The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 163 The Farce of the Parliament (Part 2)

161. Farce of Parliament (Part 2)

"Looking at this, the matter is not over..." Palpatine looked a little anxious, and he turned to Francis worriedly.

Francis nodded, "They have no intention of reconciling at all, they just want to knock each other down. Either it will be a complete victory, or it will be a complete failure, there is no third possibility. It's can they Do you think you will win?"

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Palpatine's mouth, "That's because the Judiciary Fleet of the Galactic Republic sent troops directly to rescue Planet Neil and destroy the Bislanca pirates last year. Congressman Tim thinks this is the reason The precedent, the Judicial Fleet of the Republic will definitely interfere again."

Francis was shocked. He didn't expect that there was a foreshadowing of that incident! ! I don't know what Palpatine did behind the scenes. In short, Senator Tim's tough attitude is the result of this-a result that has completely pushed things out of control!

At the same time, he also knew that Palpatine had another secret move—to instigate the business alliance to organize a mercenary fleet to block the Marathal planet. Now his boss, Tang Xiao, was in this fleet!

The result of this is that this battle will almost certainly be fought! But Speaker Valorum and the Republic are just helpless!

Palpatine is simply terrifying to the extreme, he calculates everything to the extreme step by step, and then uses every bit of influence caused by this matter to the extreme!

But Francis still didn't show anything on the surface. He just frowned and asked: "But I remember that the judicial fleet sent troops to interfere last year, and the result was not good..."

Palpatine sighed, "At this point, we can only see the courage of Speaker Valorum."

Over there, Chairman Valoren seemed a bit torn by Mr. Tim's sudden question. He paused before saying, "Mr. Tim, about this matter..."

"Chairman Valorum! Is the Congress of the Republic going to interfere with normal business practices? Will I be sanctioned by the Congress if I sell a car in the future, because the Republic thinks the price of this car should be cheaper?" Pasay Al-Argent was very good at eloquent, just pushed Mr. Tim back here, and immediately retorted at Valoren, pushing back what he just wanted to say.

As soon as this remark came out, representatives of the trust giants such as the Trade Federation, the Interstellar Banking Association, and the Commercial Guild all clamored to support Passel Argent's speech loudly.

At this time, another anti-gravity platform flew out, but it was an acquaintance of Francis, a representative of Planet Rodia, Councilor Onaconda Farr. He raised his hands and said loudly: "The people of the Enterprise Alliance cannot be allowed to continue to be so domineering! Otherwise, we backward planets in the outer ring will only be exploited by them!"

As soon as his words came out, more voices clamored to express their support. These people and representatives of the business giants started a violent quarrel, and the scene almost got out of control.

If it wasn't for each of them riding on their own anti-gravity platform, but meeting in an ordinary conference room, it is estimated that they would have fought by now.

Francis noticed that these representatives against business giants were all non-human races, so he couldn't help but take a few extra glances. It was discovered that most of the outer ring planets that previously supported Claire's mutual aid fund, including the Semillian councilor Thunbuck-Tula, were making a fuss here.

Noticing Francis' gaze, Palpatine smiled slightly and said: "Ah, they are a loose but powerful group in the parliament—the 'Rim Faction', which mainly seek the autonomy of the outer ring planets and Get more political rights. So they supported Ms. Clare's mutual aid fund at that time, also because your ideas are highly consistent with theirs."

At this time, the quarrel over there has spread to this side. I only heard Mr. Farr say loudly: "You greedy businessmen, you will only treat us as a place to dump your goods, as your slaves to make money!! Even the founder of our mutual aid fund, Ms. Claire, was assassinated by you! !"

The representative of the Trade Union also pointedly pointed out, "For this assassination, the parties have reached an agreement to solve the problem. The whole thing has come to light, and it is just a personal impulsive behavior!! You still use this incident to attack the Trade Union, that is ulterior motives!"

In such a fierce quarrel, Finnis-Valoren and Botan once again showed their indecision, never being able to stop the chaotic quarrel, and then come up with a practical and effective plan.

Palpatine shook his head and sighed: "Chairman Valoren is in a dilemma now. After what happened last time, his reputation has fallen to the bottom, and the Judicial Fleet will no longer support him. And the Enterprise Alliance can indeed claim this matter. Everything is market behavior, and all interference by the Republic is against the principle of market freedom.”

"But if he continues to sit idly by like this, the members of the outer ring planet and even the middle ring planet will no longer believe him." Francis said.

"Would you like to help him?" Palpatine said suddenly.

Francis shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't do anything about this situation. After all, I'm not even an official member of parliament."

"No, you can. And you will get more influence because of it. I think this will be of great benefit to your development." Palpatine said lightly.

Is it a test, a show of favor, or another trap? Francis was a little elusive. But he still relied on his politician's intuition to make a decision immediately, to help Valoren? Hehe, why help a loser?

As a politician, what he needs to consider is getting enough benefits from a doomed loser and making him worse.

"Okay, then let me try it." Francis said lightly.

Palpatine controlled the platform and flew towards the middle of the parliamentary field. He opened his hands and said loudly: "Okay! Everyone! Stop!!"

His words seemed to have magic power, and the arguing congressmen around him immediately stopped and looked up at Palpatine.

In the more than ten years since he entered the parliament, Palpatine has already established himself as a highly respected image, and his prestige in the parliament is sometimes even higher than that of Speaker Valorum.

Palpatine saw that the surroundings were much quieter, so he said loudly: "Since you mentioned the Outer Rim Planet Mutual Aid Fund, the founder of this fund is here now, let us listen to their voices!"

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