The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1975 The Gift of Killing

1976. The gift of killing

Looking at the asteroid turned into lava in front of him, Tang Xiao was finally satisfied with the flagship laser array installed on the Shenshi-class battleship. Well, this is what he wanted.

This matter certainly cannot be blamed on our Grand Duke, right? He is not a professional. What he hopes to see must be huge and splendid fireworks, not such low-key flashes.

Therefore, for the Salarian people's way of thinking, the loss of three Jaeger-class battlecruisers in an instant is the best explanation. But for Tang Xiao, he had even wondered whether Arroyo Barlow had installed bombs on those Jaeger-class ships in advance.

But if he directly blew up an asteroid, it would be equivalent to setting off a big firework, and he would be happy.

In fact, this is also because Tang Xiao stopped touching the data of these battleships a long time ago. If it was during the time when he just traveled through time, the management work at that time was actually not so busy. He could still run to the engineering department all day long to see what the spaceships in the game and dreams looked like.

He even personally participated in the test flight of the Phantom fighter. At that time, he was very familiar with the various data and performance of the Phantom fighter.

But now, as the Kingdom of Dawn continues to expand, his work is becoming increasingly busy. And for the battleships in these games, Tang Xiao has long lost the freshness he had before. At this time, even if the Spear of Adon, which he drooled at when he first traveled, was placed in front of him, his first My first reaction was how much territory could be gained for the Principality of Dawn by throwing this thing out?

So at this time, he would not include the data of a certain warship into the scope of his thinking. For a battle, he only needs to listen to the opinions of the General Staff and make a macro judgment on the outcome of the battle.

Therefore, this National Day gift from Salarian people, to Tang Xiao, it was really just a gift. The Divine Apocalypse-class battleship is really just a gift that pleases the Duke of Dawn.

Moreover, no matter how powerful Tang Xiao's power of death is now, it is still the power of the dark side. His interest in killing far exceeds that of others. No matter how much he thinks rationally from a national level, he cannot be absolutely calm.

Therefore, Tang Xiao was actually more concerned about how much killing the weapons his subordinates gave him could cause and how big the fireworks would be. It's no wonder that he was very dissatisfied with the fleeting attack method of the flagship laser array of the Apocalypse-class battleship just now.

At this time, Tang Xiao looked at the majestic holographic projection of the Divine Demonstration-class battleship again, thought for a while, and asked: "What about the particle light spear? If the particle light spear can be installed on the Divine Demonstration-class battleship, wouldn't it be better? Okay?"

Arroyo Barlow quickly shook his head and waved his hands, saying: "You must not do this. The length of the particle lance system is more than 800 meters, and it can only be installed on the long axis of the battleship. For the Apocalypse-class battleship, this is It will become superfluous equipment. On the one hand, adding the particle lance system will make the structure of the battleship more fragile. On the other hand, the Apocalypse class fights sideways, and its basic posture in battle is to move around the enemy. At this time Particle light spears mounted on long shafts are useless."

He pointed to the six huge cylindrical flagship laser arrays stretched out from both sides of the battleship in the holographic projection, and said: "Actually, you see, the size of these six flagship laser arrays is not much smaller than the particle lance. The volume is equivalent to about half of the particle lance. In the simplest way, it is equivalent to installing three sets of particle lances. Moreover, after discussion, we also agreed that the disaster-class battlecruiser should continue to be used as the particle lance. The carrier platform is the most suitable. In this way, the disaster class can concentrate on staying behind the battlefield to provide fire support without having to consider other issues."

Tang Xiao nodded, frowned at the battleship data displayed on the screen, and asked: "Just now you said that one Apocalypse-class battleship can withstand the attack of 20 Imperial-class Star Destroyers? The long axis of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer is 1,600 Meters, compared to the Apocalypse class with a long axis of 3820 meters and a height of 1400 meters, the volume is about one-seventh. Can this produce such a huge advantage?"

