Chapter 1 Hello, Manager

[Preface: This book is a fan of "Star Wars". This is a story that takes place in a completely different universe. This place has nothing to do with any person or regime on Earth. It is all fiction, and there is absolutely no reference to it. , Ironically, it's purely a space opera. 】

[In the book, I will upload the setting pictures of relevant characters, spaceships, and scenes and I will upload them to the easter egg chapter to give you a more intuitive impression. However, these pictures need to be viewed on Qidian’s mobile APP. 】

1. Hello, manager

A long time ago in a galaxy far , far away……

A long time ago, in a galaxy very, very far away...




star wars -

The Galactic Republic has ruled the Milky Way for more than 25,000 years. During these 25,000 years, the Republic has brought prosperity, abundance, and security to the entire Milky Way.

However, in the tens of thousands of years of history, the Republic has never established a centralized and efficient administrative system. Bureaucracy, oligarchy and loose political organization have made the Republic a huge bubble.

Big, gorgeous, colorful, but incredibly fragile.

Compared with a country, the Galactic Republic is more like a loose alliance of sovereign planets, and countless hidden dangers are buried under this flashy appearance.

Starting from the most developed star area in the center of the Milky Way and extending outward, the Milky Way is roughly divided into the core area, the inner ring, the middle ring, and the outer ring area. The closer the planets are to the edge of the Milky Way, the poorer and more backward they are, but the more they are.

Among the countless contradictions in the Galactic Republic, the real undercurrent is the contradiction between the poor and backward outer ring planets and the developed and rich inner ring and inner ring planets.

This is also the contradiction between the exploiters and the exploited, and the separatist forces are beginning to rise gradually.

But before such contradictions finally pushed the Republic to the end, a huge spaceship descended on the edge of the Milky Way in the Mordel sector, and for this Milky Way destined to be caught in a storm...

Write down an X for unknown.


"Fate chose you, and you also have to make a choice... Tang Xiao."

"The stars are burning, the people are suffering, and hundreds of millions of innocent people are dying... But now, fate presents an opportunity in front of you, will you choose to accept it, or reject it?" A deep and mysterious voice suddenly came to mind sounded in the middle.

Tang Xiao found himself standing in the endless starry sky, overlooking the countless shining stars below his feet, "I am, dreaming? Accept? Accept what?" He raised his hands in front of his eyes, a little illusory, but also extremely real .

Suddenly, a huge battleship flew over his head! This battleship is so huge, he is as small as an ant in front of the battleship! Countless icy barrels constantly adjusted their directions, and then fired a terrifying beam of light!

I don't know when another fleet appeared in front, and the two sides are fighting fiercely! Countless laser beams filled the entire space in an instant, tearing the originally quiet starry sky to pieces!

The starfighters also started to take off, circling and fighting around the huge battleship like mosquitoes and flies, and there were constant flashes of explosions.

In the cosmic space, all of this is silent, but it is still too cruel to look directly at!

The battleship above Tang Xiao's head was hit by heavy artillery, the outer armor was torn, and the flames began to spread. He could also clearly see the crew members sucked out by the vacuum struggling desperately in the icy cosmic space.

"This is..." Tang Xiao looked at another fleet in the distance. Those huge warships all had triangular hulls and tall bridges, surrounded by countless H-shaped fighter jets.

The memory was suddenly opened, "TIE Fighter! Imperial Star Destroyer! This is... the cosmic battlefield of "Star Wars"!!"

Everything around him suddenly shattered and disappeared like glass, and Tang Xiao found himself back in the bright starry sky just now. However, looking down from him, one can clearly see that wars are constantly burning on every planet, and mushroom clouds of nuclear explosions come and go one after another.

"You have made a choice, and fate will definitely reward you." The deep and mysterious voice sounded again.

"Hey!! What do you want me to choose? I haven't chosen yet? Hey..." Before Tang Xiao finished speaking, his whole body was sucked by a force, and he was still spinning.

Oh~~ this feels terrible, like being thrown down the toilet and flushed away.

"Hey! Let me go back~~~~~~~~~~"


[The target galaxy has been reached, the name is unknown, and the coordinates are unknown. 】

[Start the planetary scanning function, the diameter of the planet is 4900 kilometers, orbiting a gas giant planet, the rotation period is 18 standard hours, and the revolution period is 402 standard days. 】

[Atmospheric composition, A2 level, respirable for humans. Main terrains, forests, mountains, savannahs, plains. Surface water coverage rate, 8%. The planet's surface is a primary formation with traces of violent crustal activity. 】

[Conclusion: This planet is a planet that can be inhabited by humans, but the scale of the planet is too small to meet the needs of social development. The comprehensive evaluation is B+. 】

[The hyperspace core has an unknown situation and has lost its response. The mothership will not be able to make a transition until contact is re-established. Terminate the cruise and start the interstellar colonization program. 】

[According to Chapter VII of the Interstellar Colonization Act, Article 1, when the AI ​​judges that the colonization process can be started, it needs to wake up the manager, and the manager will be fully responsible for the colonization work. 】

[Wake up the manager, the hibernation recovery program is being executed...]

[Hello, Manager Tang Xiao. 】

Hearing someone calling him, Tang Xiao woke up from his sleep in a daze. He only felt as if his brain had exploded.

