Chapter 1546: Father and Daughter of Blissex (Part 2)

1546. Blissex and his daughter (middle)

"Little Quarter? Now he's in charge?" Willix-Blissex raised an eyebrow.

"I guess it shouldn't be far away. Onana Quarter is going crazy now. She is afraid that Gideon Danu will take away her status all day long, and at the same time hates Danu for restricting her actions everywhere." Li La Blissex said with a sneer.

Willix smiled slightly, "It's not surprising. What Onana Quarter wants is the most corrupt and disgusting thing in this galaxy. She just wants to satisfy her own selfish desires. When a person's heart When she is full of darkness, she sees everyone as darkness... In fact, in my opinion, Gideon Danu is an open-minded gentleman, and it is precisely because of this that I will agree to his request, for the sake of boasting The special forces shipyard designed the V-wing fighter."

"So you know, the order amount of V-wing fighters has even surpassed the Jaeger class. This year alone, the military has ordered 200,000 V-wing fighters. One of the things that Onana Quarter is most afraid of is also Exactly," Lila Blissex said.

They seemed to be a pair of close father and daughter, chatting happily.

Willix-Blissex was enjoying it, he chatted endlessly about the family, but this kind of small talk was not what Lila-Blissex wanted, she said: "So, come back, Father. The Quarter Power Yard will be different with Quart Jr. in power. We can design more powerful warships to fight the Separatists."

"Isn't it okay for both the knight class and the consul class?" Willix Blissex's mouth was slightly raised.

"You know the answer, Willix. The battleship design of Planet Dawn is at least an era ahead of ours," Lila said. At this time, among the titles she blurted out, the warm words of father quietly disappeared, and she asked: "Tell me, if it were you, how would you fight against the separatist fleet?"

Willix-Blissex sighed again and said, "It's hard, but it's not impossible."

"How?" Lila asked.

"Remember what I told you, Lila." Willix Blissex followed the teachings: "The concept of battle between space battleships has a lot in common with the concept of the cold weapon era. And no matter how you design, you will never be able to jump out of one foundation—spear and shield.”

Willix-Blissex gestured, "Turbo laser cannon, that is a spear that extends tens of millions of kilometers. But like ancient spears, the longer the length, the greater the burden. Knight-level The array of 60 XX-9 heavy-duty turbolaser cannons on the Star Destroyer is a phalanx of spears, shaped like a saber, in three directions, very good. Regarding this point, you have restored my thinking well."

"Then there is the shield." Willix continued, "but the shield is not just a defense system composed of deflector shields and armor. The shield should be dynamic... because on the battlefield, there are special large shield players , there are also assaulters with round shields and short knives. At the same time, the close-in defense system is also a shield, and the carrier-based fighter is also a shield. You have to plan how to use your shield from the perspective of a dynamic battlefield, because even in some cases, the shield It can also hit people."

Willix put his hands flat, as if holding two invisible objects, as if he was a teacher teaching his students, he continued: "Look, it's just a combination of two things, a spear and a shield. Many changes can be derived. You think too little about this. You are only designing a battleship, but you have not designed an entire fleet system. Are 10,000 Knight-class Star Destroyers powerful? Powerful. But that is not the same as 10 Is there any difference compared to the Knights? No, except that there are more of them."

"But if you look at the difference between 10,000 people and 10 people with the understanding of spears and shields, don't you think that there are countless ways to make those 10,000 people far stronger than 1,000 10 people?" Willick Si said, "So, think about it, how much is the fleet under your design different from the fleet of the Principality of Dawn? Spear and shield, spear and shield, think clearly."

Lila Blissex nodded, but her tone became a little cold, "Then when will you come back? Or, I can send someone to pick you up." Obviously, she only taught her father with one ear and one ear with the other. out.

"You should know why I left Quarter." Willix Blissex's tone was also a little cold, "I'm tired of this kind of arms race. If I return to Quarter, the result will only be It's going farther and farther in the arms race with the Duchy of Dawn, which will never end."

"This is war!" Lila Blissex said through gritted teeth.

"Don't tell me you didn't see it, Lila. This war has already begun to get closer and closer to the upper level of the pyramid. The outcome of the war has long been divorced from the fundamental interests of the people. In other words, this war , has already turned into a power battle." Willicks said, "I have no interest in joining such a war."

"But you're still in it! It's fine to go to Rendili, and now you're still devoted to separatism!" Lila Blissex raised her voice, her pretty face gradually flushed, and she was already getting angry.

"'s okay. At least whether it's Gary Ulan, Bangira Ulan, or Tang Xiao, they didn't force me to design a battleship. So I just completed the Victory I Class and Victory II, and proposed the framework of the Victory III Star Destroyer, and then designed civilian ships." Willicks said.

"This is a trample on your ability!!" Lila Blissex finally became furious. She stomped her feet and shouted, "You can enjoy all the glory and wealth with me! You can easily earn 10 Money that I can’t even imagine in my life! Why do you want to do this!?”

"That's why I chose to leave Quarter and you, isn't it?" Willix Blissex said lightly.

"You should come back and help me! I am your daughter! As warship designers, shouldn't we be pursuing a more powerful warship? Now that the Separatist fleet is there, shouldn't this be the best Challenge? Why run away!?" Lila exclaimed, "You should come back! We can get more!"

Willix-Blissex showed disappointment on his face, and he sighed: "Don't chase after things beyond your ability, it doesn't belong to you, and it will hurt you... This is my last wish as a father. advice."

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