The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1704 Battle of Dawn (End)

1704. Battle of Dawn (End)

The planetary shield of Planet Annaji is activated! !

This is a situation that no one on the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force could have foreseen!

Before they launched the ground offensive, they launched a full-scale attack on the planet Annaji, severely damaging the Agonev-class star base around the planet and forcing the star base to lower its altitude and enter the planet's synchronous orbit.

This makes the interstellar base lose the ability to protect the planet on the periphery, and can only provide protection over the capital area, so that the Republic fleet will not bomb that area unscrupulously.

And after the war, if you want to lift the Agonev-class interstellar base back to outer orbit, it will require the cooperation of at least three engineering fleets and at least thousands of engineering ships to do it.

After that, without the cover of the Agonev-class interstellar base, the planetary shield of Annaji was quickly broken. And the Galactic Republic also successfully launched a landing, sending a large number of clone soldiers to the surface of the planet Annaji.

As for after landing, they encountered the desperate resistance of the defenders of the planet Annaji, the massacre of the dead angels, the sudden attack of biological and chemical weapons, and finally encountered the Jedi counterattack of the opponent's hidden powerful force.

Everything is so logical, even if the ground battle does not go smoothly, or even on the verge of failure. Everyone's reflections and reviews will only focus on the space operations before the landing and the ground operations after the landing. No one would have thought that there was an inconspicuous link in the middle -

They could only launch the landing after breaking through the planetary shield!

Generally speaking, after the planetary shield is broken, the capacitor of the shield is burned, and even the shield generator will be damaged due to overheating. Therefore, if we want to prop up the planetary shield again, we need to replace the shield system. This cannot be done in a few days. It will take at least a month or two. It is a big project.

But how come it happens that after the planetary shield is broken, it restarts within a few days? !

Seeing the invisible planetary shield on the outer edge of the planet, although it is invisible, the protection of the planet is obvious. The planetary shield will only appear light blue in color due to the surge of energy when it is first activated, but now, there is no doubt that this shield has become a barrier between the planet's ground and space!

It's the boundary between life and death!

Volgograd-Kanidi stood in the command center, looking calmly in the direction of space and saying nothing.

"Haha! Those scumbags from the Republic would never have thought that it was us who closed the planetary shield on our own initiative, not them who broke it! Hahahaha!!" Jin Chen, the military commander of the Model Sector, laughed heartily.

But what corresponded to his hearty laughter was the tattered military uniform on his body. It was burned and torn in several places, and traces of medical treatment could still be seen on the skin underneath.

As the best combat commander in the Model Sector, Jin Chen has always been active on the front line during this period of battles. It can be said that he has been through life and death. It was precisely because of his outstanding command that the defenders of Planet Annaji did not completely collapse.

After all, facing an enemy whose equipment, physical strength, morale, and strength are better than their own, and who also have absolute air superiority, they have accomplished an almost impossible task by being able to withstand the attack of the clone soldiers of the Galactic Republic.

You must know that before this, except for the regular army and the fourth army of the fourth civilization, and the robot army of the Confederation of Independent Systems, no one in the entire galaxy could do this.

"After all, they still failed to discover this last little link..." Canidi said lightly, "I'm afraid until the end, they thought that the planetary shield of Annaji's planet was broken by them, right? In fact, it was We shut it down."

"We still have the last set of capacitors that can be used, which should be able to last for about a day." Jin Chen said excitedly, "This victory belongs to us!"

Canidi suddenly turned around, looked at him deeply, nodded, but didn't say anything.

It seemed that he had no interest in this almost certain victory.

Bursts of fire flickered in the sky, and they were clearly visible even on the ground. This was the fire that exploded when the Galactic Republic's fleet launched a bombardment of the planetary shield.

They finally launched orbital bombing because this was their last option.

Volgograd Kanidi knew it, and so did the acting commander of the Republic's expeditionary fleet, Lairo Dolit.

"Inform the fleet that the remaining capacitance of our planetary shield cannot sustain for too long, and let them delay the actions of the Republic fleet as much as possible," Canidi said.


Laszlo Dolit stood on the bridge of the battleship, looking at the blue planet in front of him in silence.

He issued the order for a full-scale orbital bombardment. In his opinion, this was the last thing he could do. Regarding the sudden rise of the planetary shield, it was actually only related to the success of his final choice.

It has long been irrelevant to the entire battle situation.

Yes, he has failed too many times, and it doesn't seem so difficult to accept another failure this time.

He looked at the ripples of light blue energy that the planetary shield rippled under the orbital bombardment, and the expression on his face was already numb.

Until the end, I still couldn't save even a little bit of my reputation... As a soldier, this is the shame among shame! With a powerful fleet with an absolute advantage, it couldn't even break through the opponent's first line of defense! What an irony.

And the planetary shield is turned on again, no matter what the reason is, it means the failure of his last attempt!

The commander of Dawn Principality didn't even intend to give him the last chance.

"Sir, the radar reacted! It's a separatist fleet!" The radar soldier came over and reported loudly, "They have come around from the other side of the planet! Number 30!"

"The arrival of their fleet means that the second activation of the planetary shield is not safe in their minds. Send half of the warships to stop the attack, and the other warships, keep bombing!" Laszlo Dolit shouted loudly said.

On the other side of the planet, about 30 battleships from the Principality of Dawn launched an assault!

Each of these battleships is riddled with scars, and even the disaster-class battlecruisers, which have always been protected, only have four left. Other catastrophe-level ones were either destroyed, or their particle lance launch arrays were overloaded and overheated and unable to be used.