The strong discomfort caused him to open his eyes suddenly, only to find that this was a clean white room, and he was lying in a glass cabin, although it was narrow, it was very comfortable. The white light from an unknown source outside illuminated the entire room. Under the omnidirectional light, even the shadows were blurred and hard to see.

Some unknown instruments are placed in the room and are constantly controlled by automated robotic arms. There are also a few pots of green plants placed in the corners to make the atmosphere here more fresh.

There is no doubt that no matter where it is, it won't be the Micomi's hotel where I just fell asleep after drinking too much.

"What's the situation..." Tang Xiao muttered to himself, he looked around in a daze, only feeling a bit confused.

[You are the manager of this ship, Mr. Tang Xiao. During your hibernation period, you have completed the study of the relevant knowledge reserves of managers. Now that we have reached a habitable planet, please decide whether to start the colonization process. 】The electronically synthesized elegant female voice came.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

[I am the core control computer of the mothership. You are now in the living area of ​​the mothership, and this is the medical room for administrators. After you regain consciousness, please head to the bridge. If you need nutrition, you can ask for it at any time. 】

"Mothership? What mothership?"

[This is a giant mothership equipped with a hyperspace core, used for interstellar colonization, and the information of the origin civilization has disappeared. Now this mothership is yours, and all the residents and crew members have the greatest honor to board the mothership under your choice and start this interstellar journey. 】

[The mothership has 600,000 hibernating residents and 50,000 crew members who are also hibernating. In case of any situation on the mothership, the crew can be awakened for emergency treatment. All residents and crew members have undergone strict selection and training, and have mastered different professions to better serve the colonial work. 】

[In addition, the mothership also has a giant embryo bank, which contains 5 billion different frozen embryos. Through biotechnology, the growth time of embryos can be shortened to 5 years. 】

[Now, the entire mothership and everyone in it will serve you, manager. 】

Tang Xiao's mind is still in a mess. First, he had a strange dream. The voice in it asked him to choose something. Then he woke up and found that he had taken over a super mothership? ? It is said that a mothership that can accommodate 650,000 people will not be small no matter what you think?

He struggled to stand up and came to the mirror on the sink next to him. What he saw was a rather sunny young man, but his face was a little pale.

The face is still her own face, but it seems to have undergone a very meticulous maintenance, the skin is much more delicate, the hair and even the eyebrows have been trimmed, and it looks very refreshing.

He was wearing a white uniform with gold inlays on the large lapel. The material was soft and resilient, and he could barely feel the weight on his body.

I am... crossed? The two words like thunder rang in Tang Xiao's mind. His previous life, parents, friends, everything, all disappeared, but he came to this unknown world alone. Most importantly, who knows which world this is?

Tang Xiao just wanted to calm down now. He looked up and saw the sink. He wanted to use cold water to refresh himself, but what he got was hot water at a suitable temperature.

He wanted to lower the water temperature, but he couldn't find the switch on the integrated sink. He suddenly became angry, and slapped the mirror of unknown material, making his palm numb.

He looked up at his bloodshot eyes in the mirror, and said, "Adjust the water temperature to cold water, no, ice water! You can do it, right? Computer."

[I am the core control computer of the mothership, you can call me the main brain. The water temperature has been adjusted, please use slowly. 】

The cold water poured on Tang Xiao's face, and he became more awake, and began to connect these things.

Obviously, there seems to be a certain connection between the previous dream and the current time travel. That mysterious voice let him choose, let alone whether he chose or was cheated in the end, in short, the last voice said, if he chooses, fate will reward him.

Could it be that the return is time travel?

So what do you choose me to do? Tang Xiao thought again of the fleet battlefield in the universe that he experienced in his dream. It was obvious that the spaceships and battleships in it were from "Star Wars".

Am I time-traveling to "Star Wars"? If it's true, in that universe where a disagreement would cause starburst, no matter how you think about it, this mothership is simply not enough to look at! If it is the doomsday weapon like those monsters in the later stage, even if the Titan in "EVE" is driven over, it will not be able to withstand it!

What exactly is going on? Tang Xiao sat alone on the bed in the medical cabin in a daze until the mastermind began to urge.

[Manager, an unknown accident occurred while the mothership was jumping, and the supplies are very scarce now, so if your body has recovered, please go to the bridge to take charge of the work. If you still have problems with your body, I will call the medical staff on board the ship right away. 】

"No, let's go to the bridge, now." Tang Xiao sighed, stood up and said.


[Finally, it seems that many people have misunderstood the concept of the fourth natural disaster. First of all, it is explained that the source of the fourth natural disaster is not the undead player who summons the player. The fourth natural disaster is the fourth natural disaster after the three major natural disasters in "Stars", namely the Void Demon, the Suzheng Agreement, and the Zerg Invasion. It is the player who opens the console to cheat.

So if you want to see what summoned players, please click the fork in the upper right corner, don't keep talking nonsense in the comments, saying that the fourth natural disaster is an undead player, what kind of fourth natural disaster are you.

By the way, the protagonist will often go out to do things, so those who want to watch the protagonist conquer the world sitting in the office and talking on the phone can also click on the cross in the upper right corner, so there is no need to waste each other's time. 】

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