The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1843 Levik’s war to destroy the country (3)

1844. Levik’s War to Destroy the Country (3)

While the Xilu people were panicking on the capital planet Levik, the Eternal super aircraft carrier was hovering quietly in an unmanned galaxy 4 seconds away from Levik.

The battleship is hidden in the shadow of a gas giant planet, making full use of the powerful and chaotic magnetic field of the gas giant planet itself to hide its figure.

"Hi! Captain, how about some coffee?" Kaiden Alanco walked into the gym with two cups of coffee.

I only saw Shepard doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar in front of me. She was only wearing a black vest, revealing the tight and strong curves of her body. With the ups and downs of the pull-up movement, the muscles near her shoulder blades swelled, forming graceful curves. Sweat beads condensed on her body, and then fell down drop by drop with the movements of her body.

Only then did Kayden Alanco notice that there were a lot of weights tied to her calves! No wonder this horizontal bar made of soft material looked like it was almost broken by Shepard.

Hearing Kayden's voice, Shepard jumped down. He didn't take off the weight, but walked over as if it was nothing, took the coffee from Kayden's hand, and drank it without ceremony.

Then she threw the cup to Kaiden and said coldly: "Are you free? Come and practice with me."

"Oh! Forget it!" Kaiden stepped back repeatedly, "Look, didn't you just exercise for two full hours? Isn't it a bit unfair to be sparring now? Uh... I mean... to me It’s not fair…”

But Shepard ignored him at all. He had already taken a roll of cloth and wrapped it around his hand. He also had a pair of boxing gloves under his arm and was about to put it on. He said, "If you go on stage now, then we will It can also be solved on stage. If you don’t go on stage, then I will regard the entire battleship as your chosen arena.”

As she spoke, she had already wrapped the cloth belt, shook the pair of boxing gloves hanging in her hands and asked: "How about it? Choose one? Do you want to be bruised and swollen in the ring, or do you want me to chase you from the gym to the ship?" Go to the bridge."

凯登-阿兰科赶紧把一对拳击手套抓在手里,求饶道:“我说你干嘛一直打我啊?你去揍黄叶浩好不好?再不然去找阿什丽-威廉姆斯啊! "

Shepard said calmly: "Huang Yehao is a soldier of the Fourth Legion. He has undergone biochemical transformation and participated in more than half of the battles since the founding of the Fourth Civilization. Do you think he needs my teaching? As for Ashley Williams... She is much more reliable than you on the battlefield."

"That's Sen Luo! Sen Luo! Is the ghost agent enough for you? Cummings? He's thick-skinned and thick-skinned!" Kaiden hurriedly put on his gloves and walked around the barbell rack, trying to get away from Shepard Deyuan said, "Otherwise, if you go and beat up He Ru, I won't say anything..."

"I will report what I just said to the Lieutenant General truthfully." Shepard had already put on his gloves, shook his fist and said, "It seems that you have chosen the arena? Is it here?"

"Ah no no no no no!!" Kaiden Alanco rolled onto the ring like a frightened rabbit. With a bang, the barbell stand he was leaning on was punched hard by Shepard. middle. Then there was a crash, and even the barbell and rack, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, were knocked down by her punch!

A drop of cold sweat ran down Kaiden's forehead, "Um...why are you doing this? Are you very idle?"

"Yes, I am indeed very free." Shepard nodded, "But since this is our plan, this is the only way."

After saying that, he jumped up and jumped directly onto the ring, standing in front of Kaiden and taking a stance.

"First of all, let's agree, no slaps in the face. I still have this face to prepare for picking up girls!" Kaiden said this, but he still put on a fighting posture.

"Three days...well, according to Levick's calendar, it should be two days." Huang Yehao stood on the bridge, looking out the window at the huge gaseous planet so close that no edges could be seen, "Ah... …Really boring……"

"Don't worry, there are enough supplies on the battleship to last us until next year." Cummings held a whole roast leg of lamb in his arms and ate until his mouth was full of oil. "Besides, isn't it just waiting for half a day?" Months? Just wait."

