Chapter 1636 Desperate Struggling

1636 , Desperate Struggle

Volgograd-Kanidi closed his eyes, the muscles on his face twitched slightly, and even his eye sockets were a little red.

He naturally knows what the plan he proposed means to the residents of the planet Anji...

It is impossible to just remove all the defenses and let the Galactic Republic come over to carry out the landing operation. Even if the Galactic Republic really wants to launch the landing as soon as possible, they must do what they should do.

When the fourth fleet of the Galactic Republic arrived, they had already brought five Cheer-class assault landing ships. Obviously, they really wanted to start landing immediately.

And after the arrival of the sixth batch of warships, there were also some transport ships following the arrival of the warships. After these transport ships unloaded their cargo, they began to enter the hyperspace channel to forcibly return. These actions are also completely mastered by the super sensors built on the Argonev-class interstellar base.

You must know that this channel in the Moder star area is extremely dangerous. Of course, it cannot be said that it is completely unnavigable, but the success rate of successful passage is at most just over 50%. What's more, hyperspace jammers were built in the Anji galaxy, which constantly disrupted the calculation of hyperspace jumps, and it took longer to calculate for the spacecraft to enter the hyperspace channel from the Anji galaxy.

Spaceships that fail to jump in hyperspace will be thrown to an unknown place if they are lucky. A little less luck is to directly collide with the mass projections of those stars in the hyperspace, and thus be torn into smaller fragments than molecules.

Because of colliding with mass projections in hyperspace, although these mass projections have no entity and cannot really collide, the huge mass will cause a part of the affected spaceship to slow down suddenly, while the unaffected part of the spaceship is still at the speed of light flight.

It is self-evident what the result will be.

From these details, it can be seen that the fleet of the Galactic Republic has come almost across the distance of the entire galaxy, and their supplies are very problematic. And their commanders are also very aware of this, so on the one hand, they want to speed up the pace of landing, on the other hand, they must also plan ahead and start the operation of the supply line as soon as possible, even if they have to pay the price of a large number of transport ships. .

Grasping this mentality, Volgograd-Kanidi proposed the plan to let the Galactic Republic land on the planet Anji.

And unlike the fleet led by Master Yoda before, the Republic Fleet that came in anger this time will definitely not have any mercy and kindness. They will inevitably launch an extremely tragic bombing on the planet Anji before letting their troops login.

During this process, Kanidi could hardly even imagine what kind of terrible situation the residents on the planet Anji would encounter!

But, he couldn't help it... He really couldn't help it!

He once fantasized that the Galactic Republic would not be able to come to the Moder sector to launch an attack, and he also fantasized that under the power of Darth Malthael, the Galactic Republic's fleet would collapse, and even destroy the opponent's flagship.

However, with the emergence of a mysterious master from the Galactic Republic, flying fighter jets to entangle with Darth Malthael for a long time, and at the same time, reinforcement fleets continue to come, these fantasies have been completely shattered! He has no way to resist the offensive of the Galactic Republic, even if Darth Malthael is here!

All he could do was to make a bad move.

"Remember the contributions of the people of the Model Star District? Hehehe." However, Darth Malthael sneered, "The problem of the Model Star District must also be resolved after this battle is over! And to solve this The person with the problem can only be you! It doesn’t matter whether I will remember those civilians or not, for me, the only thing that matters is the Mordel sector!”

He stared at Volgograd-Kanidi like a poisonous snake, and said slowly: "In other words, the fate of the people in the Moder sector does not depend on me—because my attitude will never change .The only one who can control their fate is you..."

Candy fell silent.

After a long time, he said slowly: "Then... let's do this..."


The battle in the outer space of Anji planet suddenly showed a strange calm. Neither the Principality of Dawn nor the expeditionary fleet of the Galactic Republic launched any more attacks.

But reinforcements from the Galactic Republic are still coming in a steady stream.

The seventh batch of 10 hunter-class ships and 50 transport ships; the eighth batch of 20 hunter-class ships and 10 transport ships; the ninth batch of 5 prosecutor-class battlecruisers and 5 hunter-class battlecruisers; the tenth batch ...the eleventh batch...

The number of the fleet of the Galactic Republic is increasing, and the gap between the strength of the two sides is also increasing, so large that it is almost desperate!

On the bridge of the Flagship of the Republic Expeditionary Fleet, the Commander-class dreadnought ship Tag, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, Rear Admiral Casio Tag, is no longer the uneasy feeling when he first came here. On the contrary, more and more warships joined, Let him be full of ambition, and victory seems to be close at hand, within reach.

"Hahahaha! Is it the dawn star? Is it the dead angel? That's all! Hahahahaha!" Casio Tag took a sip of the fine wine in the crystal cup.

Suddenly a gloomy voice came from behind him, "You have no idea how much we paid to stop the dead angel, how much the Speaker paid!"

Cassio-Tag turned his head, only to see the short, fat, bald-headed man Sa-Kuis who did not know when he appeared behind him. After all, he is still a very interesting person, especially after hearing the speaker's name, he quickly put down his glass and said seriously: "It is precisely because of the hard work of you and the speaker that we have the opportunity to touch The fruit of victory. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to resist the death angel’s power to control death. This makes our victory even more precious.”

"I'm not here to listen to compliments! Our goal is only one - to win!" Sa-Kuis' tone was extremely cold, "The greater the price we pay, the more unbearable the consequences of failure!"

"The time is almost here. We have enough warships, our personnel have been rotated, and our morale has been greatly improved compared to the previous state. Now our entire army is full of confidence and desire for victory! It's time, give The Angel of Death strikes the final blow!" Casio Tag said seriously.

He glanced at the wine glass that he had placed beside him, and still couldn't help but take it and drank it down, and then said: "Five hours later, the 16th batch of spaceships will arrive. This batch is a supply fleet composed entirely of transport ships." , will bring a large amount of supplies, and let us have more confidence to launch the most powerful offensive!"

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