The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1868 Death Star Cannon

1869. Death Star cannon

Bilephi Tony began to introduce Tang Xiao to the data of the Death Star cannon, as well as the difficulties they were facing now.

The Death Star Cannon (Novalith Cannon), the super weapon of the Traders' Emergency Alliance in "Sins of a Solar Empire", is also a magnificent construct that integrates all the cutting-edge weapons of the Traders' Emergency Alliance.

It's essentially a super cannon, there's no doubt about it. However, the Death Star cannon is completely different from the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship, which is also a super cannon, and the technical content is not at the same level at all.

The Ragnarov-class Titan battleship is just a super electromagnetic gun, but it has a larger caliber (500 meters) and a higher power. Therefore, even if it was obtained from Darth Plagueis nearly 20 years ago, The review was also 'very rough'. It's just that Darth Plagueis didn't have the blueprints for other super battleships in his hands, so he regarded them as treasures and happily built the battleships.

The Death Star cannon is also a super cannon, but the requirement is that it needs to hit the shells tens of thousands of light years away! This alone cannot be achieved by simply increasing the power.

Of course, theoretically speaking, in the gravity-free environment of the universe, the range of kinetic energy weapons is unlimited, but as the simulation test just conducted by scientist Bilefa Tony, once the launch fails, the artillery shell can indeed fly to the target, but That was hundreds of thousands of years later.

The Death Star cannon is designed to bring most of the galaxy within its strike range! In other words, this cycle cannot exceed one month at most, otherwise it will lose all strategic significance.

Now the goal of Bilefe and Tony is to overcome this problem - how to launch cannonballs tens of thousands of light-years away.

Tang Xiao's patience was gone. He waved his hand violently and said, "I don't want to see these failure cases. I just want to know if you have any solution to this problem. And when can I use the Death Star?" artillery."

The Death Star cannon was an important part of his strategy. If the war with the Galactic Empire is to resume, three conditions must be met: First, the Death Star cannon is completed. Second, the planet Rendili is officially included in the economic system of the Principality of Dawn. Third, the rebel army's war raged throughout the empire.

Only in this way can the Principality of Dawn have the possibility to compete with the Galactic Empire for hegemony in the galaxy.

If the Galactic Empire's construction of the Death Star cannot be stopped, then the Death Star artillery will need to be used as a check and balance so that the Galactic Empire cannot use this super weapon at will. The Death Star cannon not only needs to threaten most planets in the galaxy, but also needs to ensure that the shells it fires cannot be intercepted. Because once it can be intercepted, the Death Star artillery loses its significance as a deterrent.

That's the point! Otherwise, there is the threat of the Death Star, and Palpatine directly drives the Death Star to the Dawn Planet without any disagreement, and everything will be over.

Tang Xiao was not in a good mood now because of what happened on the planet Geonosis. He stared at Bilephi Tony, the air around him became colder, and the terrible pressure caused cold sweat to cover the scientist's forehead.

"I...I will try my best...I will try my best..." Bilephi Tony wiped the waterfall of sweat on his forehead, "I have an idea...Same as...the same as the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship, The problem is solved through the mass effect field... However, unlike the super-matter electromagnetic gun, the projectile cannot be partially accelerated and needs to be fully accelerated... According to Professor Arroyo's experiment... the fully accelerated mass effect field can break through There are restrictions on the hyperspace channel...but, but...cannonballs...yes! Cannonballs...cannonballs do not need to carry life forms...if there is a can..."

"Okay! I don't understand, and I don't want to hear what you are saying. I can give you the technology and personnel you need. And I only need an answer! When can we officially start finalizing and building the Death Star? Artillery!" Tang Xiao asked coldly.

"Three years... no no... two years... two years..." Bilephi Tony held up three fingers, and then saw Tang Xiao's expression and quickly retracted one.

"I'll give you one year. After one year, if you can't start construction, you will know the result yourself!" Tang Xiao's tone was extremely cold, "Then at most 5 months, I need you to give me a framework so that I can pass it. With this framework, let’s start the construction of the main structure of the Death Star cannon!”

"Yes...yes...I'll try my best..." Bilephi Tony buried his head deeply, almost shrinking to his chest. But then he felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he raised his head again, met Tang Xiao's cold gaze, and quickly changed his words: "I mean... it will definitely be done! It can definitely be done!"

Only then did Tang Xiao spare him and turned to look at the Warthian engineers.

After the Vathians joined the fourth civilization, their level of civilization and development continued to increase, which can be seen from the fact that they began to wear various costumes on their carapace. But they still haven't gotten rid of the habit of taking tools out of their intestines. There's nothing they can do about it, maybe racial talent...

What once restricted the population growth of the Vathians was mainly food, because they were really good at eating. Now that the food problem has been solved, their population has also grown greatly. After all, they are one of the descendants of the Killik people. As a Zerg-like race, the last thing they need to worry about is reproduction.

The Vathians are now the largest engineering team in the Fourth Civilization. The Vathians are involved in the construction of almost all large buildings. And this time, in the development and manufacturing of the Death Star cannon, Vathian engineers will naturally participate.

"Can the construction scale of the Death Star cannon in the database meet their needs?" Tang Xiao asked, pointing to Bilephi Tony and the others.

The Vathian engineer nodded and replied: "In the original database, the Death Star cannon is 70 kilometers in length, mainly including an 8-kilometer-long material converter and a 62-kilometer-long acceleration orbit. At present, our research direction is still not Breaking away from this basic structure, our Vathian engineering team has now built the basic framework in the outer orbit of the planet Hoth. Construction will start from the No. 1 guide rail, which is expected to take seven months."

Tang Xiao nodded. Apart from anything else, the Vasians were very reliable when it came to engineering and repairing things. Moreover, this race is said to be honest and honest people. It is said that it takes seven months to complete, so if it were done by someone else, it would definitely take longer.

He then said to the officer in charge of security: "Secrecy must be done well. Hyperspace blockers need to be further installed to ensure that hyperspace jumps in any direction cannot reach the planet Hoth. The families of all scientific researchers need to be properly accommodated. I will further increase investment and build better entertainment and living facilities here. But what you need to give me is absolute confidentiality. After the construction begins, I will let Geth participate in security work."

"Yes..." When he heard Geth's name, the officer broke into a cold sweat just like Bilephi Tony. He knew that Tang Xiao was trying to knock him out by mentioning the Geth matter.

After all, if Geth really gets involved, he will definitely not get any good results in front of those cold-blooded intelligent machines.

"Let's go, take me to the site of Guide No. 1." Tang Xiao was no longer interested in this laboratory, so he planned to leave for the construction site. (End of chapter)

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