is obvious that people should be selected among the 50,000 crew members to wake them up. These people are more familiar with the work on the mothership.

These personnel are also divided into different levels, including ordinary, elite, and master. After that, there are three levels full of question marks. And the conditions that need to be met to wake up these personnel are also different.

For example, master-level talents are basically masters who have reached the pinnacle in their respective fields. If you want to awaken such people to face a colony that is poor and white without even a tent, it would be as wasteful as asking a doctorate to move bricks.

Therefore, under these talents, the conditions that need to be fulfilled to awaken them are marked, and most of these conditions are the conditions they put forward before entering the frozen hibernation, and are determined after signing the contract with the mothership.

Tang Xiao was very curious to see who the masters were. He clicked on a random person and found that this was a master astrophysicist. His request was a three-story villa, a private swimming pool, and the most advanced A laboratory and a super radio astronomy observatory built on a plateau at least 3,000 meters above sea level.

Click on another one. This is a master of quantum mechanics. He needs a dust-free laboratory, the most advanced experimental equipment, a particle collider at least 50 kilometers long, and two people under the age of 20. A beautiful woman as a personal secretary and a velvet bed with a diameter of no less than 5 meters?

Nani? Brother, you are wrong!

There are also some more normal requirements. For example, the needs of a master sociologist are very simple, not asking for food or clothing, as long as the population of the colony exceeds 10 million...



This demand is even more outrageous, good bastard (╯°Д°)╯(┻━┻!!

Tang Xiao resolutely closed the interface of master-level characters. He didn't even look at the elite level this time. He has nothing now. Even if he wakes up those people, they probably will directly pick them up, or they will die for you to see.

This is actually the reason. In fact, the initial work can be done very well by ordinary people, such as workers, and at most some elite people are needed to take the lead.

However, it is still necessary to have a strict awakening condition for master characters. For example, if you wake up a master physicist when the colony is still under construction, there are no sophisticated instruments or laboratories, so why ask him to do it? Go to school and teach physics? The problem is you don't even have a school now!

Most of these master figures are 50 or 60 years old. Would it take one year less for them to come out early and waste time with the development of the early days of the colony?

Therefore, it is not without reason that these people signed such conditions and contracts before they fell asleep.

Relatively speaking, there are no conditions for ordinary-level people to wake up. Open it and have a look. Basically, it is enough to have food, housing, and work. Only a small number of people's requirements are that the working environment requires members of the opposite sex, or they hope to be able to eat noodles and other small conditions.

Before authorizing the awakening, Tang Xiao thought for a while and asked, "Mastermind, am I the only one who can authorize the awakening of the crew? And these people all work for me?"

[Yes, you are the owner of the mothership's highest authority. All crew members and residents are also chosen by you, and they will also dedicate their loyalty to you. 】

Tang Xiao nodded silently. He quickly found the engineering department among the ordinary crew members, and then chose to wake up 10 teams, each with 10 people, responsible for controlling an engineering spaceship, and then woke up two teams of 10 people. Logistical maintenance personnel. Then after appointing the captains respectively, a small leadership team was established.

After getting started, Tang Xiao also quickly entered the role. The mastermind said that the learning he received while sleeping may be enough. This small-scale work assignment is still very simple. He also awakened 20 people in the Ministry of Agriculture to take care of the hydroponic cabin in the mother ship, because after checking, he found that many crops in the hydroponic cabin were withered.

No wonder the mastermind told him that the supplies had bottomed out, and the ship didn't know what happened, maybe it was a disaster?

After completing the most urgently needed work, Tang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, crossed his legs and said, "Master, please introduce the basic situation of this mothership."

【OK. 】

The holographic projection in the center shows a panoramic view of the mothership, and then the mastermind continued to explain: [The civilization of this ship is unknown, the manufacturer is unknown, the specification is a civilian colonial mothership, only the minimum armament and armor, the current highest authority Owner, administrator Tang Xiao. 】

[Technical parameters: the overall height is 41.37km, the longest part is 10.92km, and the total weight is 373.079 billion tons. Armament: 5 mass projectors, and a point defense system consisting of 377 small electromagnetic rapid-fire guns. total capacity……】

While the main brain was explaining clearly, Tang Xiao didn't care about it at all. Because he was stunned by the holographic projection of this huge spaceship that appeared in front of him!

This is a giant spaceship that looks like a crescent moon or a banana. The overall design is very simple and beautiful. There is a gap in the upper middle. There are a lot of portholes here, and there is the bridge.

And Tang Xiao was shocked not by this super giant ship whose size was directly equivalent to the distance from the imperial capital to Langfang, but because...he knew this ship!

""Homeland"!! Kushen's mothership!!" Tang Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he cried out.

Of course, Tang Xiao played the famous game "Homeland: Song of Kushen", which is equivalent to an epoch-making game that ushered in a new era of space real-time strategy games. Not only that, this game is also known for its grand plot. Tang Xiao, who was still in elementary school at that time, was deeply fascinated by this game.

But now, this ship, which can be said to be the iconic ship in the entire "Homeland" world-the mother ship of Kushen, is actually the one he took over? !

This is not right! Why do things in the game become reality? Also, if even the mothership in "Homeland" appeared in reality, does that mean...

That dream might be true! ?

[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: "Homeland", Kushen Mothership]

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