Chapter 1422 Super Soldier Project (Part 1)

1422. Super Soldier Project (Part 1, Part 1)

A very old-looking Spitfire-class spacecraft broke away from the hyperspace channel and entered the Endor galaxy.

[Spitfire-class, this is Dawn Planet Defense Fleet, we have detected your signal. Your code number is H-4-3-99, please enter the navigation computer and accept our control, thank you for your cooperation. ] There was a voice immediately in the public frequency communication.

Soon, three formations of ghost fighters flew towards us in the distance.

In the cockpit of the Spitfire-class spacecraft, Jango Fett, who was still wearing the Mandalorian crusader armor covering his entire body, didn't say much. He directly entered the code assigned to him by the other party in the navigation computer.

[Receive the code, thank you for your cooperation...] The pilot of the ghost fighter said, [Since your spaceship has not been recorded in our database, please lower your shield to accept the scan and explain your purpose. If there is a special authorization, please provide it. As an apology for the delay of your time, after you land, you can receive a small gift with a code at the nearest space port counter. 】

Over there, one of the Wraiths, with a scanner pod on it, broke away from the formation and approached.

Jango Fett also cooperated very much, lowered the shield, and said at the same time: "I am Jango Fett. I was invited by your Governor Tang Xiao to go to the mothership Glory. He didn't give me any authorization. In addition, I The ship has the IFF code of the Confederacy of Independent Systems."

[Scanning is complete, sir, your spaceship has a lot of illegal modifications, I'm sorry that you need to be monitored all the way. 】 Said the ghost fighter pilot.

Beneath the helmet, Jango Fett frowned, his patience running out.

However, at this moment, another communication was connected suddenly, and a woman's voice came, "Are you Jango Fett?"

It sounds like the woman's voice seems a little old.

"Yes, it's me. Who are you?" Jango Fett asked rhetorically.

"I understand. I think Your Excellency the Governor is busy, so I didn't give you special authorization. I'm sorry, I heard that the frontline battle situation is very complicated, so the alert level of the Endor galaxy is very high, but recently I have been asking people to keep an eye on it. Your 'Slave One' appears." The woman said, "Okay, I have authorized you, come here."

【Sir, we have received a special authorization from the Glory mothership...the authorization is from... Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group? Well, well, you can pass, thank you for your cooperation. 】The three ghost fighters didn't say much, they turned their noses and flew away.

"Who are you? Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group? Their reputation in the galaxy is not very good." Jango Fett said in a deep voice.

"They are indeed providing a lot of help for my project, and I am indeed borrowing their laboratory at the current project stage. As for the reputation, I don't care about it." The woman said.

"Governor Tang Xiao asked me to come, so what can you give me?" Jango Fett asked again.

"If you are here to seek power, then I can indeed give you a lot." The woman said, "It's just that power has a price."

Jango Fett said no more.

Under his driving, Slave 1 followed the navigation and flew directly to the vicinity of the gas giant Endor, then entered the exosphere of the outer atmosphere of the giant planet, and came to the side of the Glory mothership in the endless clouds.

From the spaceship he was on, the super mothership was shaped like a crescent moon, and the super mothership with a height of 41.37 kilometers stood in front of him like a mountain. Even no matter which direction he looked at, all he could see was an endless field. Metal Wall.

He could only see the distance of the metal wall submerging into the cloud and mist, and he couldn't see where the end was at all.

As soon as he got close to the mothership, the modified advanced sensor of Slave 1 kept sending out alarms, and the computer showed that his spaceship had been locked by at least 100 fire control radars!

Slave 1 continued to fly, and entered the interior of the mothership from the direction of the huge entrance and exit that was enough for 50 Jaeger-class battlecruisers to advance side by side.

He only saw a large number of spaceships of various types all around him, and more than one shipyard inside was building some new types of spaceships that he had never seen before.

Just when Jango Fett's attention was attracted by those new spaceships, a huge shadow suddenly covered all the bright lights above his head, and it was continuous, and it took a long time to pass.

I only saw a fin whale-class industrial flagship with a height of more than 2,400 meters flying in from the entrance. Behind the industrial flagship, there were at least 10 sets of huge cargo holds.

Everything here is showing the incomparable industrial strength of Dawn Star!

It was only then that Jango Fett understood what it was that Dawn Star, which was holding its own theater as stable as Mount Tai, was on equal footing with at least four legions of the Galactic Republic, even after the war broke out for more than two years.

Slave 1 transferred from a relatively narrow passageway with few spaceships to another area of ​​the mothership, and landed on a small spaceport.

There are already more than a dozen scientific researchers in white coats waiting outside, and there is not even a single guard here. This is because those who can be authorized to enter this place are all credible people, and even if the problem is really eliminated, those hidden arrangements are enough to solve all problems in an instant.

After Jango Fett stepped off the spacecraft, a woman who appeared to be about 50 years old greeted him. She has short, dry hair, and her hair is gray. Although the years have wrinkled her face, she can still see the charm of her youth.

The woman extended her hand to Jango Fett very generously, and said: "You are very welcome, Mr. Jango Fett. I am Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, and I am currently working at Halo Weapons. group."

Jango Fett was stunned for a moment before realizing that this is the special greeting etiquette of Dawn Star, so he reached out his hand and shook her with some unfamiliarity.

Dr. Halsey didn't have any more greetings and politeness, and immediately led Jango Fett to the depths, saying, "Those red tapes are unnecessary. Let me first briefly introduce the current situation that I am in charge of. The project is jointly carried out by the Halo Weapons Group, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals Group, and Giant God Security, and of course, the Dawn Star military has also given us great support. This is... Project Spartan."

"Spartan project? Is this why Governor Tang Xiao asked me to come here?" Jango Fett frowned.

