The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1869 The hard-working worker bee

1870. Hard-working worker bee

Under the leadership of Vathian engineers, Tang Xiao took a shuttle to the outer orbit of the planet Hoth.

The planet Hoth has a total of three satellites, one of which is very strange. It rotates very fast, more than three times as fast as the other two satellites. This results in the satellite's crustal movement being very active, and the temperature on the satellite's surface being relatively high, at least not in a state of ice and snow.

However, precisely because the rotation speed is very fast, life cannot exist on this satellite. Therefore, there is nothing but desert on this satellite.

The Death Star cannon is located in the center of the Lagrange point between the moon and the planet Hoth.

At this position, the magnetic field generated by the satellite's rapid rotation mixes with the magnetic field of the Hoth planet itself, forming a very complex magnetic field environment. Relatively speaking, it will be more difficult to detect this position with electronic equipment.

Coupled with the electromagnetic interference device installed by security personnel in this place, it makes it even more hidden. At least unless you drive the spacecraft directly over, it is almost impossible to find this place through remote scanning.

Tang Xiao looked through the porthole and saw that in the shadow of the satellite, a keel of more than 60 kilometers long had basically taken shape. Dozens of engineering spacecraft were busy around it, splicing parts together for assembly. You can also see hundreds of Vathian engineers wearing special engineering space suits, also carrying out their own work.

It seems that the Vathians are indeed very efficient at their work. And they work tirelessly and even enjoy this kind of engineering construction work.

Tang Xiao seriously suspected that the ancestors of the Vathians were probably a worker bee nest among the Killik swarm. Otherwise, how could they explain that they like infrastructure and giant structures so much?

In fact, as far as the construction project of the Death Star cannon is concerned, the design has not been completed yet, and the firing mode of the cannon has not been determined. The finished product will definitely be very different from the design in the original database.

But in order to speed up the construction of the Death Star cannon, Tang Xiao asked the Vathians to repair it according to the original design first. At worst, he could change it after the formal design was released.

However, in this case, the current project may become useless. If this was a different race of workers, they would definitely go on strike and quit, but the Warthians immediately started construction in full swing.

Think again of the giant Dyson sphere that the Vathians built around the star in the planetary system of their home star. This super project has basically completed the star ring at the equator of the star. It is expected to close within a year and become a Dyson ring.

Where can you find such a perfect race of engineers?

After checking the progress of the project in detail, Tang Xiao once again ordered Bilephi Tony to complete the design of the Death Star cannon firing mechanism as soon as possible before leaving.

In fact, overall, the current progress of the Death Star cannon is within his expectations.

Encountering difficulties is almost certain. If there are no difficulties, then there is a real problem. The fear is not that there are too many problems, but that the problems are not exposed.

Compared with the Death Star of the Galactic Empire, the design, development and construction of the Death Star cannon were much smoother.

After all, the Death Star is a process from scratch, but the Death Star cannon has ready-made technology. Therefore, even in the design process, the Galactic Empire has formed thousands of companies and split tens of thousands of projects for research, involving millions of people. But the Death Star cannon only needs to form a scientific research team to analyze and digest the technology in the database.

And the amount of work between the two is also very different. The Death Star is a sphere with a diameter of 160 kilometers and a surface area of ​​45,000 square kilometers! Although the Death Star cannon is 70 kilometers long, it is only a matter of a few guide rails. It would be good if the engineering volume can be one percent of that of the Death Star.

Moreover, during the construction of the Death Star, leaks and strikes occurred one after another. In the original plot, the entire construction period lasted twenty years! In terms of time, the Death Star cannon also has a huge advantage.

This is why although there are many star-destroying weapons in the database, Tang Xiao still followed the steps and chose the seemingly weak Death Star cannon - now the Principality of Dawn is working on digesting the 600 billion people on the planet Rendili, and In terms of building a more powerful fleet, too much industrial production capacity has been consumed, and there is no ability to carry out another star-destroying weapon that may be more powerful, but consumes equally huge resources.

Although the Death Star cannon is not very powerful, unlike the Death Star which turns a planet into a mine with one shot, it can hit very far. If the construction of the Death Star cannot be stopped by then, then Tang Xiao can also threaten Palpatine. If you dare to use the Death Star to bomb my planet, then I will bombard three of them in succession at the center of the empire (the planet Coruscant). moon!

Of course, if Palpatine takes the Death Star all the way to the Dawn Planet without hesitation, fights for the Empire Center, and turns the Dawn Planet into a mine, then there is no other way. Let's fight to the end.

Tang Xiao believes that by that time, the rebel army that has spread throughout the galaxy will definitely take action.

While Tang Xiao and Palpatine were both worrying about their own internal affairs and building their own super weapons, the situation in the Mandalorian sector had become increasingly complicated.

The Mandalorian sector is actually not strictly a sector division on the Milky Way star map, but is composed of several sectors combined. This sector is actually the Neutrals Alliance led by the Grand Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, during the Clone Wars.

Of course, now that the Neutrals Alliance has collapsed, for the sake of easier understanding, this sector is called the Mandalorian sector.

At its peak, the Neutrals Alliance included 1,500 galaxies, but this number refers to the number of galaxies with intelligent civilizations. In fact, the Neutral Alliance controls tens of thousands of planetary systems!

The political situation on the planet Mandalore was already very complicated during the Clone Wars. There were endless struggles between the major factions, and their ideas could be said to be completely opposite. It was completely chaotic.

The first is the new Mandalorian regime headed by the Grand Duchess Satine Kryze. During the Clone Wars, this was the official regime of the planet Mandalore and nominally ruled the entire planet Mandalore. Leader of the Neutrals Alliance.

The new Mandalorian regime advocates peace and hopes to get along with the Galactic Republic in a peaceful manner. In order to achieve this, Satine Kryze did not even allow any military factories to appear on the planet Mandalore.

Only in this way can the Galactic Republic, which was once threatened by the Mandalorian Crusaders, put down its wariness towards the planet Mandalore and barely survive. (End of chapter)

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