1823. Census (Part 1)

Principality of Dawn, Model Sector, Planet Annaji, Temporary City No. 2.

Carl Kestis picked up the connecting piece of a modular housing and threw it accurately into the hands of Furman who was standing on the second floor. Then Furman installed the connecting piece well and pushed it hard to confirm. The wall in front of me is firmly installed.

"It's ready here!" Furman said loudly, then he picked up the heavy installation tool with one hand and jumped down.

"Next is the roof. Mooney has already taken JG-091 over there." Carl Kestis patted the dust on his body and looked at the two-story house in front of him with satisfaction. Done, I can get the reward again today! How about I treat you to a couple of drinks?"

Furman laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! No problem, drink two more beers! I'm in love with this specialty of the Dawn Principality!"

At this time, on the other side, two other workers in the same group as them came over with a construction robot with the number JG-091 painted on its body.

The robot is holding a modular roof in its hands. However, although this robot is powerful enough, the roof is more than five meters square, and the robot's center of gravity is a little unstable when it is lifted. The two workers were also nearby to help with the balance.

There is nothing that can be done about it. This is how they work in the temporary city. Apart from some robots, there are very few advanced construction machinery. To put it bluntly, the official of the Principality of Dawn is looking for trouble for them, which can be regarded as a method of providing relief through work.

"Be careful! Don't let the roof fall!" Carl Kestis reminded loudly, and he and Furman ran over to help.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The roof module lifted by the robot suddenly tilted and hit the light pole next to it. Then it suddenly slipped from the robot's hands and fell down!

Seeing that the worker named Mooney was about to be hit by a heavy roof module! Carl Kestis's heart tightened, and he subconsciously shook his hand, but then let it go. He ran over and tried his best to push the roof module to the other side.

Bang! ! There was a loud noise, and the heavy roof module fell to the ground. Mooney was hit hard and fell to the ground unconscious. Carl Kestis was also brought to the ground by the module. A large piece of flesh was scratched on his chest and arms. Blood seeped out and dyed his clothes red. He also grinned in pain. .

"Are you okay! Carl!" Furman shouted, "Call the doctor!"

Soon several medical robots floated over and took the anti-gravity stretcher on Mooney's platform to the hospital. Another medical robot floated over to Karl Kestis and said, "Sir, let me take you to the hospital for examination."

"No! I'm not going to the hospital!" Carl Kestis suddenly raised his voice, "I'm not going to the hospital! It's just a scratch!"

"According to the preliminary scan, your abrasion area totals 37.7 square centimeters, which is a serious trauma and needs to be treated as soon as possible," the medical robot said.

"I said no, no need!!" Carl Kestis said loudly, "I have my own first aid spray! No need to go to the hospital!"

"According to Article 67 of the Doctor-Patient Regulations, when the injury is not fatal, the patient's opinion shall prevail. Please pay attention to your health." After saying that, the medical robot ignored him, turned around and floated away.

Furman then came over and asked with concern: "You really don't need to go to the hospital? You have a work-related injury, so you don't get medical expenses. That means you don't get paid for the few days you go to the hospital."

"I don't need it!" Carl Kestis looked a little anxious. "I bought a bottle of first aid spray at home. Just spray it and it'll be fine."

Furman frowned and asked: "You actually went to exchange for such a luxury thing? You must know that this is a product of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, and exchanging one bottle is equivalent to one week's salary! No wonder you rarely went out to drink last month. ? What happened today was an accident. In fact, how dangerous can it be for us to do such manual work on the top two floors? Do we have to use first aid spray? "

Although the hospital provides free treatment for work-related injuries, it is impossible for the Principality of Dawn to provide first-aid spray to temporary immigrants like them. When you go to the hospital now, most of the time it's just a very basic process of disinfection and hemostasis and bandaging.

"I..." Karl Kestis hesitated, and finally said casually, "I don't like hospitals."

Because something happened, today's bonus was lost, and everyone left unhappy. Carl Kestis returned to his residence, took off his blood-stained clothes, then took a shower to wash away the dust from his body, then disinfected the large bruised area and sprayed first-aid spray.

Worthy of being one of the flagship products of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group, first aid spray has become a popular personal first aid product in the galaxy because of its low price and easy portability. Compared with bacta liquid, which has obvious effects but is very expensive and cannot be carried around, first aid spray can only perform the most basic first aid treatment, but it has been proven that this thing can really save lives in critical moments!

Carl Kestis's bleeding wound was stopped immediately, and there was an itching sensation in the wound, which must have begun to heal.

Karl breathed a sigh of relief and found a bandage to bandage it. Because he was bandaging it himself, it was wrapped crookedly and could only barely cover the wound.

Then, he took his bloody clothes and washed them again and again under the running water until there was only a faint trace of blood on the clothes. After confirming that it was impossible to extract anything from them, he threw the damaged clothes in. garbage can.

It has been two months since he came to this temporary city, and Karl Kestis feels that he is almost used to the life here. Although manual labor in the morning and technical study in the afternoon is boring and very hard, this is exactly what he wants.

The Jedi Order has been destroyed, the Galactic Republic has been reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and the emperor is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. However, the Principality of Dawn where he is now is also the territory of another Sith Lord, the Dead Angel. In addition, the media of the Galactic Republic/Empire have long smeared Count Dooku of the Confederation of Independent Systems, also calling him an evil and despicable Dark Lord. .

In this way, the entire galaxy seems to have become the back garden of the Sith Lord! How could such a situation not make the surviving Jedi feel desperate?

So... just find a place to spend the rest of your life... Here in the Dawn Principality, a life of self-reliance may be surprisingly good.

The next day, after finishing his work in the morning, Carl Kestis took advantage of his lunch break to go to the hospital with Furman and visited Mooney, who was no longer in danger but was not yet awake.

On the way back, Furman suddenly said: "Did you hear? The census is about to begin."

"Census?" Carl Kestis was suddenly startled. "Aren't there a large number of immigrants coming here every day? It is said that hundreds of millions of immigrants have arrived in the past two months. With such chaos, what kind of census are they using? ah!"

Furman waved his hand and said: "Of course those officials have their own ideas! Haven't you noticed? The Dawn Principality doesn't mind using robots on a large scale, which is different from the Galactic Republic. Coupled with their centralized power, so You can always do some miracles.”

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