1824. Census (middle and lower)

Carl Kestis glanced at Furman and asked, "You seem very excited? This census is just a statistics, it has nothing to do with us, right?"

"Why doesn't it matter? After the census is completed, we are basically scheduled to be official immigrants. Next, as long as we continue to complete our work, a spaceship will soon pick us up and take us to the official workplace." Furman said .

Carl Kestis scratched his head and asked, "How do you know so many things?"

"Hi!" Furman patted Karl on the shoulder and said, "Go out and walk more if you have nothing to do, and talk to friends around you. Of course you don't know if you stay at home all day long! This matter is between me and a friend. The guards knew this when they were chatting. Even though they usually look serious and well-armed, they are just like us after work, haha, drinking and smoking, and looking at the beauties passing by..."

Karl-Kestis lowered his head and was silent. He thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "So the census is just about registering your name and it's all?" He seemed to still have the last glimmer of hope.

Furman thought for a while and replied: "It's quite detailed. There will be a basic physical health scan, and then some blood samples will be taken and filed."

Karl Kestis's heart beat violently. He lowered his head to hide his strong uneasiness, and then said: "I'll go back to the dormitory first. I'm a little uncomfortable."

"Hey, didn't you agree to buy me a beer?" Furman said.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow!" Carl Kestis said as he quickened his pace and fled back to his dormitory.

Back in the dormitory, Karl felt extremely panicked. Furman didn't feel anything, but he knew very well what the blood test meant!

Check the density of midichlorians in your body! In other words, check to see if you are Force-sensitive!

Cal Kestis is not so naive as to think that as a country ruled by the Sith Lord Death Angel, drawing blood would be kind enough to help you check your blood sugar and liver function!

You will be exposed! There is no doubt that it will be exposed! ! Carl also knew that his midi-chlorian density was between 9,000 and 10,000, which was the highest among his batch of Jedi apprentices at the time. In other words, as long as the other party does a little inspection, this fact will be exposed immediately!

And God knows how the dead angels deal with the Force-sensitive people in their territory! Anyway, Karl Kestis knows that if he is in the Galactic Empire, once he is discovered, he will be captured immediately!

Karl couldn't help but squat down, trying to pull out a box hidden under the bed. But after thinking about it for a while, he gave up and lay back on the bed slumped.

[Hello, Mr. Carl, do you want to start today’s class? 】The AI ​​in the room projected an image of a beautiful woman, reminding him that he should study.

"Take leave today." Karl said.

[Okay, this is your first day off this month. Currently, you have one day left of your two-day holiday. Please have a good rest. ] After the AI ​​finished speaking, the holographic projection disappeared.

The next day, Carl Kestis approached Furman at work and asked in a low voice, "Can you help me find out when the census will be?"

Furman was a little surprised, "Why are you so worried about the census? Relax, it's just a census."

"Please, this is very important to me..." Karl said, "I...I have some heart problems, and I'm worried that they will drive me away because of this..."

Furman then became serious and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier! Don't worry, I will ask for you. And...since you have a heart problem, you should work less."

"This little bit of work doesn't matter," Carl replied.

At the end of the day, Furman went to help him inquire about the census, and Carl went to the hospital to visit Mooney again.

Mooney suffered a fractured tibia, which is a very serious injury and he will need to recuperate for at least two months. Of course, it is said that if you are willing to pay a high price, people from Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group are willing to come over and recover your injury within a week. However, since they all chose to immigrate, Mooney naturally cannot have the financial resources.

He is now working hard to learn technical knowledge and strive to complete the mechanical engineer exam while still in hospital, so that he may still find a job. If the company that originally planned to hire him withdraws its invitation after he is discharged from the hospital, and he cannot find a job, he may be forced to be deported.

There is no doubt that in the Principality of Dawn, which is currently suffering from a population explosion, he has no chance to beg for food.

Carl Kestis chatted with him, then went to the nurse's station and pretended that Mooney's blood sample was contaminated, tricking the nurse into drawing blood again, and stole a tube of blood sample and hid it.

Such a small action is still trivial for a Jedi Knight.

Three more days passed, and sure enough, I saw a huge ring-shaped Rukrihuk-class battleship directly landing on the planet Annaji! When this ring-shaped giant ship with a diameter of more than 3,100 meters appeared in the atmosphere, Karl Kestis felt a sense of illusion.

Because in the past, when this iconic battleship of the Separatists appeared in the planet's atmosphere, he and his master might have already drawn their lightsabers and rushed forward to meet the enemy.

But now, he had to get used to the fact that the Rookery Hook-class battleship was his friend. Well, at least for now.

The spherical core spacecraft in the center of this Rookery Hook-class battleship detached from the hull and landed. At the same time, a large number of APOD-33 transport aircraft flew down from the hangar on the ring-shaped hull, numbering hundreds. The transport planes fanned out, landed in each neighborhood, and began setting up census points.

Soon, the official notice of the census was issued, requiring every immigrant in the temporary city to go to the local census point for inspection and report within the same day. After completing the inspection, a pass will be issued, and within the next two months, only the pass holder can live in the city.

Karl Kestis went out in the morning, but as soon as he walked out, the door behind him suddenly locked automatically! The indicator light turned red, and when he tried to open it, he was prompted directly that he needed a pass.

Karl was very anxious because his lightsaber was still in the room!

Now I have no choice but to bite the bullet and go to conduct the census. Otherwise, I don’t have a lightsaber. Facing this crisis-ridden galaxy, what I can do is very limited, and I may even die in the crossfire of gangs somewhere. !