"This requires mentioning another super system of the Divine Demonstration-class battleship." Arroyo Barlow seemed to be waiting for Tang Xiao to mention this topic, "Actually, you should also be curious, why is the Divine Demonstration-class battleship What if the battleship is so huge, but there are only six flagship-level laser arrays on it? In fact, on the one hand, it is because this laser array is really huge, and on the other hand, it is because we installed this thing - battle equipment."

"What is this? Specially used for fighting?" Tang Xiao asked.

"You can understand this battle equipment as a means of overloading." Arroyo-Barlow said, "After activating the battle equipment, the battleship's reactor will be overloaded, and at the same time, the energy of the entire battleship will be increased through countless electronic interfaces. The system is reintegrated, and through a series of electromagnetic field magnetic pole conversions, all the energy of the warship is concentrated on the combat module. For example, the flagship laser array, such as the module that supports resistant armor, etc. Under such circumstances, the divine revelation -class battleship will become an indestructible and invulnerable super battleship!”

Arroyo Barlow clicked on the holographic projection. The projection of the entire battleship turned red, and the dense energy transmission lines in it also began to undergo very violent activities. "Look, this is the battleship when the battle equipment is activated." state. In this state, the firepower and protective capabilities of the Apocalypse-class have doubled, reaching a quite terrifying level. In this state, one Apocalypse-class can compete with 20 Imperial-class Star Destroyers contend!"

"So, severely damage 20 Imperial-class ships and then leave?" Tang Xiao pointed at the projection and said.

"Ah, no, not really. The main reason for what I said before about escaping unscathed is that in this state, the Shenshi-class battleship cannot guarantee the destruction of the target. It can only severely damage the opponent and then repel it - because the battle is initiated. After being equipped, the Apocalypse-class battleship will lose its ability to move." Arroyo Barlow said: "After all, battle equipment is not just about redistributing energy, this equipment can even mobilize the energy in the hyperspace engine at the same time. In this way First, it will have a negative impact on the ion field of the battleship. Whether it is a hyperspace jump or a sub-light engine, it cannot be started...well, or it is a forced shutdown state. Even after turning off the battle equipment, it needs to be almost the same. An hour to restart the engine and regain mobility."

Tang Xiao was extremely satisfied with this, "This is equivalent to a piece of equipment that will never stop fighting. If the Divine Apocalypse can be directly inserted into the opponent's fleet's formation, and then the battle equipment can be turned on, then..."

"Yes, it is the situation you are thinking of. If I were the commander of the opponent's fleet, I would definitely cry." Arroyo Barlow said proudly.

"Very good, Arroyo Barlow. You did give me a very good gift." Tang Xiao nodded with satisfaction and patted the other party's shoulder, "As I said to you before, I'm not sure When will a war break out, but I am very sure that...this war must end with my overall victory!"

His voice became gloomy and terrifying. He leaned into Arroyo Barlow's ear and said with a ferocious smile: "How many lives will be lost under the Apocalypse-class battleship? I'm really looking forward to it... hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Tang Xiao laughed and left the bridge, taking the shuttle to leave.

Back on the shuttle, a communication was waiting. The holographic projection of Helmut Zemo, the chief minister of the cabinet, appeared in front. He said with great respect: "Your Majesty, the envoy from Chisland has arrived, and they are at the Grand Duke's Palace. Waiting in the drawing room."

After just admiring the huge fireworks set off by the Shenshi-class battleship, Tang Xiao was now in a very good mood, "Ah, I was wondering when the Chiss would arrive. Tell them to be calm and I will be there right away."

From the Cave-Beale planet at the site of this tribute to the Dawn planet, it took almost an hour to fly because only sublight engines could be used for the entire journey. When Tang Xiao returned to the Grand Duke's Mansion on Dawn Planet, he saw the Chiss envoys all standing in the living room waiting, looking cautious and not daring to show any signs of neglect.

Standing at the front of the delegation were two Chiss, a man and a woman. They both looked to be in their forties or fifties and had extraordinary temperament. Especially the man on the right is tall and tall, and he looks like he has a military background.