"Project Spartan, I'll explain it in the simplest terms, is the Super Soldier Project," Dr. Halsey said.

"So it's a plan similar to the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic?" Jango Fett asked.

When Halsey heard the clone troopers, she smiled contemptuously and said, "No, I mean super soldiers in the literal sense. There is no doubt that the clone army is a very good plan. The perfect cloning of genes, assisted by acquired knowledge instillation and intensive training, made them a force to be feared... However, for us, this is not the ultimate goal."

The group of them has already entered the interior of the laboratory, and through the windows on both sides, they can see that there are many laboratories inside that are conducting various experiments.

Jango Fett saw that in a laboratory, some technicians were injecting mysterious drugs into several mice. In another laboratory, a muscular soldier is sitting on a chair with one arm raised horizontally, and technicians are connecting electrodes and data lines to the arm.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, a mecha warrior with a height of more than two meters and an exaggerated spherical shoulder armor walked by. However, it seems that this mecha warrior's control is still not proficient enough, and he staggered and fell to the ground after taking a few steps. Suddenly the alarm sounded, and a group of technicians got out of nowhere, and hurriedly debugged and repaired the mecha.

Dr. Halsey took Jango Fett into one of the laboratories and said to him: "Well, if you don't mind, can you take off this armor of yours, and then let me make you a comprehensive Physical examination?"

Jango Fett sat down on the chair next to him and said, "I won't take off this armor unless there is a special reason. But now, you haven't convinced me."

"Alright then." Dr. Halsey pulled over a swivel chair, sat opposite Jango Fett, raised his legs casually, and said, "You should know that although the industrial capabilities of the Dawn planet have already spread across the entire Milky Way Among them, we rank among the top, but our size is far from being comparable to that of the Galactic Republic. In other words, we cannot maintain a clone army of millions of people... Although the robot army can compete with the clone army, but After more than two years of war, they are only suitable for relatively simple and clear campaigns, so simple that you only need to point out a direction and then launch an attack."

"So, there is one point that we agree with the war philosophy of the Galactic Republic - that is, human intelligence plus a machine body is the most suitable force for war. And intelligent robots? This is likely to lead to a disaster. It's like what's happening in the northern part of the galaxy right now." Dr. Halsey went on to say, "Since we can't afford an army that can rival the clone troopers, then we can only change the angle—let these soldiers Even stronger, so strong that one person can fight against hundreds or even thousands of people! And this is the Spartan plan."

Jango Fett snorted coldly, "I understand, the purpose of you and Tang Xiao is to make me your test subject? This is really a boring decision!" He stood up straight away.

"You want power." Dr. Halsey was still sitting on the stool with her legs crossed, she leaned forward, and said very solemnly, "and the planet Mandalorian, in the foreseeable future, it is impossible to There are any battleships other than the Galactic Republic. So if you want to save the planet, then what you need is this kind of power-you can drive your slave one back to the planet, and then those including the Death Guard None of these people are your opponents! This is the strength I can give you."

She pointed outside again, "Originally, I planned to let you use the CMC-300 power armor, but from the current point of view, the armor of your Mandalorian crusader is obviously more suitable for you at present. Therefore, I will also give you Give you a pair of wings. With such power, on the planet Mandalorian, as long as you don’t fight against a large-scale regular army, even the Jedi Knights are no match for you.”

"All of this just depends on the premise that your experiment can be successful." Jango Fett said.

"The basic experiment has been successful, and I have complete data in my hand. But it will take a long time to complete the manufacture and cultivation of super soldiers. In addition..." Dr. Halsey changed the subject abruptly, "You know why the Milky Way Will the clone troopers of the Republic choose you as Primarch?"

Jango Fett replied directly, "Because I am the most powerful warrior in the galaxy. I also heard that they originally wanted to clone the Injoris, but obviously the Injoris were not suitable for use as an army. "

Dr. Halsey smiled, and said: "If it's just like this, then let me tell you another answer from the perspective of a scientific researcher like me."

She changed her posture, raised her hand and projected a human anatomical map on the universal tool, "Let's put ourselves in our shoes, if I were the person in charge of the clone trooper project, with the support of the Galactic Republic behind me, I would There is plenty of money, endless manpower, and inexhaustible supplies. So how would I choose my Primarch?"

She glanced at Jango Fett, and then said: "I will choose a person with almost perfect physical fitness among the extremely large human population. He has any requirements. Then I will modify his body at the genetic level to make his body stronger and more perfect, and after that, the genes can be extracted."

"Thus, I have a Primarch with perfect physical fitness. Then, I will assist in knowledge instillation and targeted training from the beginning of the baby, and cultivate him into a cold-blooded and ruthless killing machine since he was a child, and perfect these." After the framework', the rest is technical and tactical training... In this way, I can also get a clone army no less than the current one."

Dr. Halsey said, stood up and walked in front of Jango Fett, and asked slowly: "Then why did you choose you? The Mandalorian."

"I said, I am the strongest warrior in the galaxy." Jango Fett said again.

"I also said that the most powerful body can be made, combat skills can be practiced, and combat experience can also be cultivated in countless simulation trainings. These steps, as far as I know, also appeared in the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic In other words, even with you as the Primarch, these processes have not been streamlined. So my question is still the same, why you?" Halsey asked again.

"Because, the Mandalorian?" Jango Fett asked tentatively.

"That's right, the Mandalorian!" Dr. Halsey nodded, "The Mandalorian is not a pure-bred human being. I have studied the history of the Mandalorian, starting from the origin of the Mandalorian, through At least three racial fusions. In this way, even the humans among the Mandalorians have at least five recessive genes in their genes!"

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