Chapter 1421 On Delong's Finale (Part 2)

1421. Andron's Finale (Part 2)

Governor Wilhuff Tarkin stood on the flagship bridge, watching a tragic scene through the projection on the screen.

The Consul-class Star Destroyer "Tarkin's Will" is falling towards the planet Onderon. On the side of the Star Destroyer, there is an extra gap, and a lot of flames are gushing out.

Before the Star Destroyer began landing on the Dirksen moon, its engine was partially destroyed due to the trap of the Separatists, and it completely lost power.

Afterwards, he arranged for several transport ships to drag Tarkin's Will with tractor beams, and sent an engineering team to repair it, trying to bring the battleship back as much as possible.

But the news from the engineering team was disappointing—Tarkin's will engine was too damaged, and it was impossible to repair it. The only way is to wait for the end of the battle, and let the Kuat Power Shipyard send a large engineering ship to completely replace an engine for the Star Destroyer, and finally drive to the planet Kuat for a thorough overhaul.

Therefore, during the tragic landing battle on the Dirksen satellite, Tarkin's Will floated lifelessly in space like this, acting as a silent bystander from beginning to end.

However, just as the war on the Dirksen satellite finally came to an end, an accident happened suddenly, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred inside Tarkin's Will. According to the engineering team's report, the explosion was likely caused by fuel leaking from the Star Destroyer's still-uncooled hypermatter reactor, detonating the ammunition depot.

As a result, the explosion caused a large amount of high-temperature gas and flames to be ejected from the interior of the Star Destroyer, pushing the Star Destroyer to float in the direction of the planet Onderon, eventually causing the spacecraft to be captured by the gravity of the planet and inevitably began to fall.

The engineering team that was still inside the Star Destroyer evacuated urgently, but many people were still trapped inside the Star Destroyer, as the short-lived warship crashed into the primitive jungle of Planet Onderon.

Wilhuff Tarkin watched this scene expressionlessly, and his heart did not fluctuate at all. He knew that the battle on Planet Onderon had been successfully and successfully completed, and his current work should be put in a longer-term direction.

The Fourth Army of the Republic under his command has successively experienced the Battle of the Semiles Planet and the Battle of the Onderon Planet, and has basically lost its strategic offensive capabilities. Get ready for your arrival.

As for the Battle of Onderon Planet, yes, this is a 'victory and complete' battle. He liberated the planet Onderon in a single day, which was hyped up. Most importantly, he captured Dr. Zhang Jiarui, a senior engineer of Tailun Heavy Industries. Now Rossana Heavy Engineering Company, a subsidiary of Kuat Power Dockyard, has dispatched technicians and is ready to contact Zhang Jiarui at any time.

As for the fierce battle on the Dirksen satellite that followed, both he and Schiff Palpatine had prepared for it, and attributed it all to the separatist rebellion that broke out later.

In other words, this 'rebellion' was not part of the Onderon planetary battle, but another security suppression war conducted by Governor Tarkin. The loss was heavy because the separatist ideology on the planet Onderon was deeply rooted. They did not accept the rule of the Galactic Republic, and opposition broke out.

There is no doubt that the next thing Onderon will face is the severe sanctions of the Galactic Republic.

This is Willhuff Tarkin's revenge against Ramses Dundup, king of Onderon Planet! His idea is very simple, since you, Dundup, want to make me uncomfortable within the rules, then I am also within the rules, killing you!

Anakin Skywalker was also on the bridge at the moment, opposite Tarkin.

After going through this fierce battle, he finally found that he began to feel less disgusted with this cruel and decisive governor. Because during this battle, he understood one thing, that is, the creed of the Jedi Order does not apply everywhere.

At least on this battlefield, the seemingly cruel decisions made by Governor Tarkin were correct.

He won't blame the loss in this battle for being too great, because he can only know after going through the hellish battlefield that if another general comes over, the loss may be even greater.

How much was the loss of the Republic in this battle?

Not to mention Tarkin's Will, there are several Jaeger-class and Cheer-class ships, more than 300 large and small transport ships, and more than 9,000 fighter jets. Army soldiers suffered more than 4.5 million casualties, and most of the remaining soldiers were labeled as unsuitable for the battlefield after psychological evaluation.

The loss of the Federation of Independent Galaxy here is also very heavy, after all, what they lost is a large battleship manufacturing base that has been in operation for many years.

The Galactic Republic triumphed, but what did they get? An industrial base that has been completely destroyed, and a planet full of hatred for them.

What about Planet Onderon? Their cities were destroyed, their people were massacred, and after losing the Deksen satellite, they also lost their main source of income.

In this war, they are the most tragic ones.

Because from the beginning to the end, they have never had the power to choose.


Boom~~~~~~! ! ! !

The incomparably huge body of the Archon-class Star Destroyer fell from the sky, then plunged into the ground, and then erupted with an incomparably violent explosion!

The flames of the explosion are clearly visible even tens of kilometers away.

Judgment stood firmly on a giant tree with a height of 100 meters, her body did not shake at all, she just looked at the direction of the explosion, silent.

"The mass transmitter on the Dirkson satellite has not been activated." The holographic projection showed the old figure of King Ramses Dundup, "So, the person you want to save has not escaped from there."

"I see." Judgment said lightly.

"Okay, that's all I have to do. You should leave as soon as possible. The current Onderon planet is of no value to you." King Dundup said coldly.

Judgment looked at the thousand-meter-high mushroom cloud rising in the distance, and said, "The Galactic Republic will not let you go."

"So what? Next, it is the struggle of the people of our planet Onderon! It has nothing to do with your separatism. If you still feel sorry for those of us who are in the middle of the water, then you'd better leave here as soon as possible , don't meddle in anything about our planet," Dundup said.

"..." Judgment looked back at Dundup's holographic projection and said, "I will."

She paused again, and added: "Stella Gerrera, I will give her some help. This is not from separatist help, but from myself."

Dundup didn't say anything, but hung up the communication.

Judgment also jumped down from the tree, lifted the hood of the cloak to cover his face, and walked in the other direction.

Passing through the jungle, I only saw a CSS-1 Republic-class shuttle parked in a piece of grass here! Judgment walked over directly without any evasion.

All the soldiers of the Republic on the shuttle were staring blankly, as if the pause button had been pressed.

After Judgment boarded the shuttle and changed himself into the military uniform of the Republic Army medical soldiers, these people suddenly woke up, drove the shuttle into the formation of countless spaceships leaving the planet, and left this devastated planet .

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