The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1976 The Bogre Incident

Chapter 1976 The Borg-Ray Incident

1977. Borg-Ray Incident

Tang Xiao let out a burst of hearty laughter. He patted the Nurudo family on the shoulders and said, "They say it's difficult to recover from overflowing water, but in fact, it doesn't seem that difficult here... Hahahaha."

The Nurudo family looked at the wine in their glasses. There were still some impurities floating in the originally delicious wine, some of which were the saliva in his mouth, and some of which were brought in along with things on the table.

His face turned a little pale, but he still gritted his teeth, raised his head and drank the disgusting glass of wine.

At this time, the Nurudo family and the Cipra family looked at each other, and they realized that the Grand Duke of Dawn did not seem to be as easy to get along with as he had shown just now.

Seeing the two of them finish a glass of wine each, Tang Xiao's seemingly naughty and cynical smile suddenly disappeared. He glanced coldly at the two of them, put down the glass, and walked towards the other end of the dining table. go.

He didn't walk very fast. Only then did the Chisi representatives notice that the table where they had just been grabbed by Tang Xiao to eat was a huge long table more than ten meters long.

At this moment, Tang Xiao had already walked to the other side of the long table and sat down on the throne that belonged to him. Erlang's legs were slightly raised, and his hands were placed on the armrests. On both sides of his back, two huge flags of the Principality of Dawn slowly fell.

This is a flag with a red edge and a blue background, with a white Milky Way cantilever in the middle - the flag of the Principality of Dawn, the fourth civilization!

And the man sitting in the middle is not the gangster who just laughed and hugged their shoulders and invited them to drink, but... is the controller, ruler and dictator of the power represented by this flag - Grand Duke Liming, Tang Dynasty Xiao!

"Do you know? It took the Chisi people three years before they were willing to come here and drink the glass of wine I gave you. Sometimes, this really makes me feel like, am I a failure?" Tang Xiao said slowly, with a cold smile on his lips, and his sharp eyes kept passing over the Chiss representatives, making them feel as if they were being cut by sharp swords, "I just got a very interesting gift. , I think... you probably don't want to see that thing appearing in Qisi Territory."

The Nurudo family and the Cipla family suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and they didn't know what to say for a while. They didn't know what the gift Tang Xiao was talking about was, but judging from his tone, it was definitely something very, very bad!

And more importantly, the two glasses of wine that Tang Xiao just invited them to drink, and the two names he mentioned were extremely, extremely bad hints!

Severance Tann and Mis-ro-Nurudo [Note 1], these two names mean that the Dawn Principality can intervene in the family affairs of the Qisi Territory. Whether it is under the guise of avenging the Seve family and rebuilding the family's glory, or under the guise of the Nurudo family colluding with the Galactic Empire, it is enough for the Dawn Principality's fleet to directly break through the star gate and reach the planet Shisla!

Yeah... Stargate.

The Chissland may not be afraid of the Galactic Empire, but they must be afraid of the Principality of Dawn. Because the Galactic Empire cannot pose a direct threat to them at all, but the Principality of Dawn can!

This is why the representative of the Chiss people is standing here extremely humblely.

"Grand Duke... Your Excellency..." The Nurudo family originally wanted to say His Excellency the Grand Duke, but they quickly changed their words mid-sentence, "Qisi Ling, living a life without contention in the 'chaos', has thousands of Year...we are indeed not ready to face this galaxy..."

The Cipla family also said: "Moreover...signing this agreement also means breaking the thousands of years of laws in the Chisland, allowing our fleet to be in an offensive posture and proactively initiate battles..."

Their current feelings can be said to be mixed.

Because three years ago, when the Dawn Principality's exploration fleet arrived at the edge of Chis Territory, everything was doomed.

In the aftermath of the reflection, they also understood that the arrival of the Dawn Principality was not the so-called luring the wolf into the house, and it did not mean that it could be solved by hiding their heads and acting like ostriches at that time. Even if Admiral Chiara did not communicate with the exploration fleet, the location of the exploration fleet at that time was actually outside the Chiss Territory.

From that time on, the Kingdom of Dawn was well prepared. And with the terrifying technology of Star Gate, their invasion of ‘Chaos’ is simply unstoppable.

They are not the only civilization in the star field where Chisi Territory is located. Because this star field is a relatively stable part of hyperspace in the unknown star field, even if they do not come into contact with the Chiss Territory, there is a high possibility that they will come into contact with other civilizations.

