The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1769 Cleaning up the mess (Part 1)

1769. Clean up the mess (Part 1)

"Ah~~~~~!!!" Cricket made a terrifying scream! What followed was a powerful wave of force!

Even though he was prepared, Pah was directly knocked away by this shock wave! At the same time, that scream was accompanied by a tremor that went straight to the soul!

Everyone present was affected and almost all were blown away. The clone soldiers who were closer were unable to resist, slamming into the wall with blood splattering everywhere, and then never stood up again.

The remaining dark apprentices and dark warriors were in slightly better condition. Except for one dark apprentice who fell to the ground holding his head and screaming, the others all stood up, activated their lightsabers and prepared to fight.

"Kill him!!" Pah recovered quickly. She shouted and rushed forward with two lightsabers.

Uh-huh! ! The two lightsabers thrust out like swimming dragons again! However, it was still in vain! Cricket's figure disappeared suddenly, and the next second he appeared beside a dark apprentice. His long claws were swung out, and the apprentice was torn in half before he could react!

The blood fell like rain, and Cricket became even more excited in the rain of blood. It grabbed the mutilated body of the dark apprentice, only to see its long claws pierce deeply into the body, and countless blood was Pull it out.

"Bastard!!" Pah rushed forward again and stabbed out with his sword!

But Cricket directly used the corpse to block it, and the corpse was directly chopped into pieces by the lightsaber. However, under the meat, the pair of bloody claws actually blocked the lightsaber's chops! Then it grabbed it with a claw and hit Pah's force barrier hard! This impact made her dizzy for a while, and the force consumption was very large, which shows the power of this grasp!

Other dark warriors and dark apprentices gathered around and besieged Cricket.

However, what is horrifying is that Cricket can move freely among the crowd! Its figure keeps flashing, and each time it flashes it appears in a different place, making it completely impossible to detect!

It actually teleports! !

Not only that, it will also use the Force barrier, and this barrier is even more powerful than what Pah, the former Jedi Master, used!

The numerical advantage is meaningless in front of such a monster!

"Wow!!!" Another dark warrior was killed by Cricket, and the splash of blood on it made it even more excited.

And it seems... it has become stronger!

"Be careful! It sucks blood! It absorbs our force through blood!!" Mulumba's voice came from the other side. He was seen holding the lightsaber upside down and covering the wound on his waist with his other hand, dripping with blood.

"What did you say?" Pahe was shocked.

"Let those apprentices go away! You guys, get out!" Mulumba shouted and rushed forward waving his lightsaber.

The dark warriors and dark apprentices hurriedly ran away as if they had been granted amnesty. But it's not that easy! Even if Cricket didn't teleport, its speed was as fast as a ghost. Three more people died under its claws in a few back and forth.

Pach and Mulumba rushed forward and attacked Krickett from both sides. But even the power of two dark masters is still irresistible! It's so fast, so powerful, and it can teleport so easily!

"Where are Bangala and Bolingi?" Pach yelled.

"I didn't see anyone!" Mulumba replied while blocking Cricket's powerful claw with difficulty.

"Damn it, we are preparing to retreat too!" Pah said.

She has discovered that the monster that Cricket has turned into is extremely powerful and cannot be competed by the two dark masters! After fighting until now, it is difficult for them to even cause an effective attack on it, let alone break through its powerful force barrier!

"'s too fast! It can't run away!" Mulumba said loudly through gritted teeth.

However, at this moment, an animalistic roar suddenly came from the other side of the passage! !

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Weequay dark master Bangarra rushing over. He was covered in blood. The dark side power on his body was extremely powerful and chaotic. A black mist like substance shrouded his body. Only his pair of eyes exuded an ominous golden light. His eyes were clearly visible in the darkness.

"Asshole! He's out of control!" Pah screamed and backed away quickly.

At this time, Bangala was already roaring and rushing towards Cricket. He had just resonated with Cricket's dark and chaotic force. Now, under the influence of the dark side force, he had completely lost control and became a victim. A monster controlled by the Force instinct!

The two monsters fought together, but it was obvious that Bangarra was no match, and was quickly knocked away by Cricket's claw.

"Let's go too! Use Bangala as a human shield!" Mulumba said loudly.

"Damn it..." Pah gritted her teeth. She also wanted to run away, but in front of this monster that could move instantly, escaping was simply impossible!

So she rushed forward again brandishing her swords.

Meanwhile, outside the underground base.

The female Falin dark master Bolingi is running away frantically and in a panic. Her Force perception is stronger than others. When Cricket was just woken up from the pile of corpses by Mulumba, she had already sensed the extremely powerful and chaotic dark side Force.

She clearly sensed the power and disorder of this force, and she also saw very clearly in her precognition that once she became an enemy of it, she would only have one ending - to be torn into pieces!

So she chose to run away without hesitation.

All the way out, she ran towards the turbine tank they rode over. At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything more. She just wanted to escape, and escape as soon as possible!

However, when she ran out, she was extremely horrified to find that a bright red fighter jet was floating above the idol-class turbine tank! 20 meters long, with a sharp shape like a dagger, and a sharp horn sticking out abruptly in front.

Under that fighter jet, there was a man standing...

A man who looked short and wearing a black cloak. He just stood there motionless, and that terrible feeling of oppression hit him!

And...she knows this person!

"The deceased...the deceased angel..." Bollingi spat out these words from the depths of his throat, "No! No! No, no, no!!!"

She was so frightened that she ran away! Now she no longer knew where to run, so she subconsciously ran towards the inside of the turbine tank.

Darth Malthael did not stop her, he just stood there and watched her actions. Her frightened negative emotions came from the force, like the best food, making him feel extremely comfortable.

Bollingi, who ran into the turbine tank, rushed all the way into the cockpit, only to find that all the clone soldiers left behind had fallen to the ground motionless. She growled and ran towards the back, trying to find a safe hiding place in this huge vehicle.

However, she saw that Darth Malthael had pulled out the ferocious handle on his back, and the black plasma blade shot out instantly. At that moment, it was as if all the light around him had been swallowed up!

Then Darth Malthael slashed out with his sword! Bolingi felt that his eyes were darkening...

When her eyes became bright again, she saw that this huge armored vehicle, which was nearly 50 meters long and 22 meters high, was split in two by this sword! !

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