He found Furman, and the two walked toward the cafeteria together. However, people who returned from the front told me that the canteen was also closed, and you had to have a pass to eat in the canteen.

"It seems that they have already considered this when they built this city. A second identification system has been installed on our door locks and the registration system in the canteen... I just called my son and asked him about it. The situation there, the registration has been completed in advance, and now their life is as usual." Furman patted Karl on the shoulder and said, "Forget it, I guess I will be hungry this morning. Come on, let's go further, Find a census point with fewer people.”

Carl Kestis forced a smile and said: "Forget it, I don't have the energy to walk too far without breakfast. Just stay close."

"If it's nearby, I guess we can't even have lunch." Furman muttered, but still went to line up with Carl.

Karl touched the blood sample in his hand without leaving a trace, observed the surrounding environment, and planned how to replace his blood sample later without telling anyone.

I only saw four army soldiers wearing black combat uniforms outside the census point, and more than 20 B-1 combat robots maintaining order. Behind the officials in charge of the census, two B-2 super combat robots stood quietly, their right arms retracted on their chests, and the twin blaster machine guns displayed a formidable and lethal force.

He continued to observe and found that this census was simple. Walk over and stand in front of the official. The staff will scan up and down with a scanner, then ask for the person's name and compare it with the information on the ticket for boarding the immigration ship in the database. After confirming that there is no problem, they will prick their finger with a small device about two centimeters long, and then suck about 3 ml of blood, and the registration will be completed.

After that, the staff will issue a pass card to the resident, and the person can leave. Afterwards, they will sort the blood samples and put them in a refrigerator, presumably to be taken back for centralized examination.

Karl Kestis has seen equipment for checking midi-chlorians. That equipment is very expensive, and it is detected through a central computer. It is definitely impossible to distribute it to every registration point.

Maybe, there is still a chance...

Carl Kestis looked at a human woman queuing in front of him, said sorry to himself, and then waved his hand gently. The woman immediately felt her buttocks being slapped hard, and she became furious. She turned around and questioned the innocent Gran man behind her, and the two soon started arguing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Karl raised his hand and made another move, and a blood collection device placed in the box in front of him floated up out of thin air and moved slowly in his direction.

However, the quarrel over there ended quickly. "Pull them apart!" the official waved his hand impatiently.

"Roger Roger!" The two B-1 combat robots immediately walked up, lifted them up one by one and threw them out of the queue. The quarrel ended immediately.

Seeing that the officials and the nurse in charge of blood collection were about to return their attention to their own work, Karl had not yet used the force to get the blood collection device!

There was nothing he could do, he left the Jedi Order too early and never completed his training. Moreover, the small blood collection device was accurately taken out of thin air from several meters away. Such control of the Force is definitely not something that an apprentice can achieve!

Carl Kestis broke into cold sweat, but the more anxious he was, the weaker the control of the Force became!

And over there, the nurse taking blood suddenly noticed a blood collection device floating outside! She didn't react at first, but then she frowned and turned around to take another look!

At this fatal moment, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the blood collection device!

At this time, the nurse glanced across the room and didn't see anything. She thought she was dazzled and continued working.

The census is too cumbersome, mainly because there are so many people to check and create files. Therefore, their work pressure is very high, and their work is naturally not so detailed, just about right.

But at this time, for Karl Kestis, it seemed as desperate as the end of the world!

Because it was Furman who caught the blood collection device floating in mid-air!

Furman looked back at him, frowning in confusion, but still quietly handed the blood collection device to Karl.

Karl-Kestis was extremely nervous now, with cold sweat on his head and trembling all over. The palm of his hand that took the blood collection device was soaked with sweat. He was confused for a moment and didn't know what to do.

Furman looked back at him and said, "Don't be nervous, these robots have nothing to be afraid of! Look..."

At this time, it was his turn to register. He deliberately delayed, knocked on the B-1 combat robot next to him, and exaggeratedly said: "Wow!! I have never touched a robot like this! "

"Please complete the registration." The B-1 combat robot said in a straight tone.

"Sir, could you please come over?" the staff member urged, "There are many people behind."

"Hey! You ugly monster, stay away from me! I just touched this robot! Now I want a beautiful girl to come and do a physical examination on me!" Furman said loudly.

"Please complete the registration." The B-1 combat robot raised its hand and was about to catch him.

But Furman was tall and as strong as an ox. He broke free and pushed the scanner in front of him to the ground with a crash, as well as the box containing the blood sample. He was also very smart. When he saw that the two B-2 super battle robots had put down the blaster machine guns on their chests, he quickly apologized loudly, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's my fault! I'll help you clean it up!"

He quickly collected the scanner on the floor and the blood sample that he accidentally knocked over just now.

Carl Kestis knew that he was covering himself, so he quickly sucked Mooney's blood sample into the blood collection device, walked up impatiently and urged, "Register me quickly! I'm starving!"

As he spoke, he took the initiative to pick up a blood collection device on the table and drew a blood sample for himself.

"Hey! Don't touch this!" the blood collection nurse quickly shouted.

But Karl Kestis had already changed the blood sample, threw the other blood collection device and said: "Okay, okay, I've seen it countless times just now, I know how to use this thing! Scan it for me quickly!"

The nurse warned a few times, but said nothing more. She just wanted to restore order as soon as possible. After a few scans of Karl's physical condition, he scanned the blood sample again on the blood collection device to complete the registration of the blood sample, and then called the next one.

Carl Kestis walked out and saw a B-2 super combat robot dragging Furman towards the confinement room with an extremely complicated expression.

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