As they said at the first cabinet meeting about the Dawn Principality, they should feel lucky that the Dawn Principality came directly to them.

Therefore, the construction of the Star Gate was finally completed within 5 standard months after that, connecting the abandoned planet Masos on the edge of the Chiss Territory and the capital of the Dawn Principality, the Dawn Planet.

When the first Dawn Principality fleet came to the Chiss Territory through the Star Gate under the guise of a delegation visit, the Chiss people had no choice.

But despite this, Qisi Territory still has great resistance to surrendering directly to the Principality of Dawn. They were unwilling to just become vassals of the Principality of Dawn. At the same time, the Principality of Dawn also adhered to the diplomatic strategy of influencing but not intervening, which allowed the loose alliance between the two parties to continue until now three years later.

But now... things are different.

Tang Xiao sat on the throne and said with a sneer: "Can't you initiate a fight? Hahahaha... The colonists on the planet Bogo-rai don't think so."

"The Borg-Lei planet incident... it was an accident..." The Nurudo family broke out in cold sweat.

In fact, this incident was the reason why they traveled all the way through the Star Gate to the Dawn Planet. The political significance of the Chiss sending a delegation composed of the two largest families to the Dawn Principality was very obvious.

This will make the political connection between Chisi Territory and the Principality of Dawn even closer. With the huge gap in strength between the two sides, this approach means that Chisi Territory will gradually become a vassal of the Principality of Dawn and will no longer be able to struggle.

The Borg-Lei planet... was originally supposed to be a desolate planet.

After the Chisland and the Principality of Dawn signed an agreement and began to clear out the planets eroded by the God of Rot, Mongar-Mongal, one by one, the Dawn Principality sent a small fleet to the Chisland for reinforcements.

At the request of Chissland, this fleet was not too powerful, but it mainly sent more than 20 Crusader-class frigates specially used for orbital bombing, plus several Cole-class battlecruisers to escort .

Then, with the Chiss Defense Fleet of the Chiss Territory as the core and the Dawn Principality Fleet as the auxiliary, both sides began to clear out the planets where Mongar-Mongal appeared one by one.

Things were going relatively smoothly at first. As the cooperation between the two parties deepened, the fleet sent by the Dawn Principality became larger and larger. After arriving, there were already 10 kilometer-class battleships permanently stationed in Qisi.

As a result, one day, the Chiss defense fleet cleaned up a planet called Borg-Re based on the data in their internal database. On this planet, it is said that several ships hijacked by Mongar-Mongal have crashed, and Mongar-Mongal is likely to be lurking among them.

The most disgusting thing about mongals is that they can split into countless tiny filaments that penetrate deep beneath the soil. This is absolutely impossible to guard against.

In the other direction, over to the First Exploration Fleet, on Levik Planet, the former capital of the Xilu Empire, the situation has gone from bad to worse in the past three years, and this is the reason why Mongar-Mongal infected people continue to appear. Even though there are already tens of millions of B-1 combat robots patrolling Levik's planet, the number of people who have been purified due to Mongar Mongar's infection in three years still exceeds 1 billion!

Therefore, orbital bombing is the most appropriate method for this Borg-Re planet, which is likely to be haunted by Mongar Mongar and is also a desolate planet.

So under the orders of Chiss Defense Fleet Admiral Eliz Al-Alani Ziara, the Chiss Territory-Dawn Principality joint fleet launched an orbital bombardment against the planet.

The Crusader-class frigates of the Principality of Dawn are battleships specially designed to carry out low-intensity orbital bombing missions where conventional bombing is upward and orbital bombing is insufficient.

Under the Crusader-level bombing, mushroom clouds were set off on the surface of the planet.

As usual, the orbital bombardment will last for more than a week. During this time, the combined fleet will stay in place to guard it.

However, a problem arises!

On the third day of the bombing, the combined fleet suddenly intercepted a distress message! The sending location is the Borg-Thunder planet! ! !

There are colonies on the planet!

Admiral Chiara quickly ordered the bombing to stop, and immediately conducted a comprehensive and detailed scan of the planet. As a result, she finally discovered that there were seven small colonies beneath the surface of the planet!

And five of the colonies have been destroyed by orbital bombing! !

But that's not the worst case scenario. Two days after this, a small fleet of five cruisers appeared here. They claimed that the destroyed colony belonged to them——

The Grysk Hegemony!