"We have to be patient." A deep voice came from behind them.

"General He!" Upon hearing this, Huang Yehao quickly turned around, then stood at attention and saluted.

I saw Lieutenant General He Ru also holding a glass of juice in his hand, walking over with a relaxed expression and saying: "There is no need to be so formal. Your Fourth Army Corps is qualified not to salute anyone except the Grand Duke."

"No, this is the most basic respect and etiquette as a soldier." Huang Yehao said.

"Have a good rest. Don't miss a day for half a month. Rest for a few days first, and then in the last ten days, focus on assault training and strive for success!" He Ru chuckled, patted Huang Yehao's shoulder and said.


After they decided on the beheading tactic, they held long discussions and discussions with the staff. They also continued to interrogate and learned more news about the Xilu Empire from the Xilu captives.

They learned that the Xilu Empire was now very nervous due to the appearance of 'Mangjia-Mangjia'. Although these prisoners did not know what Mangjia-Mangjia was, it could be seen from the recent frequent mobilization of the navy. The higher-ups are very afraid of the existence of this thing.

As long as there is a problem with an outpost, they will send a fleet there as soon as possible, and they would rather blow the place where the outpost is to the ground.

There are even rumors that one of the fleets heard that Manga-Mangga appeared in a colony, and the fleet blew up the entire colony!

Then, a staff officer who was proficient in psychology proposed a plan - since the Xilu people were alarmed by the appearance of this Mangjia-Mangjia, how would they react when they found out that their entire fleet was suddenly wiped out? ?

They knew that the distress signal had been sent, and they had learned this from the prisoners.

The conclusion is to shrink the defense.

Another force might not do this option, but the Xilu Empire was in a state of fear and fear. Facing an entity that could silently destroy the entire fleet, they would most likely contact that Mangjia-Mangjia, and then retreat to the capital to defend with all their strength.

If this is the case, let them continue to wait in fear.

Of course, there are also voices of opposition, believing that this will give the Xilu Empire enough time to gather all the fleets scattered outside, so that the defenders they face will be unprecedentedly powerful. With the power of the Eternal, it is still not enough to fight against an entire empire.

However, Shepard, who was very supportive of this plan, believed that the Eternal itself did not have the power to destroy a large number of Xilu Empire's fleets in a short period of time, so even if a raid was launched, it would not be able to prevent the return of other Xilu Empire warships. Instead of doing this, it is better to wait a few more days and let the fleets from all directions come over and gather them together to clean them up.

Finally, the discussion has been finalized, and this is the current plan——


Waiting does not mean waiting indefinitely. If you wait too long, you will become slack on your side; if you wait too short, the Xilu Empire’s breath has not yet been released, and it will not be of much use.

So the final conclusion is that waiting for half a month is the most appropriate.

But this half month has been a torment for the Xilu Empire.

The great Siritut quickly made the decision to stick to the planet Levik. This is the most normal decision for the Xilu Empire. Because the real core of the Xilu Empire is only the Levik planet. Except for the Levik planet, all the peripheral colonies are not important.

What's more, now the God of Decay has appeared on the edge of the empire and even attacked a colony, which makes the great Siritut even more frightened.

Because of the reputation of the God of Decay, it can be said that everyone in the unknown star field knows it. Several civilizations have been wiped out by the corruption and penetration of the God of Decay, and have become nourishment for the God of Decay.

The Chiss, who are the number one overlord in the unknown star field, are also very afraid of the God of Decay. They even formed an alliance with other civilizations to jointly fight against this deadly threat.

And now, the God of Decay appears at the border of the Xilu Empire! The great Siritutk did not think that he could compete with this terrifying existence that even the Chiss could not destroy. The only way was to close the borders as much as possible to prevent the infiltration of the God of Rot.

As a result, at this moment, one of their patrols was wiped out! And before being eliminated, he sent countless manga-manga over and over again!

What's even more frightening is that the fleet that went to pick up the patrol and purify the lost outpost unexpectedly lost contact silently after the distress signal was sent! What does this mean?

