Chapter 1635 Surprising Victory

1635. Surprise victory

Darth Malthael returned to the hangar platform of a Knight-class Star Destroyer, and a ground crew of B-1 battle droids came over immediately to refuel his Red Comet, replenish energy, and replace capacitors.

At this time, the commander of a B-1 battle robot with a blue painting came over and said: "Sir, those low-temperature humans are seriously depleted during the battle, and we need to replenish."

"Cryogenic human?" Darth Malthael was taken aback by this strange title.

"Sir, those low-temperature human processors are too low-level. They cannot execute the buffering program when they are attacked, and they cannot get up when they hit the console when the battleship vibrates." The B-1 robot commander said.

"Notify Planetary Command to bring up more B-1 droids," Darth Malthael said.

"Roger Roger!" The B-1 droid commander made a funny-looking military salute.

Darth Masail also ignored these B-1 battle robots who had learned new terms for some unknown reason. He went straight to the bridge of the battleship and got through the communication with Commander Volgograd-Kanidi. .

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke." Volgograd-Kanidi said straight to the point: "According to the current situation, we cannot defend the Anji galaxy... We don't know how many warships the Galactic Republic has, but if we follow the Lundili interstellar According to the little girl from the power company, the number will not be less than 300."

"That is to say, less than half of their troops are here now?" Darth Malthael said in a cold tone, "There are about 110 warships here now, counting the ones we destroyed and captured, there are no more than half of them." There are almost 150 ships."

"This is just an optimistic estimate. I don't think that as a competitor, Kuat Power Shipyard will let the representatives of Rendili Star Power Company see their full background." Volgograd-Kanidi said, "And ours There are only 80 main battleships. Even if we add more than 300 small battleships, it cannot withstand the offensive of the Galactic Republic."

The number of kilometer-class battleships that the Galactic Republic can send over is comparable to the number of frigates on its side... Darth Malthael's face is gloomy.

The gap in productivity between the two sides is indeed very huge.

Before the war in the Principality of Dawn, there were about 150 to 200 main battleships. At that time, the main battleships were basically Cole-class battlecruisers and Higra-class battlecruisers, and even the number of Martha-class missile heavy cruisers was not large. After several fierce battles with the Galactic Republic, this fleet suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Terminus, basically losing its ability to actively attack.

At that time, including Darth Marthael, the Supreme Military Command of the Fourth Civilization had already begun to formulate a plan to use the planet Terminus, the transportation hub in the outer ring, as a base to confront the Galactic Republic. But by mistake, when Severance Tann led the Plague Titan battleship and was hunted down by almost the entire Galactic Republic, she accidentally found the Blade Fleet.

Then they snatched 178 of the 200 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers in the Blade Fleet, and reorganized a wave of offensive that was completely unexpected by the Galactic Republic based on this. Finally occupying the planet Eliadu, firmly occupying the most important transportation hub in the middle of the galaxy, making the fourth civilization's strategic space extremely vast.

In the next nine months (ten months a year in the world of "Star Wars"), the fourth civilization quietly completed the replacement of naval warships.

In cooperation with corporate giants such as the Interstellar Banking Association and the Trade Federation, and with the help of the Salarians, the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, the Disaster-class battlecruiser, the Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser, and the Doomsday Battlefield-class battlecruiser A series of new warships have been developed one after another.

Then these new warships have also formed effective combat power. During these 9 months, the Principality of Dawn has obtained about 120 ships, except for the small number of new warships defending in the Yago-Dur galaxy. It's all here.

It is necessary to know that the output of these warships must be deducted from those left by the corporate giants themselves, and the number delivered to the fourth group for combat in the northern battlefield-adding these together, the total output of new warships can be close to 300. .

Compared to before the war, the industrial level of the Duchy of Dawn can be said to have improved rapidly. And in the future, if the Lundili trade route can be opened up and the population and industrial capacity of the planet Lundili can be digested, the industrial development of the Duchy of Dawn will have a long period of dividends.

But even so, in the face of the industrial production capacity of the Galactic Republic, it is still a drop in the bucket.

"Your Excellency, we must consider the worst case," Volgograd-Kanidi said.

"Tell me about your plan." Darth Malthael asked directly.

"If we let the two of us recklessly compete for the strength of the fleet, we will definitely lose. Even with your strength, we can only contain a small number of warships on the other side. I believe that when the number of warships in the Republic's fleet exceeds 200, They're going to attack, an attack they can't stop," Canidy said.

"Why 200 ships?"

"With 200 capital ships, they can divide the fleet into three, and each direction can ensure that they are evenly matched with our entire defensive fleet." Canidy said, "Actually, I think they rely on this weird hyperspace The way of jumping, constantly leaving the hyperspace in different directions, the original intention is to form a direct encirclement, and then launch an attack in all directions..."

He looked at Darth Malthael, with a trace of fear in his eyes, "But because of your powerful power, they thwarted their plan. So they will only gather the fleet in one direction and then divide the troops Offensive. Although this will put less pressure on us to spread the defense, their strength is still real."

"Since you can't fight head-on, how can you win by surprise?" Darth Malthael asked.

"I don't have the commanding genius like General Severance Tann, and I can't win by surprise in such a situation where both sides almost show their cards." Volgograd-Kanidi shook his head and said with emotion, "But I do There is a plan to disperse the forces of the Galactic Republic."


"Give them more combat targets." Canidi said, "They have come from afar, and the most urgent need is to occupy a planet as a forward base. Planet Anji is the best choice... Now the inhabitants of the planet are Constantly evacuating towards the suburbs, we can deliberately expose the loopholes and let the Galactic Republic land on the planet..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and he finally murmured: "I just hope that after the victory, you will not forget the contribution of the people of the Mordel sector..."

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