The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1409 Dream VS Judgment (Part 1)

1409: Fantasy VS Judgment (Part 1)

Swish! The yellow lightsaber flashed past, and a Lark ghoul was cut in two with a single sword!

Judgment stood in the snow and ice of the planet Jabul, and his figure shuttled rapidly. At the same time, his lightsaber was waving like a gust of wind, and all the Rak ghouls in his path were directly torn to pieces by the gust of wind!

Even though there are still countless Lark ghouls coming out of the ground, they can't pose the slightest threat to Judgment! Her expression also changed from the initial surprise to calm again, and her movements were extremely easy and calm.

"Hmph! Not enough! Not enough!!" Luna-Huan was still holding her sister's hand with one hand, but raised the other hand high, and the powerful force began to condense.

The number of those Lark ghouls is increasing, more and more... Finally, they are even stacked together, and then compressed into a huge monster with a height of tens of meters!

This monster was directly kneaded by countless Lark ghouls. The countless hands and feet on its body were still shaking, and the countless twisted bodies formed the monster's torso. It opened its bloody mouth, and there were countless hands in its mouth. Waving it, he took a bite towards Judgment.

However, Judgment just snorted coldly, advancing instead of retreating.

The monster took a bite and swallowed Judgment, but the next second, Judgment appeared on the other side of the monster, and she slapped the monster directly! At the same time, the Moore amulet on her neck emitted a faint golden light...

Boom! ! ! This huge monster tens of meters high disintegrated instantly! Countless fragments disappeared without a trace as soon as they fell.

Immediately afterwards, Judgment's figure flashed towards the direction of Dream Sisters, and the yellow lightsaber in his hand pierced Luna-Huan's chest like a dragon! She already knew that this illusion was created by the girl in red!

The terrifying power to turn dreams into reality!

Luna-Huan screamed, raised her hand and threw a few small lightsabers the length of daggers, stabbing straight from several different angles under the control of the original force! But this was nothing to the trial. She swung the lightsaber quickly and knocked these little lightsabers to the ground within a few seconds.

Judgment didn't pursue it either, but just stood here looking at the dream sisters in front of them, and felt a little awe-inspiring.

Because at this time she suddenly realized that when she was thinking at that moment just now, she didn't think about Luna Meng at all! Obviously this girl who can peep into other people's dreams is the scariest one among the two sisters.

There is absolutely no way she could forget this! It is absolutely impossible to make a wrong judgment!

But just now, she subconsciously ignored her—that girl in blue, Luna Meng!

Was he still affected by the dream... Judgment snorted coldly, and with a flick of the lightsaber, he cut off several small lightsabers that were ready to move on the ground, and said coldly: "Can you only see Jabul? Don't you know that I destroyed millions of Mandalorian crusaders on the planet Jabul? Do you want to use the things I destroyed to deal with me? Is it possible?"

She walked forward slowly, "It seems that you don't know... I understand that you can indeed peek into other people's dreams, but dreams are not reality. Dreams are fragmented and distorted. You can't pass through Dreams have the same effect as mind reading, so what you can do is to amplify the fear in each other's hearts."

As the judge said, he suddenly raised his hand and struck out again out of thin air, with a click! The icy and snowy illusion around it shattered like glass, but looking around, it was impressively in the throne room of the Temple of Unification. And the two girls, one red and one blue, were not in front of him, but stood far away on the other side.

"Why do you stand so far away? Are you afraid of me?" The judge asked back, "This ability of yours is very dangerous for Jedi knights who are not determined, and it is even possible to force the opponent to fall into the dark side directly. So, your master should have told you not to abuse this ability, right?"

Seeing that Dream Sister didn't speak, she suddenly said, "Your master is gone? That's why you are acting recklessly like this?"

Luna Meng bowed politely and said, "I am Luna Meng, and this is my sister Luna Huan. Master Depa Birabha used to be our master."

"The priestess? I don't know her well. It seems that after I go back, I should get in touch with her more." Judgment said.

"Didn't she tell you about us? Sister Mask. It seems that you are not very good in her heart." Luna-Huan waved her hand, "Then, let's play a game!"

"I don't have time to play games with you, where are Stella-Gerella?" the judge asked.

"Hehehehe! This is the content of the game... Sister Mask." Luna Huan laughed loudly, "That group of rebels has already fallen into our illusion, fighting against endless enemies! I don't know Will their physical strength break down first, or will their spirits break down first?"

"Let them go! If you are Jedi Knights, then you should know that Stella Gerrera is very important to the people of Planet Onderon!" The judge began to feel a little anger in his heart.

"But they will bring trouble to the Galactic Republic?" Luna-Meng said lightly, "So, we won't let them go so easily."

"So let's play a game with us!" Luna Fan said excitedly, "They are in our illusion! So if you accidentally cut them off, you can't blame me!"

"If you can get them out of the illusion, then we won't shoot them again." Luna-Meng added.

Judgment closed his eyes, took a deep breath, shook his head and sighed softly: "Must be like this? Didn't the illusion just now make you realize something? You act recklessly with your own abilities, even ignoring the master's instructions, in the In my opinion, you are far from being able to compare with that young Jedi just now."

"This is a bit hurtful! Sister Mask." Luna Huan was a little unhappy.

As soon as she finished speaking, the surrounding environment changed again. This time, it was in the dark and deep underground, and there were countless buildings and walls around it. This place is indeed an underground city!

The Dungeon of Planet Talis!

"Aw..." A large number of Lark ghouls drilled out of the surrounding ground again. Moreover, these Lark ghouls look more ferocious and terrifying, and their size is even bigger!

"Sister Mask, you have to be careful. That team of rebels is inside!" Luna Huan's voice came from around.

"Here, the dungeon of Planet Taris is your deepest fear... Let me see, what are you afraid of..." Luna-Meng's voice echoed around.

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