"Hahahaha! Welcome, guests from afar!" Tang Xiao laughed and walked up, stretched out his hands, and without any regard for the etiquette of heads of state, he directly put his arms around the shoulders of the two leaders and led them in. , said as he walked: "So, you are the Cipla family and the Nurudo family? Hahaha! Good! Very good!"

The man from the Nurudo family was not very resistant. He was taller than Tang Xiao, so he didn't feel awkward at all. However, the middle-aged woman from the Cipula family couldn't accept Tang Xiao's gangster-like behavior. She twisted her shoulders and tried to struggle, but she couldn't shake Tang Xiao's hand at all. She could only be beaten by Tang Xiao with a livid face. Xiao dragged him in.

How could the Sipla family's emotions not be detected by Tang Xiao at such a close distance? He glanced at the other party without any trace, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that all the people in your family's cabinet have given up their names and call themselves after the family. This really makes me a little uncomfortable." Tang Xiao said with a smile, "In this way, my mood today is really Very good, now that you are here, you are welcome and have a drink with me first."

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke... we..." The Cipula family still wanted to struggle, and they were also trying to remind Tang Xiao of his current misbehavior, but it was still in vain.

Tang Xiao dragged the two of them to the banquet hall again, and the rest of the Chisi envoy had to follow at a distance, neither daring to get close nor to stay away.

Here, a sumptuous banquet has been prepared, Tang Xiao pressed the two of them on their seats, sat carelessly between them, and said with a smile: "You know, I have been waiting for you to come here for a long time! Chisi people. Hahahaha! Come! Let me toast this glass of wine to the Chisi people first! Hahahaha!"

He forced the wine glasses into the hands of the two Chisi family representatives. He didn't care whether they drank or not, but he drank it all first.

The Cipla family and the Nurudo family had no choice but to accompany him.

Then, Tang Xiao filled another glass of wine for himself, and then personally filled another glass for the two of them. He said with a smile: "For this second glass, I pay tribute to the invincible Severance, the admiral of our Kingdom of Dawn. -Tan! Hahahaha!"

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

However, as soon as the name Severance Tann came out, the Cipla family's expression became a little embarrassed. Because Severance Tann's former Sever family was destroyed, the Cipra family was actually involved.

There were only 3 ruling families in the Qis Territory when there were few, and there were 12 when there were many, but now there are 9. Such a drastic change in numbers actually shows that the struggle between families within Qisi Territory is very fierce.

And it is impossible for Tang Xiao not to know what happened when the Sever family was destroyed, and Severance Tann will definitely tell him. Therefore, she took the initiative to mention Severance Tann's matter at this time, which made the Cipra family's hearts beat continuously. She was not sure what Tang Xiao meant.

The Nurudo family didn't care. He was also happy to see the Cipra family being defeated, so he laughed and drank the wine in the glass generously.

Tang Xiao turned his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at the Sipula family who were hesitant about whether he should drink this glass of wine, and said slowly: "What's wrong? The Sipla family thinks that we, the Dawn Principality, Doesn’t the wine taste good? Or do you think that a yellow-skinned human like me is not worthy of drinking with you?”

The Cipra family's hand shook and she almost spilled a glass of wine. She didn't dare to hesitate at all and drank the glass of wine directly with a tilt of her neck.

Just kidding, what Tang Xiao said is what he said, even if this cup is poison, I have to drink it!

"Hahahahaha!!" Tang Xiao filled them with a third glass of wine. This time, he raised the glass and said, "Then our third glass... we should toast... Mis-ro-nurudo— —Rear Admiral of the Galactic Empire."

"Pfft..." The Nurudo family was about to toast. When they heard this, they couldn't hold back and squirted all the wine they had just drank.

He reacted very quickly. He quickly jumped up and took out a handkerchief to clean up the spilled wine on the table.

However, all I saw was that the sprayed wine suddenly seemed to be alive, floating up out of thin air, and then formed a trickle in the air, and every drop flew back into the Nurudo family's wine glass!

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