162、Crisis detonated

Francis adjusted his suit, took Claire's hand and stood in front of the microphone of the anti-gravity platform, and said loudly: "Dear representatives, I am Francis Underwood, and this It's my wife, Claire Underwood, and we are the founders of the Mutual Aid Fund for the Outer Rim of the Galaxy. When we decided to start the Mutual Aid Fund, we..."

Francis's eloquence and speech ability are also very good. After his speech, he established in everyone's minds an image of a desperate but persevering, still committed to fighting for rights and status for the planets in the outer ring of the Milky Way.

His speech was short and powerful, and the representatives of the middle ring and outer ring planets of the "Ring Faction" cast kind eyes on him.

Then he changed the subject and began to talk about Claire's assassination last time. He expressed heartbrokenly that such a thing must never happen again, but he also emphasized that since the investigation results of the incident have been found and the murderer has been brought to justice, then the incident should end, and absolutely not in a place like the Galactic Council because of personal emotions. affect judgment.

Because every decision made here is related to the survival and safety of billions or even tens of billions of people.

"... Who gave us the rights in our hands? Not this voting machine, nor the Galactic Republic, nor someone, but the people! It's democracy! It's freedom! After I came to Coruscant, the most read , is the work of Mr. Schiff-Palpatine, and a sentence that is deeply rooted in my heart is to use the power in our hands carefully! Power is a beast that should be kept in a cage!"

"It is precisely because of this that we have to say no to those powers that are out of control! In the dispute over the planet Marathal, I saw such a beast! It opened its teeth and claws, completely ignoring the planet Marastal The survival of two billion people only wants to satisfy their own appetites! Is this the result that the people, democracy, and freedom should see?"

"...Therefore, I sincerely hope that the Galactic Parliament can implement democracy and freedom! Because this is the foundation of our country! And the speaker who holds the highest power, Mr. Valoren, we also believe that you can stand under the banner of democracy. Make the most correct decision! Long live the Galactic Republic!"

A passionate speech brought the atmosphere in the parliament venue to a climax again!

Francis pretended not to see the increasingly ugly face of Finnis-Valoron, just bowed deeply to him, and said lightly, "This is Dawn Star - a new, small The colony, a small voice in the Galactic Council."

"Sanctions! Sanctions! Sanctions!!" The congressmen roared loudly, their voices louder and louder.

"I remember that Dawn Star didn't get a seat in the parliament. Why are you still here? Who let you in?" came the hoarse voice of Deputy Speaker Botan.

Francis didn't say anything more, but bowed again in the direction of the speaker, after which Palpatine manipulated the anti-gravity platform back to his position, and Francis walked out from the passage behind.

When leaving, Palpatine suddenly whispered: "You really impress me, Mr. Francis. I think there are still many opportunities for us to make progress together in the future."

Francis sternly smiled, nodded slightly, and left the parliament building.

His mission has been accomplished.

If the quarrel just now put Valoren on the firewood pile, then Francis lit the flame with his own hands, and put him on the fire to roast him thoroughly!

In the council hall, Phoenix-Valoren was silent for a long time before standing up and opening his hands. Seeing that he seemed to be about to speak, the councilors stopped making noise and stared at him with countless pairs of eyes.

"The commercial dispute about the planet Marathal..." As soon as he uttered the word business, there was a burst of boos from below. But he continued to say, "The Galactic Republic expresses serious concern about this matter, and ordered both parties, no matter what kind of dispute there is, must not go into the situation of armed confrontation. This will be a serious challenge to the authority of the Galactic Republic. But in this matter, the Galactic Republic cannot be the first to use force to interfere with commercial activities, so we will send an investigation team to investigate and negotiate the dispute between the two parties. Next, we will vote on this proposal."

The members of the 'Huanpai' made a noise again, but this time their voices were much less.

Although the representatives of various enterprises participated in the meeting, they did not have voting rights. They have been quiet since just now, and just watched the development of the situation coldly.

In the other direction, many human congressmen also had sneers on the corners of their mouths. Some of them looked in Palpatine's direction without a trace, and then lightly pressed the voting device.

Planet Kuat, Planet Rendili, Planet Corellia, Planet McKeeto, etc... These are the planets in the inner ring and core circle, they have strong economic and industrial strength, and they also have a great voice.

In normal times, the conflicts of interest between these planets make it difficult for them to unite together, and many times the policies of the parliament will at least superficially lean towards the middle and outer ring planets, so their voices are often inferior to those in the parliament. Planets in the middle and outer rings.

But this time, their movements were surprisingly unified.

With the help of an invisible force, and the fact that Speaker Valoren has served for two terms, the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, and still has a very high popularity. The two forces merged into one. Although the members of the Huan faction were furious, the result of the final vote...

The Galactic Republic, has decided not to intervene directly in the dispute over the planet Marathal.

After the voting results came out, Phoenix-Valoren was visibly relieved. In his opinion, this bill must not be passed, because if it is passed, it will detonate the relationship between him and the judicial fleet, and put him in an embarrassing situation.

If the judicial fleet does not send troops, the possibility of the Galactic Republic successfully intervening in this dispute is almost zero. Once this happens, it will be a shameful failure for him as the speaker.

Thinking of this, Valoron couldn't help but look in the direction of Heev Palpatine, and nodded slightly at him.

Palpatine responded with a smile too.

The bill was not passed, and Speaker Valorum believed that Palpatine was helping him, so he no longer pursued the matter of bringing Francis into the parliament just now.

As everyone knows, this result is exactly what Palpatine wants to see.

But at this moment, an explosive news reached the parliament!

The Enterprise Alliance has brazenly sent troops! They assembled a mercenary fleet, more than 400 large and small spaceships, and completely sealed off the planet Marathal!

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