The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1547: Father and Daughter Blissex (Part 2)

1547. Father and Daughter of Blissex (Part 2)

"What I'm after is what should belong to you!" Lila Blissex said coldly, "You gave up everything! You gave up our chance to become the top wealthy family in this galaxy!! "

Willix Blissex forced a smile and said: "Actually, seeing you live well is already enough. For the rest, I hope that my power can help more people , not for killing..."

Lila Blissex was about to go crazy. She covered her forehead with her hands and walked back and forth, "Why don't you understand! If you can rely on the battleship you designed to end the war in a short time, then The people you saved are far more than moving out one by one in your dilapidated passenger ship!!"

"I used to think so," Willix-Blissex said, "but the reality told me that it was impossible. I kept designing warships, and the result could only be to create a never-ending arms race." That's all."

"You can do more! You obviously have the support of the most powerful industrial company in the galaxy!! You could have moved the entire galaxy!!" Lila Blissex said loudly.

"It is precisely because of Kuat's industrial power and financial support that the warships I designed will produce countless killings. This is not what I want... What I have always wanted is to go back to my hometown with you, and then peacefully Grow up," Willicks said.

"It's war now! Willix! Don't you know? Even if you go back to your hometown, you will only be burned in the flames of war!" Lila was still making her last effort.

"You are wrong, Lila, there are still many places in this galaxy that have not been affected by the war. So far, this is not an all-out war... and the reason why you think there are wars everywhere is because you took the initiative to go there That's all."

"Hehe." Lila Blissex sneered and shut down the communication directly.

Her gaze gradually became vicious, and she gritted her teeth and cursed secretly, "Immortal thing!"

Throwing away the communicator, Lila Blissex turned and walked out of the room. If there was no other reason, she didn't want to stay in this place where she had countless memories with her father for a second.

She returned to her bedroom, rearranged her emotions, and then adjusted her makeup. A beautiful figure was reflected in the mirror. She had a pair of seductive eyes and cherry red lips, and her figure was quite proud. She was undoubtedly an outstanding beauty. It's just that her biggest shortcoming is that she is too short in height, only 1.5 meters [Note 1].

This shortcoming, coupled with her usually very strong personality, made her not particularly popular among those men, and the halo of the chief battleship designer of Kuat Power Dock also discouraged many people.

But for someone like Lila, she always knows what she should do.

Just like now...

She connected to another communication, then quickly switched emotions. The communication was connected, and a rather handsome man in his 30s appeared. He was obviously very pleasantly surprised by the communication, "Lila! Oh, I really didn't expect you to contact me at this time!"

"I'm sorry Dunn, I think I may have disturbed you..." Lila Blissex hesitated, "I just... ah, it's nothing. I'm sorry."

As she spoke, she made a gesture to turn off the communicator.

"Wait a minute! Don't do that!" the man named Dunn said quickly, "I'm fine, I have a lot of free time now! I mean, I'm glad you can contact me!"

That's what he said, but Lila Blissex clearly saw that he hurriedly stood up from a conference table, and then walked out quickly. And from the point of view, Dunn obviously stood up from the top position of the conference table - because as soon as he stood up, he immediately saw the flag of the Galactic Republic directly in front of him.

Seeing his appearance, the corners of Lila's mouth curled up slightly.

Yes, she is really short, and most people don't like her. But in this world, there is always such a type of people, that is commonly known as...


She has a beautiful appearance, a curvy figure, but a petite type, in fact, in a sense, it just hits the xp of a certain group of people.

And this man, Denn Wessex, was one of the highest-ranking of them all.

At only 34 years old, he has now become the governor of the Ninth Army of the Galactic Republic, which shows the profound background behind this man!

And he, under Lila Blissex's series of playing hard to get, has become deeply fascinated by her.

Lila shook her head, pretending to be calm but sad, and said, "No, this is my own business, and you shouldn't care about it...I'm sorry. Excuse me."

"No!" Dunn Wessex said loudly, "Where are you now? I'll come to you right away! Is that Planet Kuat?"

He turned his head and said to the outside of the screen, "Immediately arrange a shuttle for me to go to Kuat!...The battle plan? Just submit the report after you discuss it!"

Two hours later, Lila Blissex and Dunn Wessex sat opposite each other in a beautiful manor on Planet Kuat, with delicious fruits in front of them.

"I really didn't expect that you would come to Kuat directly from the planet Paarin Minor for me..." Lila burst into sobs as she spoke.

Dunn Wessex hurried over to hold Lila's shoulders, and said with concern: "What happened? Who made you so sad? No, no matter who! I promise he won't see the sun tomorrow!! "

"'s my father..." Lila Blissex bit her lip, fighting back tears.

"Uh..." Dunn Wessex suddenly felt that his hospitality was directly dedicated to the horse's legs.

"He, he doesn't want me anymore..." Lila Blissex was very sad, "He left me and defected to separatism...Just now, I managed to contact him, hoping to make him change his mind... But...but he refused...he doesn't even recognize our father-daughter relationship!"


[Note 1: In fact, there are many versions about Lila's appearance. In some manga works, she is depicted as an image with dreadlocks and thick lips, which seems to have nothing to do with the word beautiful. But in fact, in her setting, there are two things that can be determined. The first is that she is very beautiful, and the second is that she is very short, only 1.50 meters. 】

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