Chapter 1703 War at Dawn (Seventeen)

1703. War of Dawn (Seventeen)

"Sir... everyone knows what we encountered on this battlefield! The failure of this battle should not be borne by us!" the staff officer said.

"It doesn't matter what happened here anymore... For those in the Galactic Republic Council, all they care about is this result. The result is that we gathered more than 400 capital ships and nearly 1 million clone troops to attack Model Sector, but in the end, they couldn’t even open the portal to the Model Sector.” Laszlo Dolit’s face had completely lost his expression, “Do you think anyone in the Galactic Republic would dare to stand up to such a failure? Will you take the responsibility?"

The staff officer was immediately speechless. He opened his mouth and understood the reason.

Yes, this failure was so tragic that anyone who participated in it would be ruined at the very least. Those congressmen and wealthy people in the inner circle are afraid to avoid it, so how can they come out to take responsibility?

So in this case, all the responsibility for this failure will be placed on every officer and soldier who was directly involved in this battle!

From the perspective of the Galactic Republic, the battleship is given to you, and a huge amount of money is invested in building a hyperspace stabilizer to send you there. The original plan was to occupy the Annaji system within three days, and then burn the war to the Dawn planet within a month. But such a large army ended up losing troops on the planet Annaji and failed to even achieve the first strategic goal. What a shame!

Laszlo-Dolit stared at the holographic combat map in front of him. Due to electronic interference and confusion among the troops, this holographic combat map has actually lost its meaning.

Judging from the holographic combat map, the battle lines between the two sides on the ground are now intertwined, and there is chaos everywhere. The reason for this situation is that the troops of the Principality of Dawn broke through the Republic's positions in several local areas.

Moreover, three spaceports have been destroyed and the two landing sites have lost contact. Under such circumstances, the Galactic Republic Army can only retreat across the board, then re-stabilize the position, and then launch again after receiving more supplies and reinforcements. Fight back.

Supplies? Reinforcements?

Laszlo Dolit smiled bitterly in his heart. One thing he was sure of was that the actual battle situation was definitely far worse than what was shown on the holographic map. Basically, there is no possibility of a comeback.

Although the main force of the clone army has not been defeated, the position has only been breached. But now the entire headquarters has lost contact, let alone coordinating and commanding each unit and arranging tactics. No matter how many people there are in the remaining main force, it will only add more victories to the defenders on the planet Annaji.

Laszlo Dolit shook his head again. The Dawn Principality's counterattack was not only well-planned, but also powerful. But the most terrifying thing was the cold-bloodedness and efficiency of this plan!

He was certain that if the forces currently engaged in the counterattack—the Kali, Inchori, and elite army forces, as well as the mysterious force that destroyed the headquarters—had entered the battlefield at the beginning of the landing battle, then the Galactic Republic would have The troops may not even be able to guarantee a stable landing site!

Therefore, this can only mean one thing - the opposing commander spent the lives of dozens or millions of ordinary troops to fill and delay, just to save the most powerful force in his hand until the end!

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the other party may have deliberately planned to divert a lot of energy of the Republic Expeditionary Force to the ground battlefield from the beginning.

On the other hand, the opponent doesn't want to engage in a tug-of-war at all, they just plan to lure the enemy deep and then kill him with one blow!

At the same time, this also illustrates the third, most fundamental and fatal problem!

The Principality of Dawn is well prepared for this raid on the Model Sector!

If they came here and immediately faced a fleet ready to work, and it can be said that the deployment speed of the fleet was faster, then the deployment of these ground forces could not be completed in just two or three days. of! Instead, it took at least a week of careful preparation, from hiding places to hide from aerial bombardments, to supplying supplies, to transporting soldiers, to planning the march route.

All of this requires careful planning and cannot be a spur-of-the-moment move!

Therefore, in this raid in the Model sector, the only chance to reverse the situation may be to abandon the vanguard at the very beginning when it is discovered that the planet Annaji has a fleet waiting, and then terminate the entire plan.

But no matter what, the honor of the military must not be trampled on!

Laszlo Dolit's eyes sharpened, and his expression regained the perseverance and seriousness that a soldier should have. He said decisively: "Send orders to all ships! Abandon all combat objectives and conduct an indiscriminate orbit towards the planet Annaji. Bomb!! Let the transport ship discard all supplies and send away as many natural officers and staff at all levels as possible!"

"Sir, there are still our troops on the ground!" the staff officer was shocked.

"No, no more." Laszlo Dolit said coldly.

The staff officer was stunned for a moment, and then met Laszlo Dorit's cold eyes. He couldn't help but shudder, and at the same time he understood the determination of this veteran!

"Yes! I'll prepare immediately!" The staff officer stood at attention and saluted.

"No, I'll make the arrangements. If you can leave, leave now." Laszlo Dorit waved his hand.

As Laszlo Dolit's final instructions were conveyed, all the remaining approximately 90 or so dilapidated Republic warships gave up all their previous combat goals. Some of them are escorting the transport fleet, some are attacking the orbital defense system on the planet Annaji at as targeted a point as possible, and some are setting up defenses around the area to be alert to the separatist fleet that may appear at any time.

After all, the separatist fleet here has not yet been annihilated, but it has also suffered serious losses, thus reducing its activity.

And now, all the Republic warships have begun to turn in the direction of the planet Annaji! The main cannon begins to charge, preparing to launch a devastating orbital bombardment on the planet!

Many shuttles took off from the platforms of these battleships, and officers and natural staff of all levels on the ships took shuttles to the direction of the transport fleet as much as possible. And those transport ships have also begun to abandon the transported materials, free up all the space to load these personnel, and then turn around and prepare to leave.

They will pass through the hyperspace channel in the Model Sector that was opened by Master Yoda and is now very unstable, to test their character and pray that they can return to the Republic safely.

But at this time, a desperate thing happened! !

Only a light blue light curtain suddenly appeared, and once again enveloped the planet Annaji...

Planetary shield! !

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