When this news came, even Admiral Chiara was stunned!

Grisk Hegemony, this is one of the civilizations in the star field of Chisland, and it is definitely a very unfriendly one! Not only unfriendly, but mysterious.

This is a huge hegemony composed of Grisk people as the core and many vassal races as wings. The power of the Grisk people, even in the unknown star field, is recognized as powerful. Some people even call the Grisk people a 'legendary species' [Note 2]!

What's even more frightening is that no one in the Unknown Star Territory knows where the home of the Grisk Hegemony is, or whether they have a home at all. Judging from the behavior of Grisk Hegemony, many people tend to think that they are a nomadic starship civilization.

This is definitely an existence that Qisi Ling does not want to mess with at all!

But now, their fleet actually bombed the colony of Grisk Hegemony? Why would a nomadic starship civilization establish colonies?

However, things are not over yet.

Just when Admiral Chiara immediately reported what happened here to the Chisland Supreme Cabinet, on the other side, the menacing commander of the Grisk Hegemonic Fleet, who came to investigate and accuse, had already contacted the Dawn Principality. The deputy commander of the Second Exploration Fleet, Case-T-Maxwell, started arguing!

Both sides refused to give in, and the quarrel became increasingly fierce. Then... the battleship of Grisk Hegemony opened fire first!

The Second Exploration Fleet of the Principality of Dawn didn't care about legendary species or starship civilizations. Lieutenant General Brent immediately gave an order, and the Cole-class battlecruiser's super-material electromagnetic gun tore these cruisers into pieces in a short time!

Admiral Qiara almost went crazy when he saw this scene! She felt like her brain was almost going to explode!

With Griske's hegemonic style, this matter will definitely never end! No...this is not a problem that they can solve by settling accounts...this is simply the beginning of a war!

A war initiated by the Chiss leader!

The Borg-Re incident can be said to have overturned all the traditions of the Chiss for thousands of years. Because the Chiss people's national policy and foreign strategy are always based on defense and preemptive strikes, they are absolutely unwilling to provoke some powerful enemies that should not be provoked in a place full of unknowns in 'Chaos'.

And this is also an important reason why Qisi Ling has been able to develop to this day and has what can be called the strongest force in 'Chaos'.

But now, Qisi Ling actually started a war! This is a subversion of their thousands of years of tradition!

Admiral Chiara immediately called a shuttle to Vice Admiral Brent's flagship and asked them why they opened fire on the battleship of Grisk Hegemony. However, Lieutenant General Brent told him that the other party fired the gun first.

"The Grisk Hegemony will not care about who fired first!" Admiral Chiara dropped these words angrily and quickly led the fleet back to the Chiss Territory's capital, the planet Hisla.

On the way, Lieutenant General Brent told General Chiara nonchalantly that there was no need to be afraid, because the Chiss Territory was now protected by the Principality of Dawn.

Immediately afterwards that night, the top cabinet of Chisi led another all-night meeting. This was the result of the meeting - the Sipra family and the Nurudo family were immediately dispatched to visit the Dawn Principality through the Star Gate.

At the same time, Admiral Chiara immediately mobilized all the power of the Chiss defense fleet to strictly guard the border to prevent sneak attacks by the Grisk Hegemony.


[Note 1: Mis-ro-nurudo is Thrawn, Thrawn, Thrawn, don't forget it. Because in formal situations, he should be called by his full name instead of his core name Thrawn, so I will use it often in the future. 】

[Note 2: The Grisk only exist in novels and there are no pictures, so I don’t know what they look like. 】

Let me explain why there are always some repetitive content every day...

The main reason is that it is difficult for me to fish when I am working now. There seems to be some improvement in my work recently. A leader who treats me well has taken office, which makes me feel that I can still pursue something. So my work enthusiasm has been quite high recently...

And when I'm at home, I usually start writing after I put my son to bed. I usually take him to take a bath at 9 o'clock. After the bath is finished around 9:30, the mother takes over to put the child to sleep, and then I start writing the book.

Generally speaking, two chapters of 4,000 words will take about two to three hours, and it will be longer if there are some jams in the middle.

So I often can't finish writing after twelve o'clock. In order to maintain perfect attendance, I repeat a little content, but I can usually finish it and update it around twelve thirty.

Therefore, it may often affect the reading quality of friends who subscribed for the first time. Please forgive me.

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