Of course, the battleships on the Galactic Republic side are not much better. There are only two Knight-class Star Destroyers left, and not a single old Invincible-class battlecruiser is left. The other Jaeger-class battlecruisers, you even I can't even find a ship with all 8 main guns intact!

It was as if in this extremely cruel arena, two opponents who were bruised and almost dead were fighting with their last strength! The only thing they can still burn is their own lives!

The fleet of the Dawn Principality launched a desperate attack!

They have persisted for too long. From the beginning, they could rely on their more advanced and powerful warships to launch some counterattacks. Later, they could only wander around and fight guerrilla warfare. Later, as their strength continued to weaken, they could only attack the Republic. The transport fleet was harassed.

In fact, space combat does not have as many influencing factors as ground combat. Maybe on the ground you also need to consider many circumstances such as time, physical fitness, terrain, equipment, weather, and even public support. But in space, many times the comparison is very straightforward - bigger is stronger, more is stronger!

A famous general like Severance Tann who can perform brilliantly on the space battlefield is unique in the entire galaxy.

At this moment, the fleet commanders on both sides do not have the ability to single-handedly reverse the entire battle situation like Severance Tann. The competition between them also involves exchanges in quantity and size.

Once faced with the huge force of more than 300 capital ships of the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force, the Dawn Principality fleet that has been supported until now is already overwhelmed.

But even so, they still launched a desperate attack!

By burning your own life!

The two broken fleets collided together, and both sides invariably kept the fighting distance closer, and even leaned together to start shooting in the face!

Those severely damaged warships had either damaged fire control radars, destroyed turrets, or had problems with their power systems. In short, they could no longer support them in a conventional ultra-long-range artillery battle.

Hand-to-hand combat is their only option!

This battle between the remaining soldiers was even more bloody and cruel than when they were fully armed at first!

Some warships even have no shields. When one shot is fired, fragments fly off the armored belt. Those fragments blasted out at high speed like bullets can even hit the opponent's warship!

Keep firing! Keep shooting! Keep getting beaten! Keep getting damaged!

Even the Hells Angel-class battlecruisers, which are famous for their rough skin and thick flesh, were sunk two in less than half an hour after the battle broke out!

And the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force fleet suffered even more heavy losses!

Both sides have no reservations. In fact, if conditions did not allow it, the crew members of both sides would stand on the deck and shoot with pistols!

However, a sudden change finally brought all this madness to an end.

A burst of white light flashed, and a Commander-class dreadnought was seen jumping out of hyperspace and appearing on the edge of the battlefield!

Commander level! It’s Casio Tag’s ship! It is also the flagship of the entire Galactic Republic expedition fleet! This is where the supreme commander is!

Cassio Tagg led the last elite of the expeditionary force to raid the Dawn Planet, and now he is back!

Was it a success?

This question only flashed through the minds of all the Republic soldiers, and then a more terrifying idea began to appear in their minds!

Why? Why is this Commander-class dreadnought alone? Where are the escorting warships? Old battleships like the Commander-class are no longer suitable for the needs of modern fleet warfare. They were selected because of their large size, which allowed them to install more powerful communication systems and accommodate more staff teams. flagship.

Of course, the huge space also allows Casio Tagg to make his ship magnificent.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for this Commander-class dreadnought to go into battle alone! So, where are the escort warships? If there are no escort warships, does that mean...

Soon, a picture flashed on the public channel, and the appearance of a figure dispelled all doubts of naval officers and soldiers at all levels of the Republic...

It also brought deeper despair!

Casio Tag! Fleet Commander!

However, at this moment, he was no longer as high-spirited as before. Now, he was beaten until his nose was bruised, his face was swollen and his body was bruised, and he was pressed down by two Marines of the Principality of Dawn.

The commander-in-chief is captured! So the fate of the last elite fleet that went to raid the Dawn Planet is self-evident!

At this time, another person walked into the picture, and it was the leader of Bloody Dawn, Dryden Voss! The scars on his face made him look extremely ferocious. Voss walked over, grabbed Casio Tag's chin and shook him hard, then slapped him again, waking up the dazed prisoner. .

"We're here, General Tagg." Dryden Vos said with a grim smile. "Tell your colleagues something."

Casio Tagg struggled to raise his head and open his eyes. After he saw Laszlo Dorit clearly on the other side of the screen, he suddenly struggled violently and shouted, "Blow me! Blow me!! Blast Annaji’s planet to pieces!!”

Dryden Voss's face turned cold, he stepped forward and kicked Casio Tagg hard in the stomach, then punched him several times in the head and face, leaving Tagg's face a bloody mess.

"Ah, it seems that our prisoner is not very honest." Dryden Vos wiped the blood on his hands with a handkerchief, turned to Laszlo Dorit and said, "Forget it, surrender. Right. This is the fate of being stubborn, otherwise, you will be thrown into space and become a piece of garbage floating forever. "

The muscles on Laszlo Dolit's face twitched slightly, and he squeezed out a few words from his throat, "Our commander said, I will blow the planet Annaji into pieces!"

His expression also became a little ferocious.

"It seems like you want to be a space junk." Dryden Voss smiled coldly, turned around and walked out of the screen.

But the communication was still not closed. The two Marines tied Casio Tagg directly to the captain's main seat and then left.

The flat and rigid voice of the T-series tactical robot came from behind the background, "Every station is ready for battle, move forward at full speed, and launch an attack on the Republic fleet."

"Roger Roger!" came the answer from the other side of the B-1 combat robot.

The huge 8,000-meter-long body of this Commander-class dreadnought began to move forward, and its main guns opened fire! Head straight towards the last fleet of the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force!

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