The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1842 Levik’s war to destroy the country (2)

1843. Levik’s War to Destroy the Country (2)

The home planet of the Xilu Empire, the planet Levik, the planet's capital, Cree'n'aak Palace.

This is the true core of the Xilu Empire and the residence of the ruler of the Xilu Empire, the great Sirituk. But this place is more like a small city than a palace.

Because this palace is so big!

The Kryak Palace is located on a low hill in the northern hemisphere of the planet Levik. It is a closed giant building complex. The Central Palace is the largest and tallest, with a height of 1.3 kilometers. It is a rounded spire building.

In fact, this round shape is reflected in all aspects of the society of the Xilu Empire. This is mainly due to the fertility worship of the Xilu people in ancient times. Because the Xiru people lay eggs, many of their structures are more or less closer to the shape of Illidan... oh no, an egg.

The entire Kryak Palace covers an area of ​​more than 800 square kilometers, which is indeed far beyond the scope of a palace.

Here, the entire elite of the Xilu Empire is accommodated, from the emperor to senior officials, elite scientists, clergy, etc. Those who can enter the Kryak Palace are the highest-level and core beings of the entire Xilu Empire.

Under the central palace of Kryak Palace is the core of the super planetary computer and network of the Xilu Empire, and it is also the core department that controls the normal operation of various regions of the entire planet.

After the emperor's order is issued, high-level officials at all levels will immediately send the order to the planetary computer. After calculation and coordination, it will be distributed to other regions through the network.

Not only that, Kriyak Palace is also the weapons factory and military research base for the entire Levik planet and even the entire Xilu Empire. Yes, you read that right, the entire military industry of the Xilu Empire is located in this huge palace covering an area of ​​800 square kilometers.

This is also because of the weird bio-battery technology of the Xilu Empire. This technology makes all their military industries do not need to build a series of facilities such as energy transmission and energy supply. A factory in Xilu is basically a three-story building to house bio-batteries in addition to the production line, so it occupies a very small area.

Because of this, the weapons produced by the military factory in the 800-square-kilometer Kryak Palace are enough to support the supply of the army on the entire planet!

And not only the weapons, but even the key components of the warships are produced by the Kryak Palace. The interstellar shipyard located in the outer orbit of the planet only builds the structure of the warship, and then assembles the components manufactured in the Kryak Palace. The parts are just installed.

The same goes for the production of heavy vehicles such as tanks, armored vehicles, fighter jets, and surface ships.

This not only facilitates control and coordination, but also controls all the deadly force on the planet under the emperor's feet, making it impossible for any possibility of rebellion in other areas.

Don't think that the Xilu Empire's military industrial production capacity will be very low. In fact, it is not low at all. Under the strange autonomy brought by bio-batteries, the seemingly crude production line of the Xilu people actually has amazing efficiency. Those machines can even draw inferences from one example and make some overall arrangements!

It can be said that Kryak Palace is the core force that enables the Xilu Empire to dominate the entire surrounding star region.

At this moment, a Xilu man with blue skin, shorter in stature than the others, but with a big belly walked into the central palace of Kryak Palace. Behind him, followed by a rare golden-skinned Xilu man and a tall cow. Madagascar's red-skinned Sirulu people.

"General Ivpikkis! Where is our fleet! How many warships are in place?" The blue-skinned Siru man is the current ruler of the Siru Empire, the great Siritut. On his head was a golden flower crown, and on his body was a golden ribbon.

The red-skinned Xilu man behind him said in a low and ferocious voice: "Twenty-four Xirui-class battlecruisers are defending near Levik. In addition, there are 70 cruisers and 24 planetary assault aircraft carriers in place. The 14,000 drones are also in combat status. I have ordered those slaves to send out all available warships and must return to the Levik planet within three days."

The golden-skinned Xilu man said: "What you do is tantamount to giving up our border, General Lepix. The threat of the 'God of Rot' has emerged. If they are allowed to break through the border and spread inward, the fate of the Volu people may be our future."