At this point, even the great Siritut and the Golden Bishop, who know all the information, dare not expose this layer of window paper in person...

Because this probably means that Mangjia-Mangjia has invaded and even destroyed one of their fleets!

Under such circumstances, the only option is to fully recover the defenses, rely on the solid defenses of Levik Planet, and then use all of your fleet to fight them to the death!

The great Siritut and the Golden Bishop conducted a long consecration ceremony together. In their imagination, after Mangjia-Mangjia destroyed their fleet, they must have mastered the coordinates of Levik, so they will report to him. They marched. This is also Manga-Mangga's inevitable reaction after discovering a densely populated planet.

Then, under the solemn lights and sacred prayers of the consecration ceremony, the fleet of their Xilu Empire will take off to meet the enemy! How mighty! How sacred!

As a result, their consecration ceremony lasted for two and a half days!

Converted to Galactic Standard Time, that’s 80 hours! You know, a normal consecration ceremony usually ends in about 20 hours.

But the incoming enemy still didn't show up, which was very embarrassing.

The great Siritut and the Golden Bishop came down from the holy tower exhausted. While resting and eating, they asked General Lepicus about the current enemy situation.

"Where is the enemy? Why haven't they shown up yet?" The golden bishop was already too tired and didn't care about etiquette. He asked before the emperor could speak.

Lepicus arched his long neck and said to the great Siritut: "Our fleet deployment has been foolproof, and I have also organized all officers and soldiers to conduct many drills to ensure that everyone's morale and physical condition are at their peak. .”

"But where are the enemies? Where are the invaders?" gasped the great Siritut.

"This..." Lepic was embarrassed, "We didn't even detect abnormal hyperspace fluctuations..."

What else can be done? The only way now is to wait. Then another two days passed while waiting.

"Your Majesty, this matter is really weird. But we can't just shrink all the fleets and open the entire border to maintain it, right?" The Golden Bishop originally disagreed with this strategy, and now he came directly to the throne room to explain this matter Proposed.

"Keep waiting!" The great Siritut waved his hand, and then said to General Lepuix: "Send out a reconnaissance ship to conduct a thorough scan and investigation of our entire control area!! In addition, to the location where the Ninth Fleet lost contact Is the scout ship back?”

"The reconnaissance ship returned yesterday, and we sorted out all the intelligence brought back..." General Lepuix shook his head, "The entire Ninth Fleet was destroyed. We analyzed all the wreckage and concluded that they did not even have a single battleship. We didn't survive. We lost over 40,000 experienced sailors here alone."

Bang! The great Siritut punched the throne, "This bastard!! Bastard! They actually destroyed my fleet!!" He roared angrily while quietly hiding his injured and swollen hands behind his back and rubbing them. With.

Lepic added seriously: "Moreover, we did not find any traces left by the enemy at the scene. Of course, it is not ruled out that the fragments they left were too small and have not been found yet. But this at least shows that they destroyed us The fleet did not suffer too many losses at the same time.”

Upon hearing this, the Golden Bishop also fell silent.

So... they continued to wait for another five days! It has been ten days since the Ninth Fleet was destroyed! During this period, two more outposts lost contact, but they were in another direction.

The reconnaissance ships were constantly sent out and returned, all conveying only one message - nothing was found.

"Your Majesty, we can't stay like this! If we continue like this, I'm afraid we will be in chaos without the enemy invading!" The golden bishop went to find the emperor again.

"I think so too." The speaker was another blue-skinned Xilu man. He is the first elder of another institution of the Xilu Empire, the Council of Presbyterians. "Your Majesty, we went to inspect the fleet yesterday. Now the The officers and soldiers are demoralized and mentally exhausted under the continuous high pressure..."

General Lepuix said: "Your Majesty, maybe we can try a more radical approach, such as actively sending fleets to expand around, and re-expanding our defense circle bit by bit..."

The great Siritut thought for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "Okay then, send two fleets and head towards the direction where the Ninth Fleet lost contact!"

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