Chapter 1770 Cleaning up the mess (Part 2)

1770. Clean up the mess (Part 2)

Boom~~~! ! The extremely huge body of the idol-class turbine tank separated from the middle, and then fell to the ground with a crash!

Bolingi's skills were also good, and he jumped down and landed steadily at this time, but even so, she still couldn't believe what she saw. She looked back at the burning wreckage of the God-class turbine tank, then turned around in horror, staring blankly at the deceased angel who was standing there motionless, as if nothing had happened.

Her body trembled, and she, who was already frightened, lost all will to resist at this moment.

With a snap, the hilt of the lightsaber in his hand fell to the ground. Bollingi slowly walked towards Darth Malthael, his body still trembling.

Arriving in front of the Sith Lord, she knelt down on trembling knees and bowed to the ground, "I...I am willing to surrender to you, great Lord..."

"You... want to surrender? Interesting." Darth Malthael looked at the Falin Dark Jedi Master who was kneeling at his feet.

She was about 30 years old, her skin was the unique green color of the Falin people, and except for a ponytail at the back of her head, the rest of her head was shaved. Falin people just like this kind of hair style.

"Yes...I am willing to serve you wholeheartedly..." Bollingi said.

"Very good, hehehehe..." Darth Malthael smiled sinisterly, "I won't treat you badly. Just as it happens, I have a few Archon-class aircraft carriers that just lack captains. This one is more than 3,000 meters long. Where are the super large battleships...and I will give one of them to you."

"Thank you! Thank you Lord for your gift... I will always remember your kindness and kindness..."

Buzz! !

Before Bolingi finished speaking, the black lightsaber pierced her back from top to bottom!

"Uh... Sir... Poof..." Bollingi raised his head in disbelief and looked at Darth Malthael, who had a normal expression. He wanted to say something, but all that came out of his mouth was blood.

"Very good, my captain. Now, you can take office." Darth Malthael laughed ferociously, and he suddenly pulled out the soul-stealing lightsaber. At the moment when the lightsaber was drawn out, a He Bo could be seen. Lin Ji's identical shadow was dragged out of her body!

This phantom was restrained by the soul-stealing lightsaber in mid-air, and kept letting out bursts of miserable howls!

At the same time, her body also fell to the ground, twitched and stopped moving.

Darth Malthael waved his hand, and Bollingi's soul was caught in his hands. With a slight exertion, she showed an expression of great pain and wailed loudly. Then, Darth Malthael pressed on her body, and the soul was put back in again.

Bollingi twitched again, got up from the ground again, and looked at Darth Malthael, his eyes a little dull.

After a while, she slowly knelt down again, "I will always serve you, my Lord..."

"What happened down there?" Darth Malthael asked calmly.

"Crickit was captured by the Geth. Pah felt that the Geth must have a conspiracy, so he launched an orbital bombing here, but Crickit Meth. Pah was worried that something would happen, so he took us there in person. Investigate." Bolingi said, "Then... Mulumba found him first, but... but that force... was too terrifying! It was so chaotic! There was no emotion at all, only killing! Only destruction!"

Bollingi said, his expression was extremely frightened, and his body was trembling, "There is a bond between Bangara and Cricket's Force. He couldn't bear the chaotic dark side Force, and he lost control and went crazy. He turned Everyone around me was slaughtered, and I used my dark warriors as human shields and ran out..."

Darth Malthael nodded and walked towards the entrance of the underground base, "Let's go, follow me."

Bollingi looked at the dark and deep entrance with a horrified expression, and took a step back, but then, a terrible pain from his soul suddenly appeared! She suddenly couldn't bear it and screamed loudly, rolling violently on the ground. It took a while before the pain suddenly dissipated.

She stood up from the ground, looked at Darth Malthael who had already walked in, gritted her teeth, and followed.

At this moment, deep in the underground base, this battle has reached an extremely tragic level.

Although the out-of-control and crazy Bangara is extremely violent and crazy, he is incomparable to Cricket, who has become a monster.

Pah and Mulumba used Bangala's crazy attack in front as a cover, hiding behind and waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack on Cricket. This tactic has indeed had a great effect, at least now they have a chance to attack Cricket.

However, the result was still not optimistic, because they found that the force barrier generated around Cricket was so strong that it could not be shaken even if it was slashed with a lightsaber!

The current situation is extremely hopeless!

Cricket is still teleporting here and there, while Bangala is following Cricket everywhere wildly and slashing wildly, and Pah and Mulumba are wandering around.

Still no chance!

At this moment, Pah suddenly felt horrified in her eyes, and she turned around suddenly, only to see those rotting and stinking corpses standing up from the ground on the other side of the pile of corpses! This terrible sight almost made her feel extremely frightened and even frightened!

However, the corpses who stood up ignored her and jumped up and rushed toward Cricket! The number of these corpses is very large, and hundreds of corpses have rushed up in a short time!

Cricket's chaotic and turbid pupils looked around, and he opened his holed mouth and suddenly let out a terrifying scream.


The surrounding corpses were immediately blown away by the roar mixed with a powerful shock wave, and many corpses were even torn apart in mid-air!

However, at this moment, a dark shadow arrived first! The black lightsaber struck Krickit's Force barrier squarely!

The power contained in this sword was extremely powerful. With one strike, Cricket's force barrier was visibly weakened. But this was just the beginning. The black shadow was extremely fast. It slashed at him with one sword after another, and struck out dozens of swords in an instant!

Cricket was retreating steadily. It suddenly dodged, and its body suddenly disappeared. The next second, it appeared directly behind Darth Malthael! However, Darth Malthael's sword struck towards the back as if he had predicted it. Buzz! ! ! Another sword!

boom! ! Cricket's body hit the wall hard, rubble flew everywhere, and its Force barrier had been broken!

Mulumba and Pah stared blankly ahead. In just ten seconds, the almost invincible Cricket had broken through the force barrier! What a terrifying power this is!

"It's the Angel of Death... let's go!" Pah quickly pulled Mulumba and ran outside regardless of whether he reacted or not.

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