The great Siritut waved his hand and said: "I understand your concerns, Bishop. But in fact, as long as we can ensure the safety of Kryak Palace, even if we lose the entire border, we have enough power to turn defeat into victory."

General Lepuix stretched out the tentacles in his nose and waved it in front of the bishop, and then let out a burst of ugly laughter, "I smell your fear, bishop. Golden people should not be so pessimistic about our future, otherwise, you How do we convey our wishes to the Heavenly Saint?”

"It is precisely because of the Oracle of Heaven that we can understand the threat of the God of Decay! I think giving up the border is the biggest mistake!" said the bishop.

At this time, the great Siritut waved his hand and said: "Okay, stop talking. Compared to the 'God of Rot' Manga-Mangga, the existence that caused our entire fleet to ask for help and lost contact in a short period of time is It is our real core threat. Moreover, we are not sure whether this threat is Manga-Mangga itself. This is our current strategic decision."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." The bishop bowed his long neck and saluted.

The three of them came to the back of the throne room of the central palace. It was a magnificent tower with no elevator or anything like that, only stairs made of gold that spiraled upward.

The great Siritut turned back and said: "The battlefield command will be left to you, General Lepuix. The bishop and I will go to the Holy Tower to perform the consecration ceremony. The Heavenly Saint will bless us with victory! Once again."

"No matter who comes, there will be no return!" Lepix showed a ferocious smile.

He is a red citizen and is not qualified to set foot in the Holy Tower. This holy tower is a religious holy place for the Siru people. Only the golden people who are the chosen people of God and the current great Siritut are eligible to set foot.

Whenever the Xilu people prepare to launch an aggressive war, they will 'consecrate' the target planet under the auspices of the secret council. Once the ceremony is successful, it means that the Heavenly Saint agrees to include the target planet into the territory of the Xilu Empire. , and the Xilu people will launch an attack according to the will of God.

In addition to the myths and legends among foreigners, the caste system of the Xilu people is also reflected in the skin color of the Xilu people themselves.

Among them, the blue people with blue skin are the highest caste. They are generally shorter in stature and have relatively larger heads. People are often destined to be in high positions by birth, usually leaders and politicians. The ruler of the Xilu Empire, the great Xiruitut, was often selected from the blue caste.

The Xilu Empire had such an emperor-electing system. The empire has two major departments, the "Secret Council", a religious institution, and the "Council of Elders", an administrative institution. The Conclave and the Council of Elders are responsible for selecting rulers on the basis of electors, and Siritut the Great is the title of the current ruler.

At the same time, the Secret Council and the Council of Elders also held legislative and executive power, dividing the rights of the great Siritut to avoid the emergence of a foolish king who would lead the empire into a ditch.

The other is the golden people. These golden-skinned Xilu people are extremely rare in number and are mainly responsible for religious affairs. And they also claim to be God's chosen people, qualified to listen to the oracles from the Heavenly Saint.

There are also yellow people. They have more developed brains and are mainly engaged in scientific research. At the same time, he is also responsible for the maintenance of the biological battery system, which is most important to the Xilu Empire now.

Then there are the red people. They are tall and powerful, and generally serve as warriors and commanders.

Then there are the green people. They are of average build and basically work as workers. They are also the largest number of grassroots soldiers in the army. Although they are not qualified to hold any management positions, at least in the Xilu Empire, they still have citizenship rights.

Finally there are the brown slaves. These brown-skinned Xilu people are lowly slaves. Their social status is slightly better than that of subordinate races such as the Piak people, but they are also used as cannon fodder that can be consumed at any time. As for how they are better than the Piaik people? That is, unless there is an emergency, the Silu people will not put brown slaves into biological batteries.

In fact, there is another caste, and that is the black people. But basically no one has seen them, or in other words, every time they see these black-skinned Xilu people, it is equivalent to a death sentence - because they are elusive and are the most terrifying killers.

The six major castes, two major institutions and the emperor-electing system constitute the political framework of the Xilu Empire.

Admiral Lepiux walked quickly in the other direction of the central palace and walked out of the throne room. A group of fully armed red soldiers who were always on standby on both sides came up and followed him.

"Let all the fleets gather in the synchronous orbit above the Kryak Palace to meet the enemy and ensure that the four armed space stations operate normally!" General Lepicux gave the order as he walked. "In addition to the fleet, the entire planet's military also needs to do this. Get ready for battle! Those green troops should not move for the time being, and just enter the combat readiness position at the garrison. All other red troops begin to advance towards the Kryak Palace!"

"Hi~~~!" A red warrior let out a Xilu people's unique roar to express his understanding, then turned around and left the team to make arrangements.

Lepic walked all the way out of the central palace and came to an annex building on the west side of the palace. A huge antenna and radar system are installed above this building, which is also the command center of the Xilu Empire's army.

In the middle of the huge command center, a map of the entire territory of the Xilu Empire has been projected. I only saw that there were 12 other planets outside Levik's planet that were marked, indicating that they were colonies of the Xilu Empire. There are more than a hundred outpost marks on the periphery of the entire territory.

It's just that among the markers on these outposts, more than ten of them have been marked as out of contact.

"What's the situation now?" Lepic walked over and asked his adjutant.

"The previous mission of our Ninth Fleet was to patrol the Ka-441 star field, and then they discovered that one of the patrol fleets lost contact at this outpost." The adjutant pointed out an outpost on the east side of the empire's flat star map. Said, "Then within a short period of time, the Ninth Fleet sent a distress signal, but it was seriously interfered with, and then contact was completely lost."

"In other words, this is the direction in which the enemy is heading..." Lepic started from the outpost on the east side of the star map and drew a line towards Levik's planet. "Strengthen the alert in this direction! In other areas , just leave 5 slave fleets to patrol! All of our Siri-class battlecruisers must return to Levik Planet to fight!"

"But in this case..." The adjutant looked at the lost outposts marked in other directions on the star map, feeling a little embarrassed. "These directions are probably being infiltrated by the 'God of Rot'. Just a few slave fleets may not be able to stop them."

"Don't worry about the God of Decay. The top priority is to protect our capital! Strengthen scanning and monitoring in this direction, and send out reconnaissance ships!" Lepic said.


Two more tense days passed, because the Xilu Empire used the rotation period of Levik's planet to determine the number of days, and their standard day was about half longer than the Milky Way standard day.

During this period, General Lepicus sent dozens of slave warships to patrol the surrounding star areas, trying to find any traces of the invaders.

At the same time, in the holy tower on top of the central palace, the consecration ceremony presided over by the great Siritut and the bishop was also ongoing. The muttering of blessings and chanting continued through the broadcast at the top of the holy tower, coupled with some lights and effects arranged on the holy tower, making the entire ceremony look extremely sacred.

The consecration ceremony continued without sleep for two days, and General Lepic rarely saw a consecration ceremony that lasted for such a long time.

However, the invaders still have not arrived.

However, one after another, the Xiru Empire fleets that were previously dispersed to other areas of the Xilu Empire for guarding also returned to the Levik planet. Now the number of Xirui-class battlecruisers around the planet has increased to 41, including the Urifu-class cruiser There were 62 ships, including 44 300-meter-long slave warships.

It can be said that the entire fleet of the Xilu Empire is here.

But...the intruder still didn't come.

Four or five days passed, even the consecration ceremony had ended for two days, and the surroundings were still calm.

This caused General Lepic to have deep doubts. What happened? Will the invaders come? He suddenly found that he had fallen into a dangerous mindset - if the other party took the initiative to attack and easily wiped out a fleet here, then they would definitely pursue the victory and take the capital.

But the question is... what if they don't come?

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